
For Profit Prisons- Corrupt or Not?

Fundamentally arresting the innocent or violating constitutional rights of individuals for the economic advantageof the corrupt seems to be the largest problem. Yet I disagree that privately operated prisons are inherently evil, though I am no expert.
If the Judiciary were privately run then their would be an enourmous problem that ends democracy I would think. Yet private contractors responding to government contracts should create efficiency, and the contracts need not be extended if their performance was poor.
Maybe the largest problem is that the government writes poor contracts that don't reward private prisons for performance or take away money for high recidivism rates. Rpsions that produce excelent 'graduates' should be rewarded. 
The private sector is supposed to produce better products or services through competition and the profit motive. If government officials writing contracts are stupid or corrupt they wouldn't even know what sort of results to reward or penalize.
Governments like to expand in size too. Government jobs are fundamentally the best-paying and safest bet for ordinary people to work for with good retirement and health benefits, good pay and easy hours. Building more public prisons staffed by union workers is very expensive and difficult to change or close too-probably more difficult to shut down than a private prison.
The corruption of the old south before the end of peopnage, involuntary servitude, share cropping, work gangs and reconstruction era neo-slavery in for-profit subjegation was a terible offense against democracy. Plainly history shows that different cultures merging can be brutal and slow to change. Before modern technology it was challenging even to communicate well from city to city for many people. That social isolation allowed the corrupt to flourish and corrupt organizations to prosper. Nearly all human social organizations seek to increase in size and power. People occupy roles in organizations with inertai drive seeking to be materially rewarded and secure.
Free enterprise given ome liberty to experiement with the means and methods to deliver select reform criteria may produce better results than govenrmnet thinkers that have largely failed to generate satisfactory results so far.
Many have noted that drug dealers often called low level go to jail a lot. No one has commented that illegual mind-altering drugs cause brain damage in people, and that altered brains and thought can drive people to commit crimes-even if they are not drug sales crimes. Stopping the epidemic of brain damage; opiod use cause brain damage and even marijuana is believed to damage white matter-the corpus callosum connecting the haves of the brain together.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...