
Until Time’s Crunch Shaped Things Continued (poem)

Crunch-hop delay, universal contingent fate-
fate slanted down-slope to delay
each grain-sprout harvest yet contingent
with rain rationale to appear universal
that growth wouldst with spring hop
beyond death from a clod-boot crunch

That growth wouldst spring from fate
quickly beyond dimensions and time-crunch
sum things like field dreams contingent
add silence too loaded with hop
crumbling, compacting, metamorphosing each unique universal
approached recursive barriers, concentrations, edges, delay

Minds with nothing hot to delay
create and soak up ideas ‘tis fate
thermodynamic reasons unravel just the universal
shaped things continued until time’s crunch
sends them again to the hop
skip and jump of hopes contingent

Sharp blades of drying grass contingent
cut the wind without thoughtful delay
rising like a plaintive slider’s hop
at the last second of hard fate
lightening strike swings the final crunch
over a fence wall edged universal

Alien voices of maths too universal
branches rise and fall forever contingent
in sudden dimensions impacting each crunch
of time and space-lapping waves delay
motion and time frozen with forward fate
sinusoidal field shards woven into hop

Works become words too sour hop
the beauty of mass hysteria universal
deja vous sky diamonds moved fate
toward the truth once again contingent
flowing like bleeding colors with delay
she called an assassin’s light crunch

Such life and death were contingent
universal fate may also enact delay
and hop over the scheduled crunch.

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