
Synthetic a priori judgments and metaphysics

 I had a chess acquaintence at a now defunct chess site gobbled up by big chess who jokingly referred on occassion to 'the knowledge' as a most precious item to aspire to.

Sometimes I post at philosophy spots and had the occassion to clarify a point about metaphysics and knowledge. Someone felt that belief is an unsound basis to attain 'the knowledge' and one should be limited to empirical onservations, a priori judgements etc. Kant did write about synthetic a priori judgment though; fundamentally pure reason as a basis for making inferences about the unknown. Socrates also tried to show that some knowledge is innate and others that natural right and wrong for human behavior. Not to make the subject obtuse though...

I wrote and cited Stephen Moctezuma within this paragraph; The knowledge- a posteriori, is known, yet synthetic a priori judgments are inducted and fused "judgments that are known through pure reason alone, independent of experience, and they are ampliative to knowledge" aka metaphysics🙂. ref



In using reason to make synthetic judgments concerning theoretical structures of the Universe(s) and its fields like one on Einstein general theory and gravity that are ongoing subjects of thought and testing when possible. the idea of abstract though prior to testing is exemplified https://theconversation.com/we-tested-einsteins-theory-of-gravity-on-the-scale-of-the-universe-heres-what-we-found-194118


N.S.A. attitudes may be the consequence of spoiled

 Is the N.S.A. a lot of spoiled sacs of manure with attitudes that trim their fellow Americans? Is it a collection of brighter than average individuals that trample on average people with the glee of empowered juveniles? Should they be placed under the supervision of the F.B,.I."

When the N.S.A. corrupts the fabric of democracy rigging search engines, violating privacy and civil rights of Americans rather than just foreigners it is an agency that's gone to far with a vast budget to wreak their ideas of class supremacy on the nation.

It may be, of course, that they aren't such a bad lot of people that run no risks except getting fat paychecks and don't experience the grime of military service. Perhaps they should be required to learn humility by an annual session low crawling through a pig farm yard.


Sustainable Development Goals of U.N. conflate social and physical items as political goals

 In my opinion conflating a social agenda with physical material boundaries is a disaster. The nine ecospheric boundaries should be separate and distinct from the social eight development goals. The mixed bag of goals and boundaries has a poisoned political pill for everyone. I suppose godless atheists might all be happy with abortion for the world’s poor women, and population growth does decline as women have fewer children when they are prosperous statistically, yet those are contentious political issues that won’t be treated well if elite bureaucrats sit around a donut-shaped table generating a lot of verbiage. God may have generated a Multiverse and predestined a Universe- who knows? Darwinist-only votaries tend to be ignorant about theology and metaphysics or hermeneutics generally and associate faith with beliefs common in the 19th century concerning creation- and that is very obsolete.

I couldn’t believe the piece on resilience; do people really need to know what Cicero thought about it or what old french or English variations were? It might be that the excess verbiage on resilience and systems analysis could be abbreviated by fitting them within parameters of Newton’s three laws of motion. Then one can flowchart all sort of squiggly pointillist art with data bits that show the way things flow and how the patterns go. Some whirlpools in creeks return to form even if a boat engine disrupts them passing through. Entropy does count.

Long ago I drew up a flowchart for the logical progression to one world government. It's a jejune idea that youth have withoiut realizing the problems with that (it's best suited for dictatorships). The U.N. conflation of 17 sustainable development goals that seems itself like an oxymoron since development makes most people think of the current high-entropy economic system seems jejune though the topics are serious for all 17. It's just a poorly constructed item.

Free citizens tired of the communist threat; not because of inequality but more so because bureaucratic elites of the communist party dictated what people could or couldn’t do and the dictatorship of the communist party was kind of a drag. It oppressed religious ideas (“churches don’t work anymore”) and so forth. Conflating the eight social points with none physical boundaries debases the critical importance of the planetary boundaries so seriously that they won’t get done. The nine boundaries aren’t serious enough to merit separate and distinct objective evaluation so nations and voters can decide what they want to do about them for themselves?

Piketty’s ideas for remedies to the inequality of wealth are good enough yet simple. Increase progressive taxation and put a tax on capital. Concentrated wealth and power prefer to own the media and internet and repress ideas that might affect their power and wealth adversely and that is becoming worse all the time.

James Lovelock wrote in The Final Warning that humanity only has about 200 years remaining before the big crash environmentally reaches a very high level and world population crashes to 200 million. Jacques Cousteau estimated a similar paradigm. In the 1970s and 80s it was written that global sustainable human population is only about 2 billion. Certainly if the technology for agriculture and living and zoning laws are as bad as political choices in democracies and real practical applications of the techne toolkit the pessimists probably are correct.

The electorate general has no idea of what the nine planetary boundaries are, so coupling them with a left leaning, atheist social agenda will just create such social divisions that few countries will be able to agree even though the EU might like to export its social agenda globally. Democracy can allow progressive tax rates without requiring a socialistic economic. Basically though if people are too dumb to be interested in saving themselves from ecospheric disaster caused by their economic toolkit survivors living off-world for a time may need to let the world fix itself up to use it again someday. Maybe a remnant will survive.

I believe the social items of value to some can be accomplished with an enlightened international on-line population of people willing and able to help. The closure of publishing freedom because of political and economic repression is a great way to let just sycophants express themselves freely.

The idea of sustainable development goals seems an oxymoron in a world with finite resources that preclude development of classical economic methods. The U.N. conflation of a social agenda and planetary boundaries seems to necessarily force political conflict because of the social agenda. Getting everyone to agree on saving the ecosphere from reaching a point where human life isn't very sustainable on Earth is necessary. The social agenda is a million faceted and debatable cluster that could be solved innumerable ways. Corporatocracy seems a threat to democracy and free society while the sanguine futurism requires a hushed up and subjugated population.

I appreciate the effort yet a more circumspective philosophical examination would be an improvement over pure institutional donut-dipping verbiage. Realpolitk includes an awareness of human nature and short-sightedness in pursuit of economic advantage.

Create consumer product list for biodiveristy safe items

  Consumers generally haven’t any idea about which products are safely made and harmless for global genetic biodiversity. It would be helpful to have an easily accessible on-line data base of products that aren’t harmfully contributing to mass extinction.

In my opinion not a single consumer out of a thousand, and maybe one in ten thousand actually checks out product status in regard to being harmless or harmful concerning mass extinction before they buy it. When consumers visit stores they look for good buys, items on sale and things they can afford. Virtually none even know how to find out if a bar of soap, a can of soup or toilet paper contributes to loss of land resources in regard to biodiversity, habit etc, or if the transportation used is polluting the sky or killing fish. It is simply too technical for non-scientists and the opportunity cost of making internet searches for each product is way too harmful in regard to time lost for the inquirer on-line.

Someone really ought to coordinate a unified product list of numbers to verify the genetic biodiversity status of each and sort them by categories and rank for easy on-line review.


President Trump (and Biden) shouldn't seek re-election in 2024

 With luck Donald Trump will decide not to enter the 2024 Presidential race and forego developing the nation into a banana republic. He could of course choose to wear a uniform coat with epaulets and ribbons while extolling the greatness he confers upon  the public with so little reward yet the attraction of letting a more representative candidate- a guy with degrees from Harvard, Yale and a grad of navy seal school get put down with his withering wit may be irresistible. The nation could you a gerontocratic battle; mano y mano, of two old guys with remarkable few  remaining skills in comparison to those they had a few decades ago.

  Governor DeSantis is one quality candidate and the nation needs one or more of those. Joe Biden and Donald Trump should enjoy the wealth and satiation of their elder years and allow the nation to find actual quality leadership. The Roman Republic and Empire suffered quite a bit when they had a string of bad leaders. The fate of their nation like the well being, security and solvency of a nation suffers with bad leadership.

I appreciate the fact that President Trump was the sole realistic alternative to Hillary Clinton and maybe half of the nation is grateful that he kept the Clintons from seizing the day, and of course the Demo Party has punished him so far as possible ever since. If he chooses to run again and loses, or brought his unusual attitude to office he can only do the public harm (unless the sole alternative was four more years of Joe Biden). Americans don’t like to elect family dynasties much and plutocrats are not very liked either. The nation did revolt against the upper class to start with and don’t need another one established to wrench progress with an over-concentration of wealth.

Intelligent, sober old people are a blessing to the nation; intemperate individuals less so in public office. One may have strong opinions yet egoism and assertiveness go a long way to give the appearance of a lack of intellect and knowledge. President Biden and Trump each seem terribly afflicted with personal egoism. Trump’s is over and Biden’s is covert. The federal government needs better leaders. Even an older Ralph Nadir would be a better choice.


Nets Should Trade Irving to Lakers for Pennance

  Brooklyn should trade Kyrie Irving for Russel Westbrook strait across and move on to the satisfaction of both teams. Westbrook hasn't played well for the Lakers for some reason and Irving has trouble with false consciousness concerning Jews and history. THe trade would benefit the league.

Corporatocracy silences people saying things that they believe won't help sales including entertainment league people like basketball players. Yet people shouldn't be forced to say things they don't believe in order to work a job- even if what they do believe is wrong.

Irving should be happy to return to L.A. and his former teamate Lebron James. Playing basketball instead of making bad history analysis and commentary on films that were as inflamatory to Jews as the Satanic Verses were to Muslims would be a better investment of time. Russell Westbrook at least doesn't believe Sasquasch and Donald Trump are conspiring with Russians to start an intifadah until Elvis is released from captivity.


It's all up to Herschel Walker

 It looks like Republicans will win the House, and there are just three Senate races remaining undecided that will determine if Republicans can take the Senate too. Adam Laxalt will add Nevada to the Republican column i.m.o., and Mark Kelly will take Arizona for the Demos and that leaves the fate of the Senate up to Herschel Walker vs a Rev. Warnock in what should be a runoff election.

Republicans have 49 seates and they need 51 to take control. I believ Mr. Walker should bust through the remaining Democrat line in the reunoff as he did against opposition on the field. Rev Warnock probably supports Ukraine military arms shipments, abortion and homosexual marriage- another neo-Christian who disregards Biblical paradigmata for election and personal career advance purposes.

Can one be a Democrat politician without being a hawk on N.A.T.O. expansion, war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, abortion and homosexual marriage? 

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...