
On Mass Incarceration post 1

First of all, I think there is no social contract amongst citizens in the U.S,A,. That's a more French, Rousseauian notion. The U.S.A. has a constitution and laws that one should obey. As a free citizen they may choose not to, and then should expect correction rather than punishment for violating those laws.
Mass incarcertaion is simply a concatenation of all of the individuals that have broken laws and should be undergoing correction rather than punishment. Those that cannot obey the laws of the United States, such as illegal entry, ought to expect correction and swiftly.
Justice is really a matter of accurate determination of the guilt or innocense of an individual in breaking a particular law. Injustice obviously would be to convict someone innocent and vice versa.. Justice is not about politics and quantification of race or gender regarding those convicted so long as the laws are just. If it were not so women could be regarded as unfairly advataged since they have such a low incarceration number in comparison to men.
If the correction system has failed and costs society a tremendous amount of money and needless human sufferring, and I think it has, then it should be changed. Putting criminals into a concentration facility together plainly is a silly way to go about training people not to be criminals. It is more of a filing and security approach for disposing of inconveniant items (people).
In a godless atheist society that scoffs at Christian values, and with the black prison population having a large number of Muslims it is likely that the religious criterion should be restrained and applied only moderately. Christianity itself is under attack and slow takeover by secular values. If mercy for the incarcerated means to not provide correction, that is consistent with a corrupt society.

What About Racial Disparities in Incarceration Rates?

Maybe the evidence gathering technology progress allows more accurate determination of guilt or innocense. It is possible that with the extreme mobility of people in America today incarceration is regarded as a way to assure that perpetrators don't just travel somewhere else to find new opportunitiy for crime.
With more female judges they may want to send more males to jail. Statistics would determine if that speculation has validity.
Maybe a disposable consumer-oriented society wants to dispose of criminals quickly and take them out of circulation, as one might remove counterfeit currency. Of course the Federal Reserve issues a lot of free money to big banks, and some regard that as a moral equivelent of counterfeiting for the benefit of the 1%. So that line of speculation may be inaccurate.
Some might think that whites have lower crime rates because they are more established and sedentary than immigrants from Latin America, many of whom are illegal aliens or first-generation native born with dual citizenship. Also, white women aborted a couple generations of healthy white male boys, so the white population is older and less wild than Hispanics whom have more new-culture socialization issues.
Whites just don't have the gangs that they used to many decades ago while Hispanics have a rich gang culture, and blacks invented modern gangsta rap culture (I don't know about the socialization relationship of that to criminal behavior, yet it isn't a bar mitzvah sort of approach to things).

If there are racial disparities in incarceration rates one might wonder why. One might ask if the temporal rate of incarceratation should be the same among any races normally, when the cultural origins of the races differ historically.
Should an established race in a given society that comproses a majority historically, that has worked through its social structure evolution reasonably well have a higher or lower incacertation or social disconformity rate than an emergent race that was previously not established in the majority culture?
One might wonder about abstract explanations for historical and cultural evolution and the phenomenon of mass incaceration without considering the geographic and population density factors.
SInce Rowe vs Wade white women have aborted two or three generations; tens of millions, of young white males (and females) whom might have committed more crimes while Hispanics-especially immigrants, and blacks, have had far fewer abortions. New white females judges may not be so reluctant to sentence males of any race before the bench to prison.
One might wonder, if in a different social configuration, if wimen might not have equal incarceration rates as males such that there were no disparity. If the U.S. Supreme Court has three justices that are female, while incarcerated females are 123 per 100,000 and males 1352 per 100,000 can that be regarded as efficient judicial gender representation?
Incarceration rates may more or less parallel high school graduation rates as well as actual learning, I don't know. Culture matters, and a less intellectual culture in an era where good non-college educated jobs not designed for more passive, sedentary female workers are in decline creates a possibility of more idle and unemployed time for young males who may perpetrate crimes. Dope use also affects people in inner cities and they may more readily commit crimes because of the high population density that they could avoid if they were living in a less populous society and could be degenerate without troubling anyone.
Blacks in the post-Jim Crowe era had more challenges for evolving into new and independent economic ventures for a variety of reason, while immigrant Hispanics also shared the characteristic I am considering here; the lack of social stability.
In the Vietnam conflict there was a great difference in the performance and unit cohesiveness to discipline under stress among various units during different periods of the conflict.
The mostly volunteer army that existed during the early 1960s had entered service during the Eisenhower era of the 50s and were highly disciplined and performed well. The later conscript army that followed their discharge had more discipline and performance problems, the worst being the Americal division formed just for the war.
It had no unit military history and had great discipline problems including the Me Lai massacre of Lt. Calley's unit. Units with military tradition jave more discipline, new units, especially gueriila units and new militias like those of Serbia and ISIS tend toward war crimes.

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