
President Trump Must Condemn the Alt-Left

President Trump has been remiss in failing to condemn the alt-lefts neo-communist agenda that would unite global evil-empires with socialism greased with dope, homosexuality, illegal alien labor and subjugation to her majesty and the avatar of evil, Sirp Elton John.

The President may not take recrudescent socialism and communism seriously. As a privileged one percenter he may not be concerned about godless atheism of Boston with evolution as a secular Earth-goddess driving an agenda where amoralism is the norm and all human though is a phenomenal apparition useful for passing on genes.

Godless evolution is irrelevant concerning human morality and the need for strong individual civil rights.  The globalist agenda to degrade the U.S.A. through a Gulliver's village of economic and social insults may be led by the British imperial esprit, though that is no great fault of the British who are between a rock and a hard place perennially.  The fault lay with U.S. leadership failure to understand the down side of the special relationship and to react and respond properly with defense of American economic and political interests.

The evil alt-left of ignorance uniting with the global plutocrats and British imperial tradition to make subjects and vassals of Americans and transforming the nation into a work shop for the rich where anyone is replaced or canceled when cheaper labor and production is imported and with zero taxes for the global rich and globalists should be castigated by the President.

Washington D.C. conditions Presidents, or selects Presidents, to be and become servo-units for global plutocratic subject-socialism and the alt-left love it if it is entirely godless and dopey, queer and feminist. President Trump only has 3 more years to put in a quality foundation for reformation.

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