
Foreign Armies in Ukraine Celebrate "Independence"- Trump Sides With That

The Wall Street Journal had an article on Ukraine with side-by-side photos of President Trump and Martin Luther; actually they do look alike though Luther is more overweight. I didn't read it since it requires subscription and probably is packed with click bait per serial page sprawled ads.

The President has somehow reached a spiritual epiphany on Ukraine and his defense Secretary has declared that the U.S. will support that nation- and that Russia is a threat to Europe. More than15 foreign armies marched to celebrate Ukrainian 'independence'. The American marching leader had sloppy combat dress uniform cargo pants and made America look like Joe Shit the rag man. Russia of course supplied the video at RT and they must feel a little savaged by that. After all, Bill Clinton filched Ukraine for those that supported the Nazis in WW II at the end of the cold war, and Kiev is where Russia began.

President Trump cannot possibly satisfy American leftists and the media that hate him and want a strong cocaine using Harvard homosexual to lead them toward world conquest. President Trump can lose support from his base by knuckling under to McConnell and Ryan on the Wall though.  The government should shut down if it is simply a foreign globalist government working to steal nations like Ukraine with military threat and power and to convert American citizens into mindless, dopey proles replaced by cheapest importable workers as on a conveyor belt. The global plutocracy wanted Ukraine for itself and has sent its military there to hold it. President Trump should be ashamed of that since it is in contradiction to his nominal principle of Americanism and nationalism rather than globalism. The opportunity cost of making Russia an enemy is very, very high.

SecDef Mattis evidently is a completely illiterate runt on the Russian history of concerning Ukraine and Crimea. That is way he can say, with a straight face, that "Russia Moscow is trying to change borders through force", and the U.S. will not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kiev-mattis-says-moscow-wants-102413175.html

the fact that President Trump may not be able to get anything done and will throw in the towel eventually, one must look ahead to speculate about who President Pence would select as a Vice President for his 2020 Presidential bid. I believe that his best bet is the brilliant ecologist Amory Lovins. Either that or Chuck Norris- since he can win about anything it is said.

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