
President Trump Was Banned from Reading this Blog

White House Chief of Staff J. Kelly won’t let President Trump read this blog without being approved by himself first. My blog or any other- or video channels such as Infowars that influence the President’s reaction circuits cannot reach the President’s desk. The Chief of Staff is now the print-taster for the President selecting or censoring what the President can read. The former general may be able to construct a strict reading program of Army field training manuals and how-to-win-at-chess books for the nation's leader-in-charge-in-case-aliens-arrive-looking-for-one.

Chief of Staff Kelly’s parental screening control may reduce President Trump's opportunities to fly off the handle and rightly chastise the mainstream media and Foxx T.V. for being so remarkably leftist without substance that would be of benefit to the economy of the United States.

Hopefully the President can still watch football games with the sound turned off this fall, and even read some sort of green material encouraging him not to reduce the size of national monuments and put asphalt there instead to watch the next eclipse in 7 years.

The President must prove to the main stream media that he is stable. Not as in a turn of the 20th century sort of horse stable, the media wants the stability of solid Harvard-led economic policy since the Clinton administration that has kept the federal government budget deficit on a stable, long-term, upward course.

Colin Kaepernick’s Protests in NFL Business Ecosystem

Colin Kaepernick is a millionaire football player who staged protests to the singing of the U.S. national anthem before N.F.L football games. The N.F.L. is a business and Kaepernick is an employee of the N.F.L. Does he have some sort of inalienable right to protest anything at an N.F.L. venue that affects the bottom-line; the profit margin of N.F.L. entertainment?  For some reason the N.F.L. doesn't want to seem to be like a treasonous millionaire yippie club.

I believe that it might be a good idea for employees of major corporations to be able to protest anything they like at work without being fired or benched, however I am skeptical that unlimited tolerance for such a policy will appear. If one works for a major oil company and publicly protests global warming and the role of fossil fuel burning for that, that employee may soon be free to find a job elsewhere. If one is a Wal-Mart employee and writes publicly about the way big box stores exploit workers in the U.S. and producers overseas it is not improbable that a job dismissal may ensue.

Employees that conduct themselves in ways that are in contradiction of the policies of a business are fired reasonably, since the basis of their employment is that of a fair-trade and good faith to start with. Ex-49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick evidentially doesn't understand that.

Mr. Kaepernick has entered the arena of contemporary corporatism and sufferred the consequence of not being wanted as an N.F.L. quarterback anywhere in the league- except perhaps at Cleveland where a team took a knee to protest the national anthem.
Cleveland hasn't had a winning season in decades, and has had quarterback issues perennially. Maybe they aren't happy with RG3.

Corporate employees should be free to protest whatever they like on web blogs, yet corporate management may watch that to and punish those that drop inappropriate letters into the world. Imagine how many exploited underground miners would have been let go for blogging about unsafe mine conditions back in the day if that were possible.


Trump’s Trans-gender Ban on Enlistment Seems Alright

President Trumps ban on trans-gender military enlistment is probably allright if the sex change process isn’t complete. That is the military doesn’t need to let people enlist that require significant physical and mental rebuilds.

All Americans have a right to get shot at in war, and to shoot at people the government has said its o.k. to shoot. Yet Americans that are physically and mentally unstable may not be the right people to put under arms. Double challenges for soldiers present something of a handicap, and that , I guess could make survival and winning in war scenarios more difficult.

I would think the President's greater challenge is to discover a way to keep the Navy from becoming gay love boats that crash into large civilian surface vessels.

Is it Time for Majority Leader McConnell to Resign?

Plainly Senator Mitch McConnell can't get a health bill passed. In some respects he is viewed as a Republican version of Harry Read. Frist and Dole are long gone, and so is Trent Lott, so there are just no dynamic and creative Republican leaders able to take charge and move the nation forward.

Careerist senators without solid constructive ideas for bettering the state of the nations can be happy to have a sinecure, yet some Americans aren't good with that.

Foreign Armies in Ukraine Celebrate "Independence"- Trump Sides With That

The Wall Street Journal had an article on Ukraine with side-by-side photos of President Trump and Martin Luther; actually they do look alike though Luther is more overweight. I didn't read it since it requires subscription and probably is packed with click bait per serial page sprawled ads.

The President has somehow reached a spiritual epiphany on Ukraine and his defense Secretary has declared that the U.S. will support that nation- and that Russia is a threat to Europe. More than15 foreign armies marched to celebrate Ukrainian 'independence'. The American marching leader had sloppy combat dress uniform cargo pants and made America look like Joe Shit the rag man. Russia of course supplied the video at RT and they must feel a little savaged by that. After all, Bill Clinton filched Ukraine for those that supported the Nazis in WW II at the end of the cold war, and Kiev is where Russia began.

President Trump cannot possibly satisfy American leftists and the media that hate him and want a strong cocaine using Harvard homosexual to lead them toward world conquest. President Trump can lose support from his base by knuckling under to McConnell and Ryan on the Wall though.  The government should shut down if it is simply a foreign globalist government working to steal nations like Ukraine with military threat and power and to convert American citizens into mindless, dopey proles replaced by cheapest importable workers as on a conveyor belt. The global plutocracy wanted Ukraine for itself and has sent its military there to hold it. President Trump should be ashamed of that since it is in contradiction to his nominal principle of Americanism and nationalism rather than globalism. The opportunity cost of making Russia an enemy is very, very high.

SecDef Mattis evidently is a completely illiterate runt on the Russian history of concerning Ukraine and Crimea. That is way he can say, with a straight face, that "Russia Moscow is trying to change borders through force", and the U.S. will not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kiev-mattis-says-moscow-wants-102413175.html

the fact that President Trump may not be able to get anything done and will throw in the towel eventually, one must look ahead to speculate about who President Pence would select as a Vice President for his 2020 Presidential bid. I believe that his best bet is the brilliant ecologist Amory Lovins. Either that or Chuck Norris- since he can win about anything it is said.


Pres. Trump Was Correct About 2-Sides at Charlottesville- the Media and U.N. Wrong

The left and Democrats wanted to over power justice and President Trump over Charlottesville. Even the A.C.L.U. fled from defense of first amendment rights for the alt-right after it became unpopular to do so. President Trump was the sole public leader that stood up for the U.S. constitution and first amendment. Democrat party officials believed they had tyranny of the majority rights (ref Alexis de Tocqueville) to have it their way and no other.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided long ago (1977) that it is lawful for Nazi's wearing swastikas to March in public.  So I wonder why the public seems so eager to use violence to prevent alt-right wingers from meeting and marching in public?

Even the U.N.- an organization for whom real democracy of its member states is rather illusory- has 'urged the U.S.  Government to reject racial hatred and violence'. When President Trump did that criticizing both sides of the Charlottesville affair he was pervasively criticized for not just attacking the alt-right as aggressively as did the alt-left.

Last I knew a fight requires at least two parties. Without the surge of the alt-left to Charlottesville to confront and intimidate if possible the alt-right meeting their lawfully there would have been no conflict. Boston- a center of alt-left activity had a vast left-wing surge of counter-demonstrators to suppress a lawful alt-right event.

It's not o.k. to just hose down the nazi-boys with a tommy gun, nor for that matter to use grenades if the alt-left show up to create violence. Fundamentally the lunatic right and the lunatic left each should expect to demonstrate legally without an army of counter-demonstrators showing up to create violence.

Everyone knows the media and democrat party are using the alt-right existence as a way to attack President Trump. The far-right have been around forever and have never amounted to anything nor been taken seriously by any right-thinking American. Letting the alt-right meet and speak without fear of violence from the vast numbers of left and alt-leftists is something the U.S.A. just has to do in order to remain the United States instead of the Soviet States of America.

It is easy to attack the Nazis- no one likes them, and it is also easy to overlook the fact that fascism isn't just a low-brow aristocratic-socialist elitism; fascism is a method of interacting with others. Fascism is disregard for rational laws and using violence to eliminate political opposition. President Trump does need to have a fair and balanced- rational- approach to public affairs that the Democrat party lacks.

 UN expects the U.S.A. 'to reject racist and violent events' (like a totalitarian regime would)

Supreme Court Decided in 1977 It's O.K. for Nazi's to March in Public

The U.S. Supreme Court decided long ago (1977) that it is lawful for Nazi's wearing swastikas to March in public.  So I wonder why the public seems so eager to use violence to prevent alt-right wingers from meeting and marching in public?

Even the U.N.- and organization to which real democracy of its member states is rather illusory- has 'urged the U.S.  Government to reject racial hatred and violence'. When President Trump did that criticizing both sides of the Charlottesville affair he was pervasively criticized for not just attacking the alt-right as aggressively as did the alt-left.

Last I knew a fight requires at least two parties. Without the surge of the alt-left to Charlottesville to confront and intimidate if possible the alt-right meeting their lawfully there would have been no conflict. Boston- a center of alt-left activity had a vast left-wing surge of counter-demonstrators to suppress a lawful alt-right event.

It's not o.k. to just hose down the nazi-boys with a tommy gun, nor for that matter to use grenades if the alt-left show up to create violence. Fundamentally the lunatic right and the lunatic left each should expect to demonstrate legally without an army of counter-demonstrators showing up to create violence.

Everyone knows the media and democrat party are using the alt-right existence as a way to attack President Trump. The far-right have been around forever and have never amounted to anything nor been taken seriously by any right-thinking American. Letting the alt-right meet and speak without fear of violence from the vast numbers of left and alt-leftists is something the U.S.A. just has to do in order to remain the United States instead of the Soviet States of America.

It is easy to attack the Nazis- no one likes them, and it is also easy to overlook the fact that facism isn't just a low-brow aristocratic-socialist elitism; fascism is a method of interacting with others. Fascism is disregard for rational laws and using violence to eliminate political opposition. President Trump does need to have a fair and balanced- rational- approach to public affairs that the Democrat party lacks.

http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=57399#.WZ3VlnWGPeQ UN expects the U.S.A. 'to reject racist and violent events' (like a totalitarian regime would)


On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...