
Next Repub Presidential Candidate Will Need to Be Environmentalist

If a Republican Presidential candidate wants to get elected next time, he or she will need to be an environmentalist in fact as well as symbol. Ecological tokenism won't pass the scrutiny of the leftist media, and if Democrats run something besides Hillary Clinton, whom even pat Paulsen would have beaten, Republicans won't stand a chance without being of the religious right, environmental left, conservative nationalist-populist and making nice with foreign governments on space colonization ventures.

A future Republican Presidential candidate that hopes to overcome the automatic reaction against conservatives by dopers, abortionists. homosexuals, haters of taxes, haters of U.S. history and feminists must take the ecosphere vote cleanly away from Democrats with real leadership, innovation and creativity. It is doubtful Republicans have that sort of individual who is also good at business, bringing health care to all the poor for free, eliminating the Federal debt and creating security and a good standard of living for all citizens.

Concerning President Trump; a President whom I think is doing o.k., on the environment. I suspect that some of his cuts may be more about saving government expenses on extra committees and studies than being against a good healthy environment.

Perhaps President Trump believes that Americans may repair and forestall environmental damage more without just expecting the federal government to do something about it. Perhaps he expects Americans should do something about it themselves; and that is not impossible.

Americans are preponderantly ecological idiots or at least indiffferent. They are more of a litigious than a philosophical people. Business people and ordinary people have a paradigm of just running things on if it isn't illegal. Lawsuits are better for many than any sort of ecospheric voluntarism. WIth that paradigm as the rule, where obeying the rules is sufficient, one would need to force everyone by rule of law to comply with the new paradigm, and then they would not want political leaders that force that. 

If the environment were to be restored through social effort it would require radical paradigm changes within the free enterprise system. It would be necessary to reduce the npower of corporations globally that act to surpass iindividual concatenations of political activity and ideas. Corporate globalism and scale just dwarfs any body politic even of states in the United States. What is best for short term corporate profit becomes the determining criteria for national poltics leading to ecological doom of course.

There are a number of ways that business theorists may avoid repairing the ecosphere through reform of capitalism that would make capitalism a fabric of smaller corporations that are screened for low-entropy and high-efficiency economic activity. Theorists have suggested the natural world is superfluous and might better be reduced with the nightmare of a mechanical world.

Human life is and will remain biological so long as it is human. Human beings occur within an extremely sophisticated evolving biological progression of God that requires the suppport of a healthy ecosphere with all of life that natural apeared through God's design. That design should be carried over to the moon and other worlds rather than eliminated because social design is too stupid to keep it alive and won't admit it.

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