
On Solitary Confinement

Solitary confinement is used to control the violent, to protect the vulnerable and to prevent communication amongst organized crime and revolutionaries seeking to destroy the state.

I should say that I disagree with the move against solitary confinement and the opinion that ending it would be a good thing. Having spent quite a lot of time myself in social isolation for various reasons, I highly value time alone at least when not starving or in pain from toothaches or other health issues.

One may be isolated walking down a crowded street as one is aware that so many people are rather thoughtless proles going about their lives without philosophical examination. One may discover that people are often as dehumanized as rude robots going about their commercial roles. One may feel relief in being absent from the daily hate.

Perhaps women and organized crime dislike isolation and solitude more than men with good books to read. Maybe the educated enjoy solitude more than political activists such as the lady that made the two videos.

Incarceration with human rights taken away of freedom is the great offense, and that must be done with grave concern for justice, while solitary confinement can be made, with modern technology a very positive experience for many. It is the lack of sober moderation in the configuration of solitary confinement criteria that brings it to crash or ineffectively reform prisoners. Just as in rash or extreme aircraft design that might crash a product when flown, it is not useful to end a fundamentally good idea because the delivery or activation was badly or ineffectively put together.

With the right software and hardware provided to a captive in isolation he or she might not even feel very isolated. I think the designers of Eastern State Prison were basically on the right track yet a couple of centuries pre-mature. Saturated with a wealth of carefully screened internet programs prisoners might learn a tremendous amount of their own free will. Maybe a prison-safe virtual reality headset cout let those in isloation visit Mars.

In the United States much is made by the left of the racial disparity between blacks, whites and Hispanics. Consider though that ending slavery was something like ending feudalism centuries before. Millions were thrown into a new social and property paradigm. In the United States that mass economic anomie occurred again with the end of Jim Crow laws, and black Americans had no great and general intellectual and professional institutions or structure to guide the young.

Consider also that in the past 20 years more than 90% of U.S. population growth has been non-white. The media age of white women is nearly beyond child bearing age while that of Hispanics in right in the prime. With white society aging and a minority of children being born are white, it is not unreasonable to expect that a youthful, vigorous and under-educated population including millions of immigrants with poor English language skills would have a majority of the prison population.

I suppose the question is to what extent those Americans of fairly sedentary European cultural origin historically should be concerned about the future of an emerging non-white majority that is restive, desirous of material wealth and social power, and less concerned about the well-being of the ecosphere.

Another point of interet interest is that a godless society led by leftist evolutionists, and in the future with larger number of Muslim immigrants, may not share Christian values such as were found in American white culture until recent times when the left especially waged social war upon it.

Maybe the most offensive thing about the paradigm of imprisonment is that it might be thought good to force behavioral modification of subjects rather than to provide them the tools and resources to change voluntarily. The idea is not good, yet good ideas that were premature in delivery should not be discarded arbitrarily.

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