
Soviet Biological Weapons Research Continued After 1972 Treaty

In the aftermath of the end of the cold war much information has been found about hidden Soviet weapons programs especially in the development of biological weapons of war. It really is rather remarkable that work continued on weaponizing anthrax, tuleremia, plague, smallpox and a number of additional bacteria and viruses. Evidently the Communist Party leadership and the military developed complimentary weaponization programs for biological war after signing off on a treaty with Richard Nixon in 1972 banning development of offensive biological weapons. There is a book named 'The Dead Hand' that recounts some of the Soviet biowar development history with quotations from principals in some instances.
One of the reasons biowar is especially of concern today after the conclusion of the cold war is the potential use of biological war by randomized terror cells even of one. With the vast quantities of biological information development and broadly disseminated in a variety of venues it is not improbably that covert and even overt research continues on how to weaponize viruses, toxins and bacteria.
Bacteria can be re-engineered to be immune to antibiotics and viruses have been investigated such that they would make the immune system attack the host if they were to survive a viral attack. The possibilities for recombinant genetic engineering of viruses is unlimited, and of course nano-viruses of inorganic inventions have unlimited potential for altering human biological structure deleteriously.
During the cold war era the Soviets tested a number of virus and bacteria delivery systems. The fact that weaponized viruses and bacteria can be so easily and broadly spread about is what might be most concerning to those observing the human social phenomena of producing dangerous technology in the 21st century.

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