
Schumer and the Democrat’s Obamanomics Repackaged

Sen. Chuck Schumer published an article in the N.Y. Times describing how they can repackage the same old Obama economics and act as if it is new and something other than of benefit to the rich. Nothing about raising taxes on the rich, nothing about paying off the public debt, something about spending a trillion dollars on obsolete infrastructure paradigms instead of encouraging the private sector to develop new ways of transport, sewer and infrastructures that don’t need water or roads.

He talks about raising the minimum wage to $15 dollars and doesn’t say why employers would pay that instead of outsourcing jobs. He doesn’t say anything about sealing the Mexican border to keep illegal workers out whom would flood in to work for democrats of the middle class that want to pay $3 dollars an hour under the table instead of $15 with no benefits.

Democrats pile up public debt, make the nation as queer and dopey as they possibly can, flood the country with illegal aliens and cut taxes on the rich. With all that public debt the poor will have their benefits that presently exist cut the most under the way of Democrats. Its all bunk; King Canute style with money no object and the Federal Reserve just issuing e-dollars to Big Banks and buying up T-bills. Obamacare actually left the interstate poor out of coverage; those traveling to find work with lots of opportunity for injury. They can't stay still enough to get bureaucratically papered.

Sen. Schumer didn't address the big issue reaching global media from his own electorate; a squirrel has been terrorizing New York and even Homeland Security hasn't stopped it or its terrorist cell. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40703611 Probably he thinks he can do better with a special task force formed up.

Of course Sen. Schumer wrote about campaign spending. Getting elected so Democrat politicians can get richer is what the political system is really all about. Democrats want federal sinecures so they can resume doing nothing just like the Republican Congress presently is. Democrat Party leadership seems to want to ape the golden Obama years with unlimited Federal Reserve free money to the rich and Dept. of the Treasury. Most of that goes to the upper class and middle class. Democrat leadership monkey-do aping the Federal Reserve largess of the Obama years have no need for oars in the water. Their ideas sort of float above reality in a political social-reality of its own.


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

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