
Republicans Can’t Repeal or Replace Obamacare (Lethargy of the Prosperous)

Republicans can’t repeal or replace Obamacare; they just aren't terribly motivated to act or think on it.

Though President Trump urges Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare before the August delinquency most people know they aren’t really serious about it. Repealing it is plainly possible even with Senators like Lisa Murkowski out there, if there was some reasonable at least partial replacement.

A full replacement designed by the aloof elites of either party probably is just another way to put the nation in debt, victimize the poor and enrich the rich.

A repeal with a good partial replacement; doubling or tripling the size of the V..A. Hospital system of 168 Medical Centers and 1233 clinics and treatment facilities and treating poor civilians too (earning fewer than $20,000 annually would be a very defensible remedy. Who can oppose creating good medical treatment for the poor and Veterans? The system already treats 9 million veterans.

Expanding clinics designed to treat the poor to lower middle class that exist in most states and coordinating that service seamlessly with the V.A. system would create a substantial and effective medical safety net for those that cannot actually afford medical services when they need it.

Consider some of the fraud for profit in Medicare and Medicaid services when people know the government or corporate must pay for services; people run up the cost just because they can and that is costly in the long run. And an inefficient way to provide medical services.

The people that earn a lot of money and just want better and more expensive services for life extension really are a separate issue that should be solved independently. The approach government takes to lower the cost of any service or goods should be carefully though out in order not to damage free enterprise and saddle the nation with an ineffective and stagnant medical system.

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