
Can President Trump Find Solitude Enough to Contemplate Nation's Problems?

Donald Trump has an overly-active social history. For most of his life he has been egregiously social. In the White House, with a world of media plinkers attacking, something he has the rare capacity to thrive on, can he find enough solitude to contemplate solutions to national infrastructure rebuild ideas and issues.

Plainly the nation has embarrassed itself by neglecting to return to the nearest extra-terrestrial body; the moon of the Earth circling around it every month a lifetime after first exploring it. Like a gaggle of dummies on dope the Congress has failed to construct an initial lunar research infrastructure to let humanity have a work yard from which to innovate launch and living systems. President Trump should think not only about how to get a moon research colony started before the end of his first term, he should consider how to transform the 3 million miles of asphalt toads in the U.S.A. to low light absorption, power generating surfaces.

The President should find a way to employ those out of work the longest through tax incentives for employers to hire them. The President really ought to get solar panels on the Mexican security wall and discover some way halt growth of public debt while keeping the social safety net intact.

President Trump has a full work term ahead while Democrats are waging intifada and foreign influences and billionaires seek to reduce Americans to modern peonage. If he can find some way to isolate himself from the constant turmoil of DC, maybe he can get even more done.

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