
The Odds of Smallpox Virus or Nuclear War in the Syrian Conflict

Sometimes there can be hidden dangers of pushing too far on people with nowhere to go. President Assad of Syria and his relations have nowhere to go except to the Hague perhaps if the war can push the regime out of office. Is the U.S. Government prepared for a possible outbreak of weaponized plague or smallpox viruses in case some former Soviet citizen sold a pound or two to Iran or Syria in the 90's and it is used as a last resort to create a world of chaos better suited to a fleeing despot?
Reading through a book on the history of the end of the Soviet-U.S. Cold war and specifically on the problem of weapons of mass destruction I developed an awareness that smallpox that was made quantitatively and improved to resist anti-biotics (16 flavors) and also to attack the immune system in a second wave to kill off survivors had a reasonable chance of being hidden by former military officers and mobsters during and after the end of the cold war. With so much in existence and with low security hiding a gallon or two of smallpox virus in Siberia or selling one to Iran wouldn't have been too hard.
Because Iran sent agents to buy radioactive materials and hired former Soviet Biological weapons designers to lecture on manufacture of bio-war agents it is reasonable to speculate that some few pounds of plutonium or bio-war agent may have walked over to  Syria at some point.
The 2009 book 'The Dead Hand' has interesting details on the vast quantities of unsecured plutonium and highly enriched Uranium available in the former Soviet Union during the 1990's. With its value being so high-Iran would have paid a billion for enough plutonium to build a bomb, it isn't likely that a lot of that stuff didn't end up underground with remote g.p.s. coordinates to the buried treasure existing in someone's memory as the sole clue to its existence. Evidently many Soviet weapons and radioactive research facilities didn't even know exactly how much of the stuff they had.
The Soviet Union had a hidden bio-war design program from 1927 to the 1994, and apparently there are still three major and several minor biological war research and/or production facilities in existence in Russia that are not open to inspection. Well, Russia is a dangerous place with all the hidden stuff perhaps held by mobsters and communists etc. Perhaps Putin wants to be able to be competitive on a live agent battlefield.


Made-In-China U.S. Olympic Uniforms/Shuckin and Jivin the Way to 21 Trillion Dollars of U.S. Public Debt

I wrote this post when someone said out of the blue that white males have a seething hate for Barrack Obama because he is a negro. The support for that offered were the phrases 'shucking and jiving' and 'picking up stitches' that I used in a post about the U.S. Olympics uniforms made-in China issue that hadn't anything to do with the President. In don't think Barrack Obama had anything to do with that pro or con. Maybe the left hates the Chinese for not being whatever and attack white men as a political tactic in a two-for-one shot.
I don't think that the President can run his campaign on a foundation of racism. Independents regard issues objectively and evaluate a President's achievements of failures critically. Sure there are a lot of Americans that aren't white males so stimulating the anti-white male vote is a good tactic for those that are divisive and disingenuous. Yet if one cares about the nation enough to advocate for equal protection of the law and full employment for all American citizens it is useful to stay away from the racist smears.

The President has kept a real unemployment rate-U6- of about 18% and that is unacceptable for us long-term unemployed house repainters. Goodness-the Democrat media even tried to make house painting a 'clan' activity as if white repainters wouldn't repaint a house belonging to a Negro, Chinese, Vietnamese or Hispanic.

The President has created an alarming and rather depraved social environment for youth with his advocay of homosexual marriage-and that concerns those of us with traditional values. It is my experience on writing on the Internet for a decade that the homosexual lobby invariably makes personal attacks on political opponents rather than arguing objectively on the merits of issues. I think that is a long run strategic error on their part and indicates a social inability for that group to co-exist peacefully within a democratic context where free expression of political ideas is valued rather than excoriated.

The President being a negroe just isn't the issue. The issue is his complete lack of competence in economic affairs and his roll over of advisers from prior administrations including those such as Geitner on a non-reform economic team.

Those of us looking ahead to a better society with low entropy economics, full employment and no public debt are not encouraged by the President's plan to run the national debt up to more than 20 trillion dollars if re-elected. That much debt requires more than a trillion a year in interest payments and may stimulate various forms of national economic failure of a deleterious nature we ought to avoid.
Shucking and jiving can be cool in most instances. Those American colloquialisms are not racist. Neither is the word 'duds'. That was a fairly common word for clothing in the 1950s. 'Picking up stitches' is a sewing/seamstress concept I heard from a long ago. It was also used by the very square musician Donovan as a lyric.
Since so much of the current ado is about the outsourcing of work to Chinese sewing  seamstresses, gender neutral stitching associates or automatons on U.S. Olympic uniforms I thought it apropos.

Incidentally Mitt Romney's father may have been one of the first Americans to suffer significantly from outsourcing of production overseas as President of American Motors. One would need to research the time better than I have time for presently, yet Detroit in the 60s and 70s underwent major changes in competition with the world auto market. Detroit went through a severe recession and in a way never recovered market share.

Japanese and German auto production became serious rivals for the U.S. market after the U.S. helped restore those nations to economic competitivity with reasonable support (e.g. The Marshall Plan for Europe) and prevention of Nazi and Imperialist recrudescence.

After the end of the cold war there were other challenges from the world again with an expanding labor pool by 2 billion or so that had been unavailable more or less.

Contemporary Americans may have better language for workplace terminology descriptive of manual labor 'getting in the grove' with everything going right-yet I don't know what that would be. Maybe the oyster catch has recovered in Louisiana recently after the oil spill. In Alaska they just cancelled the Kenai River King Salmon fishery this year because there aren't enough fish perhaps even to repopulate the run.


Atmosphere at a Glance?

I hope to find an atmosphere-at-a-glance web site with a live model representing the planetary chemical state of affairs in real-time accounting for the various input levels from national sources and that quantifies the atmospheric chemical elements reacting with the human and other contributions? if there was a live and detailed model it might be easier for people to understand the ongoing changes in the air people breath and exist in inclusive of thermal variations.

The advancing change of American energy production in the coal patch to natural gas should place a lot more methane in the atmosphere-where will those chemical reactions occur and to what effect?

Nihilistic Power Radio Investigates Injustice of Voter & Liquor I.D. Law (satire)

Nihilistic Power Radio's investigation of the injustice of state voter photo I.D. laws was able to find to more areas of political injustice obstructing Democratic voter: one such issue illuminated was the requirements of photo I.D. for alcohol purchases.
The N.P.R. team found that Baby Face Nilsson was a rickshaw puller from Washington D.C. that carried a Massachusetts congressman to work every day seventeen miles from his Maryland home for ten cents a mile. Baby Face is 40 years old and has worked 25 hours a day pulling rickshaw since fleeing persecution of his Dopamine Sect of Transsexual Reformers in the poorest section of Burma near where a Nobel Prize winner once visited.
Nilsson looks 15 years old and explained that he lost his photo I.D. card in a hurricane when a crocodile attacked from the gutter of a prosperous neighborhood he was working and he can't buy liquor anymore to deliver to his clients for the extra proplits he needs to pay for a water-repellent spray for his cardboard box home.
The photo I.D. issuers of the state Department of Motorized Vehicles won't let him have none because he don't look old enough and hasn't got no paper documentation that got left in Tijuana during a shootout with the Gulf Cartel.
If the cruel and oppressive photo I.D. law was rescinded Baby Face could have hope for a brighter tomorrow and find shelter from then threatening storm.

Federal & State Governments Outsource American Capital

When Americans invest their money in foreign nations that capital is lost to American investment directly. For decades union and other public funds have invested in foreign corporations and public offerings diverting domestic capital abroad. CALPERS was a leader at divesting in South Africa long ago yet they did of course keep the rest of their foreign portfolio. Outsourcing capital insourcing is deep in the present economic procedures and advantaging domestic investment needs to be accomplished through other means such as reforming capitalism such that no individual could invest in more than three corporations and no corporation doing business with America could employee more than 5000 workers. Competition of intellect rather than networking in collectivism and organization scale domination could be useful points of reform.
 Investing in foreign nations instead of the United States has been a common practice for decades, and then the Clinton era commodifying of home mortgages allowed the global derivatives trade to flourish making even the most conservative investment be a way to pay foreign holders of the debt.
Foreign direct investment in the U.S.A. is almost 200 billion annually and the actual cumulative invested is equal to about 16% of America's G.D.P. China receives a little more and the U.S. is one of the investors.
 The Alaska Permanent Fund invests globally like so many other state funds. Recently they invested in a corporation that is buying up distressed home mortgages in Wisconsin and elsewhere and converting them into rental properties. Foreigners are also buying up U.S. homes and converting them to rentals and that is one resign why the toxic mortgages from the 2007-8 crash are slowly drying up. Obviously smaller, affordable super-insulated and very strong dome homes would have been a better investment for the ordinary American and still would.
 The Federal Government has been a leader in the outsourcing of investment by selling Treasury Securities to anyone in the world including China and Japan. Much of the Chinese investments in the United States such as in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac let Americans invest their capital through mortgage payments directly in foreign nations.
 The Department of Defense costs tax paying Americans trillions and trillions each decade defending America from nations such as China in addition to terror cells of people with box cutters. The U.S. Government through the taxpayers also pay billions and billions each decade to the Chinese Government through interest payments on the Treasury securities so the Chinese can have a profit to invest in building up their Defense infrastructure. By the end of another term of President Obama the interest on the national debt would be about a trillion dollars per year.
 President Obama's campaign rhetoric has suggested that Americans would be silly to do the same thing again if it didn't work the first time. That can serve as campaign advice in judging the Presidents first term of office.
 The first Obama term has left a U6 unemployment, underemployed and discouraged worker rate of about 18%. Only the comfortable and aloof could imagine that anyone in that U6 category would be silly enough for vote for another four years of a president with that record. President Obama silly had not the ability to organize anything about the economy to bring anything like national debt reduction, full employment and a recovering ecosphere into being. Not everyone in America is incapable; time waits for none and the voters need to change Presidents every four years unless the presider in chief puts up an economic oeuvre worth seconds.


Soviet Biological Weapons Research Continued After 1972 Treaty

In the aftermath of the end of the cold war much information has been found about hidden Soviet weapons programs especially in the development of biological weapons of war. It really is rather remarkable that work continued on weaponizing anthrax, tuleremia, plague, smallpox and a number of additional bacteria and viruses. Evidently the Communist Party leadership and the military developed complimentary weaponization programs for biological war after signing off on a treaty with Richard Nixon in 1972 banning development of offensive biological weapons. There is a book named 'The Dead Hand' that recounts some of the Soviet biowar development history with quotations from principals in some instances.
One of the reasons biowar is especially of concern today after the conclusion of the cold war is the potential use of biological war by randomized terror cells even of one. With the vast quantities of biological information development and broadly disseminated in a variety of venues it is not improbably that covert and even overt research continues on how to weaponize viruses, toxins and bacteria.
Bacteria can be re-engineered to be immune to antibiotics and viruses have been investigated such that they would make the immune system attack the host if they were to survive a viral attack. The possibilities for recombinant genetic engineering of viruses is unlimited, and of course nano-viruses of inorganic inventions have unlimited potential for altering human biological structure deleteriously.
During the cold war era the Soviets tested a number of virus and bacteria delivery systems. The fact that weaponized viruses and bacteria can be so easily and broadly spread about is what might be most concerning to those observing the human social phenomena of producing dangerous technology in the 21st century.


Team Obama's Head Shots at Romney's Dual Presidential Hats/Safer Swiss/Bermudan Banks?

Team Obama's mud slingin at Mitt Romney-a lot of allegations and maybe ifs with no legal support are an alarming way to run a political campaign. If Mitt Romney is indictable for something then the administration should put up or shut up and not just toss mud all day. If it illegal to have overseas bank accounts does that include J.P. Morgan Chase? Are smaller foreign banks safer places to stash retirement savings than too big to fail U.S. banks and minion subsidiaries? If tax liability extends only 7 years then why should Romney provide data for 1999, 2000 or 2001?  Is the Obama administration planning to set the I.R.S. records to audit everyone the past decade or two?

No one assumes that there isn't corruption or bias in politics. The containment of corruption is an effort of those opposed to corruption. Bill Clinton was the President of the United States during 1999 and 2000-the years the Obama administration seems to focus upon as possible years where Mitt Romney may have  defrauded the public by wearing two Presidential hats at once as if he were Bo Jackson while claiming more than a decade later to have been president of just one Olympic games without any corporate leading at that time.. For all I know the Clinton Justice Department could have investigated if there was anything that needed looking in to. Some did believe the Clinton administration was corrupt in some respects though. It seems improbable that the Clintonistas would have been biased toward the future Republican Governor of Massachusetts.

The concept of a political 'system' is in itself interesting. The constitution 'system' of the United States was designed to enable freedom in social and civic relations for individuals, and that system needed to evolve to explicitly recognize the corrupting effects of slavery and non-enfranchisement, yet it fundamentally achieved that.

  The civic sector today in-itself may be implicitly corrupted by over-networking and /or economic totalization of opportunity within the control of elites such as the former communist party of the Soviet Union, or by aristocrats on the right advancing through various means such as oligarchy to plutocracy and monarchy, war and juntas with military dictators and so forth. Dissidents to the regime regard the system as corrupt implicitly while the powerful regard that as correct. The Obama administration has consistently added accelerant onto the civil conflict of Syria-helping to get it started in some respects, and the death total is now over 15,000. Evidently the end justifies the means to the President, with the end being the removal of the Alawite Regime and establishment of a Sunni sectarian government with a nominal democracy.

I ought to clarify that a little because some might willingly disinterpret the reference objects and time literals for political advantage rhetorically speaking.

The abstract consideration of political 'systems' differs from any particular political circumstance in space and time as logic pro forma differs from a particular application of logic.

The basic civil liberty is freedom from the encroaching, exploiting power of others for-themselves. The Soviet system of state absolutism totally subjects individuals to the power of others-a vary repressive social phenomenalism. The Obamacare tracking of poor individual citizens is about as bad as the Yuk Point N.P.R. show today on data mining and tracking of people with smart phones for financial transactions. State authoritarian creates a dumbed down populace with human creativity and inventiveness stifled substantially. It is a bad direction to go in that is as silly as the relief of corporations from meaningful legal accountability via the legal fiction that they are individuals.

That argument is itself an example of what the disputants regard as corruption on the opposition side when it is simply a political situation within the constitutional context enabling it. Some regard social reality as transcendently more real than existential, natural concerns for environmental conservation. There is of course a substantial disingenuity in the left tactic of attacking corporate social reality as legal individuals in that they seek not a reform of capitalism to fit with the times that would maximize free enterprise and social welfare but instead want to move in the aforementioned direction of statism even of a global scale.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...