
Should Joe Lieberman Be WH Commo Director?

With the removal of White House communications director Scarmucci from his job after ten days the White House needs to find a secure, reliable and capable individual to olay that role. Maybe Jeff Goldblum or Joe Lieberman could fit the bill.

Personally I believe that someone like former Alaska Republican senate candidate Joe Miller (lost to Lisa Murkowski in 2010) who is a former federal judge, Yale law graduate and University of Alaska-Fairbanks M.A. in economics with a silver star from Desert Storm when he was an Army officer, could serve reasonably well.

There is always reliable billionaire Ophrah WInfree,Charley Gibson or Juan WIlliams to ask if the White House feels it is in trouble.

God and Omniscience

 Some like those logic loops, tests and disjuncts for extrapolating to the unknowable. God is other than everything he created; entirely dif...