
Pres. Trump Neglects to Say that Congress Also is 'Dumb as a Rock'

President Trump commented Saturday that the Morning Joe people are 'dumb as rocks' and are puppets of their rich owners. He did not provide such constructive criticism for the Congress however that has been dumb as rocks overall, for the past 30 years (well, since Tip O'Neill retired).


It is congress that can't get anything practical done on about anything. They let the moon program die, they paved the nation with heat absorbing asphalt, they flooded the nation with SUVs, they flood the nation with illegal aliens, they cut taxes on the rich so far as to let the concentration of wealth grow faster than the national economy so wealth is concentrating, theybpiled up 20 trillion dollars of public debt, they let North Korea develop a hydrogen bomb and ICBMs, they won't expand the V.A. hospital system and poor persons clinics in order to provide direct free health care for the poor quite apart from the insurance industry, they can't stimulate competition in the medical industry in order that ideas of free enterprise competition might drive prices down, they let global warming increase, they let a mass die off of species accelerate, they can't get wages to rise for all Americans that are not prosperous, they haven't reformed the patent system limiting patents to 7 years with 10% royalties for inventors thereafter in order to stimulate technological progress, etc. 
The Congress is dumb as rocks too.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...