
Composition B Fortiori (poem)

Vikings rising with desert winds fair:
cross over the crown of creation passed by
lights from nothingness in phenomenal majesty:
beyond the world to Tao Seti wear
forms of being, muscled, bare,
brains given orders of idea doth lie
nervelessly retaking the distant sky;
a fight against reason and mirages of air.
Warring ‘gainst bloody nightmares steep
scriven on stones rising along the hill;
where ever bodies of recurrence piled deep!
found Valhalla the wrong destiny’s will:
the very dead forever asleep;
decorate destruction still!

*I have used the last word from each line of a poem of Wordsworth in this poem (Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept 3rd, 1802

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...