
Retribution for the High Priestess of the OIl god in Alaska

Murkowski Put Alaska on Wrong Side of Administration and Repubican Party

Retribution for Senator Murkowski’s now vote on the repeal of Obamacare put Alaska on the wrong side of the Republican administration the next four years. With just 23,000 enrolled in Obamacare in Alaska it is questionable if placing the interests of a tiny minority above that of the nation was really a good idea. There probably were alternative ways to provide medical services to those people.

The President has indicated a willingness to exact retribution. Maybe Alaskan-interest votes in Congress the next few years will fall flat as Republicans remember the Mankowski vote that was critical for the fail of repeal. Republicans should have expected the Senator’s vote though since she is elected by Democrats in Alaska that recognize one of their own.

President Trump’s best target for revenge is of course revenue sharing that he can delay or cancel, redistribute to build the wall with solar panels. Beyond that canceling any plans for expansion of the oil patch in Alaska on federal lands is a possible method. If President Trump really wants to hurt the Alaska Murkowski people he can channel all federal energy support to wind, solar, fuel cells and especially geothermal power development in Alaska. Working against the oil-people in Alaska is the best way to get someone besides Lisa Murkowski elected in the next cycle. In fact that’s about the only way. Alaska politicians are like Neanderthals that worship the oil god. She is a high priestess of devotees, and if they discern the oil god is unhappy with her performance she will be cancelled.

Sen. Murkowski fundamentally is a democrat with loyalty to oil and global warming. She had to vote with Democrats to get democrats to help re-elect her. Republicans are paying the price for not electing Joe Miller or the next one (who was that guy?), yet the media like her, legal dope, homosexual marriage, abortion and cold war with Russia too. She probably won't even protect the Yukon and Bering Sea from increasing nitrogen input and those dead zones for fish that follow.

Tripling the V.A. from 9 million to 30 million Americans served and expanding federal support to community clinics for the poor (the latter was in the bill) is better for the poor than Obama-Nixon care. When Nixon suggested corporate health insurance back in the day, Demos wanted a British style universal hospital plan. Republicans in the Senate are likely to remember Sen. Murkowski's vote a decade or so. Bad timing for an era with Republicans in the White House and Congress.

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