
Create consumer product list for biodiveristy safe items

  Consumers generally haven’t any idea about which products are safely made and harmless for global genetic biodiversity. It would be helpful to have an easily accessible on-line data base of products that aren’t harmfully contributing to mass extinction.

In my opinion not a single consumer out of a thousand, and maybe one in ten thousand actually checks out product status in regard to being harmless or harmful concerning mass extinction before they buy it. When consumers visit stores they look for good buys, items on sale and things they can afford. Virtually none even know how to find out if a bar of soap, a can of soup or toilet paper contributes to loss of land resources in regard to biodiversity, habit etc, or if the transportation used is polluting the sky or killing fish. It is simply too technical for non-scientists and the opportunity cost of making internet searches for each product is way too harmful in regard to time lost for the inquirer on-line.

Someone really ought to coordinate a unified product list of numbers to verify the genetic biodiversity status of each and sort them by categories and rank for easy on-line review.

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