
Russia Has a Newer, Higher-rated Main Battle Tank

There is a video that provides a commparison between the U.S. Abrams and the Russian Armata main battle tanks. The Armata has great looking tank-value. One would need independently guided drones with anti-tank cluster bombs or maybe some stealthy, sticky flying heat mines that glom onto a tank a burn through its metal to do much with it. I like the angled turret; tough to get a solid hit with a rocket on that. Maybe President Trump should buy 500 instead of developing a next gen Abrams; the Clinton MBT or something. The comparative shopper value rating (throwing out the last two meaningless scores) was Armata 76 vs Abrams 61.

So the rating is 76 for the Armata and 61 for the Abram.The Armata is a newer tank and a little better and a lot cheaper. Those pesky drones landing like giant invisible mosquitoes might make a tanker's life difficult in the years ahead. Russia might sell quite a few, even in the U.S.A., though Detroit won't allow Tesla's to be sold on other dealership lots in Michigan. Might be cheaper than developing a next-gen Clinton M.B.T.

The Armata costs 3 million apiece plus while the Abrams runs 8 or 9 million each. It goes 54 m.p.h. while the Abrams is a 36 M.P.H. slow poke. Youthful tank drivers like speed I would think. The U.S. Government already has 9200 Abrams. That may be enough already. Could Sect. of State Tillerson interest Russia in buying a 1000 used Abrams?

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