
An Alaska Aggressor Squandron Got New Paint

Summertime in Alaska has a rush to complete exterior paint jobs. Decrepit paint can ruin the appearance of an aggressor squadron. So an F-16 aggressor squadron appeared with good new paint jobs that resembled the SR-71 and Arctic snow and stone. 


There are new paints that can produe not only electricity on building exteriors; some available in a longer time frams will produce electricity and hydrogen. That sort of coating may evolve into ship and military ground transport as well in order to allow electrical collection even in broken humvees to power or recharge equipment.

Plainly such paint would be useful for electric drones enabling them to stay aloft longer to fire missiles at aggressor squandron jets air-to air.


Shenyang J-31 iamge credit via wikipedia-http://www.airliners.net/photo/Untitled-(AVIC)/Shenyang-J-31-(F60)/2542713/L/

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