
National Infrastructure Renewal and Eco-Synergy

The nation's infrastructure is pretty crummy. Apparently 271 billion dollars is needed for processing piss and poop. Why not develop a new approach such as microwaving without using any water?

The nation's highways are the usual anachronistic infrastructure with asphalt heat collectors everywhere absorbing solar energy and releasing it to add to global warming at night. Correcting those crummy roads with a new approach would be a good idea.

Why not develop some white paving material to reflect solar heat and increase albedo (not libido)? Why not make some sort of solar voltaic resurfacing technology to charge electric cars and not absorb solar heat?

The government inevitably uses the same old ideas as last century or two for infrastructure. Consider that the highway idea precedes even the Roman Empire? Why not eliminate roads and have hyper-tubes and electric sidewalks in the majority of places where practical instead? Wildlife needs badly to be restored. How many modern Americans really are uncomfortable with contributing poisonous gases from an auto exhaust to the atmosphere? If there was a technology that Americans used that contributed a little mercury poison to the ocean every day-even a little, wouldn't some people be uncomfortable with that?


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