
Harvey’s Micro-Macro Climate (GW) Synergy

Hurricane Harvey’s flooding of Texas’ low lying coastal areas with record rains were especially severe around the Houston asphalt heat absorbing micro-climate. Houston at night releases far more heat to the atmosphere than surrounding unpaved rural areas. Heat and cold temperature differences are prime elements in hurricane behavior.

Harvey will reignite national controversy over global warming and how to prevent political ostriches from taking over to thwart defense against it. Global warming greenhouse gas releases from fossil fuel powered cars is the nation’s biggest contributor to global warming. A lesser known enabler of global warming is heat-absorbing asphalt.


Micro-climates are created in cities with so much asphalt. Poor people die. A common image from Hurricane Harvey and Houston is poorer people (comparatively) walking to leave through flooded streets.

Urban micro-climates and their mortality of the poor

Surprisingly asphalt and the Arctic ocean have at least one thing in common; each absorb heat better than ice. As the Arctic ocean loses its icepack it takes longer to freeze and captures more heat. Ice has a higher reflectivity ability of sunlight. Dirt and grass to not absorb as much light-heat from the sun as asphalt. As permafrost melts- and as much as 40% of it may with global warming, carbon stored in the permafrost may be released further contributing to the greenhouse gas effect, Arctic tundra fires in the decades ahead may increase inexorably as hurricanes may be attracted more to Houston and linger there with the asphalt-Galveston bay axis of empowerment.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080304200902.htm burning tundra occurred thousands of years ago

More than 1000 billion tons of carbon are stored beneath permafrost that will be slowly released with global warming effect. 

Fire in tundra could release materials from human industrial processes too that have accumulated in the tundra over hundreds of years

There are numerous, obvious architectural responses that are possible to counteract coastal flooding from hurricanes that would require mass architectural and engineering design, Actually there are too numerous to describe here. Artificial mountain range with curved shapes that allow wildlife to live on the outside and that would channel winds and concurrently change the micro-climate of given areas, large artificial river-canals used to desalinate pumped-in seawater periodically and for flood control rarely, fast above ground level monorail evacuation lines from coastal areas to inland safe points, etc.

image credit NOAA

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