
President Trump Lacks Hillary's Teflon Exterior

President Trump lack's Hillary's teflon exterior; people throw a lot of mud and it sticks- for a while. Maybe it is the cyclical rate of fire of media mud keeping the President coated; its very high.




Hillary Clinton had so many ethics and even criminal issues over the years that it boggles the mind- yet nothing ever came of it and she was rarely investigated. Alternatively the mainstremem media has had an intifadah of headlines with generally specious allegations since inauguration day.

President Trump's administration is likely to run its full course yet the media seem to wish to impeach him if possible, and certain foreigns are howling with dump Trump sentiment. He might be doing a good job to stimulate such hatred.

The Trump administration is also under fire... 


Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interest...