
Magnus Carlsen Drops Complex Game at Sinquefeld Rnd 4

World chess champion Magnus Carlsen with the white pieces lost a complex game to the Mart Scurll of chess- French expert Monsieur LaGrave. Carlsen made a small blunder drawing the shark MVL to pounce just before the time control, and duped the French into a disadvantaged position; a rare experience for the French crust of crusts player.

Yet within several moves the world champion made an unintentional large blundere losing a rook throwing Sesse, the obnoxious chess engine into a frenzy and Monseur LaGrave into a pastry-like contentedness. The Frenchman went on to win in an unremarkable yet tedious endgame smirking after the handshake with the champion who dropped in ratings 2.1 points while LaGrave rose more than 10.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...