
Mass Incarceration 2; Reasons for Racial Percent Differences

Cultural and historical differences may be largely responsible for the variegated incarceration rate regarding race. White culture was a more or less secure majority culture with established roles. Except for the affect of increased national drug use, the percent of white people incarcerated should have stabilized decades ago. It should not have increased because the percent of non-whites of the U.S. population has increased, unless one thinks that increasing non-whites should catalyze increased white crime.
Hispanics were an external proletariat illegally in millions of cases entering the U.S.A. to form an internal proletariat. The cultural differences of non-established, less sedentary populations in criminal behavior compared to sedentary, established populations are notable. One might wonder too, why Mexico has a lower incarceration rate and a far higher murder rate, and if that may mean that the U.S.A. can afford to process more people through the criminal corrections systems than Mexico, whereat direct eye for an eye extra-judicial justice may be somewhat more frequent.
Black Americans had the social integration problems following the end of the Jim Crowe era. Then problems developed for all American men during the same period when the old-style industrial economy was outsourced overseas. High unemployment rates made a generation of black youth half unemployed or underemployed, while illegal alien workers watered down the value of wage labor in the U.S.A.
Real wages adjusted for inflation have not changed for white men since the early 1970s while affirmative action has changed the employment and social landscape in the U.S.A. There were far fewer good paying industrial or mens jobs as time rolled by for men of any race in the U.S.A. WIth a couple generations of white male babies aborted while far fewer black or Hispanic babies were aborted, there were social structural and composition differences between populations of the three races as well. Smaller families can invest more in education generally.
An unstable tends to settle down while the opposite case exist with immigrants regarding crime. Immigrants can bring bad as well as good to receiving nations. The modern influences of Islam, godless atheism and the decrease of Christian values in addition to financial sophistry and the over-concentration of wealth, as well as global stress on the ecosphere have changed the way people think of people. The value of human life may be transitioning to commodification. Politicians cannot think much beyond Wall Street and class electorate issues, much less comprehend corrections reform.

Families are an endangered item especially in a nation with legal homosexual marriage. One would wish that healthy nuclear families in a good community were the norm, yet that probably wouldn't be achieved by letting violent criminals and dope sellers live on the corner.
Some of the children may be better off with the gangster away from home ironically. With a better corrections systems it might be possible to restore criminals to their families who may have already divorced (more than 50% of marriages end in divorce).
If the criminal is away from home, he is also away from his victims (in his own family or down the block). That can be some comfort to the victims.
Children should have better education in the U.S.A. An equivelent of coursera for kids might be useful. Even google tranlator can translate spoken words into any foreign language. How cool is that?

In my opinion voting rights should be restored seven years after sentence is served if there are no more felony convictions. One should not lose voting rights forever for a felony conviction, yet the right to vote should fairly be suspended for seven years, as drunk driving can revoke driving rights for some time after sentence is served for example.
If people cannot obey the laws, the state has no interest in letting such individuals vote.

One in Ten Black Males are in Jail...consequences...
Maybe a reduction in crime happens when violent criminals and drug sellers are taken off the streets, yet also great cost to the states as the price for keeping one guy in jail costs $30,000 to $40,000 annually and what, 56 billion dollars per annum in total?
Obviously there should be a far better corrections system than presently exists that is less time consuming and that has less than a 10% recidivism rate.
Half of the federal prisoners are in for drug offenses. Those guys not only poison the people and corrupt society spreading rot and incompetence and even brain damage to their victims, they unfairly make a profit that mocks those honest and poor free enterprise tradesmen already being bumped out by illegal aliens.
Presumably half of the black males in jail are there for violent crimes. People that perp violent crimes are often repeat offenders.

The last 40 years is more or less the period of desegregation and affirmative action, increased and pervasive dope use and decline of quality math scores...trouble in social change in river city. One could let them all out to become Catholic priests and nuns of course, yet they might not.
Twenty million illegal aliens helped increase Hispanic crimes in the U.S.A. Cell phone and computers helped gangs organize crime across the border and in cities from Chicago to Mexico City. The Clinton and Obama administrations had a spike incriminal activities.
The widespread use of illegal drug caused alot of crime and minorities were traffickers and victims of that at the same time. THe degradation of social values due to moral relativism changed the way people think and behave, then a great deal of post Vietnam and post-Jim Crowe skepticism created a vast counterculture that was disruptive of traditions and stability domestically for reasons good and bad.
The lack of moral leadership (Al Gore- no presideing moral authority) encouraged certain kinds of crime and gang activity. The Mexican drug wars had some spillover into the U.S.A. as the U.S.A. is the primary buyer of dope for decadent Democrats.
The post-Cold war era of globalism made those that enjoy free e0dollars from the Federal Reserve more inclined to just lock up and forget the incarcerated rather than correct them. Congress can't even get Obamacare to reach the very poor and homelss interstate class of Americans while no sedentary, middle class kind of American missed out.
Law enforcement and evidence gathering has more camera videos of criminals that jurors are unsympathetic with. Hence long sentences and tough get release (especially if they proclaimed innocense).
I think peoplle discriminate as much or more against those labeled with a mental diagnosis. If one pleads mea culpa as a 'mintal' one may be employed, yet then tracked and pre-destined to be treated as a mental 'psych nigger' the remainder of one's life. Those unfortunate enough to be felons and mental would be received by society as 'the criminally insane'...a tough label to live with.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...