Diversification is important. Those who fail to diversify are doomed to decline when the commodity upon which they rely falls in value. As it is in the wild kingdom, so it is in government and business revenues. In the anthropocene era of mass extinction, diminishing wild resources follow the concentration of non-ecologically economic unsound government policy and decline. Going back to the same food sources for financial nourishment until they are exhausted, and looking with Neanderthal spiritual brothers for a point of light in the dark of night, oil is in the stone lamp flaming the moss wick to guide government to the promised land of more wells pumping in syncopation.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism
Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...