
Democrat Fingerprints on Russia Meeting

One must wonder if the circumstances that built the Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian lawyer were purely circumstantial or constructed by Hillary supporters in order to manufacture ammunition against Trump.

http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/342118-homeland-security-confirms-special-entry-for-russian-lawyer  Obama AG Lynch approved lawyer's entry

The Russian lawyer only arrived in the U.S. with special approval signed off on by President Obama's Attorney General. And a former California congressman known for radical views was on the payroll of the Russian lawyer. While less than a smoking gun the relationships in the construction phase of an intelligence operation point toward the usual suspects (Democrats).

Any actual Kremlin suggestion for the meeting would not have provided a bluff on conveying some of Hillary's dirt. A content bluff that had nothing more than Magnitsky Act lobbying seems rather something like something someone from the House or Senate of the Democrat side would have selected as a plausible reason for the deceit.

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's home is fewer than 50 miles from Sacramento where the Democrat ex-congressman served. It is possible that she had a role in matching the former Claifornia Democrat Congressman with the RUssian attorney, Stranger things have happened.

In the meanwhile the media continue to expand the legal meeting with innuendos and allegations more liberally than the joker could create new challenges for batman to solve. Quantity defeats quality in some popular formats. 


Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...