
Social Traditions; 6th Mass Extinction and Socratic Irony

Recently I completed a course on Kierkegaard and Socratic irony. It was an excellent view into how Kierkegaard interpreted Socrates and the Socratic method of finding the truth through questioning tradition and finding why what people believe is wrong. Kierkegaard applied that process even to the church and its ossified ecclesiology, wherein people did not find Christ for-themselves

Tradition and history are important for cultural continuity. Yet it isn’t an either/or criterion of choice challenging people. That is people may and even must question tradition in order to refine or reform it- as Luther did, and as contemporary Christian clergy seem to have forgotten to. A priesthood of believers for example, is possible today to actualize Luther’s notation that all Christians are priests. Instead a variety of higher-class Christians are out seeking 10% tithes and to make other Christians pew-sitting passive sheep instead of peer evangelists. Levitical tithing was in effect 1% for “non-working priests”  as 10% every third year divided in three parts equals 1%.

Philosophical method is an approach to considering reality and knowledge about it. I read philosophy and history as do many others, as well of course as the Bible and theology. Even so many traditions are wrong as human social evolution is always a work-in-progress. Society needs to increase its thermodynamic efficiency and decrease global warming gas emissions from automobiles that produce 51% of the greenhouse gas from the U.S.A. Society needs to quit accelerating the Holocene mass extinction, and to cover the poor with free direct health-care. There are so many traditions that require reform that it is hard to ask for ossification as tradition.

http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/07/05/1704949114.full mass extinction- "vertebrate losses and declines" Proceedings National Academy of Science


Because original sin is still present and structures social drives experienced by humanity inherently, as a thermodynamic and metabolic fact, a contunuum of effective adaptation within moral parameters (Biblical) of those inertial vectors is necessary. Philosophy and history must work together along with information from science to stabilize and advance the human life-on-Earth phenomenon.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...