
It's all up to Herschel Walker

 It looks like Republicans will win the House, and there are just three Senate races remaining undecided that will determine if Republicans can take the Senate too. Adam Laxalt will add Nevada to the Republican column i.m.o., and Mark Kelly will take Arizona for the Demos and that leaves the fate of the Senate up to Herschel Walker vs a Rev. Warnock in what should be a runoff election.

Republicans have 49 seats and they need 51 to take control. I believe Mr. Walker should bust through the remaining Democrat line in the runoff as he did against opposition on the field. Rev Warnock probably supports Ukraine military arms shipments, abortion and homosexual marriage- another neo-Christian who disregards Biblical paradigmata for election and personal career advance purposes.

Can one be a Democrat politician without being a hawk on N.A.T.O. expansion, war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, abortion and homosexual marriage? 

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