
On Britain's Place in the Economic World

Occasionally I have interacted with American Anglofiles that seem unaware that British and American economic policy directions are not necessarily coincident. When Americans allow themselves to be led down the primrose path of fish, chips and footsie forsaking their national independence the U.S. economic profits suffer. The Aristocracy is happy to have groveling millions of ill-led minions abroad.
My opinion about Britain is that it is a minor landmass off Europe that exploits European and U.S. economics to best advantage. The United States is something of a soft economic target to them and it is best not to be so Anglo-centric as to be daft about world affairs generally.
Russia and Argentina are vast land areas-peers of the U.S.A. in that regard that we can do beneficial business with in economics and ecospheric conservation. Britain on the other hand is a small land mass with too many people that needs to keep the rest of the world in turbulence to extract abstract profits and send them to their financial houses maintaining their high-life style.
It is possible even for Brits to be self-sufficient in resources, and they should instead of scarfing up those of everyone they can leverage. Britain led the industrial revolution after the malaise of centuries of plague infested stagnation in European growth after the end of the classical era with the fall of Rome.  Now they are not nearly as inventive as they were formerly and rely on slick financial fraud and leveraging schemes plus hostile takeovers in business for gain. The United States is beginning to follow their lead down that road to ruin.
It is worth developing different economic value theories in order not to  be ecospherically nihilistic and simply obsessed with the trade value theory of cash economics. Cash as a medium of exchange has worked well in the past however social value theories are not reliant upon a blind obsession with that abstract medium of exchange instead to the detriment of awareness of things-in-themselves. It is possible to view the woods and the trees simultaneously-although very difficult for those with introverted political philosophy and an inflexible economic value theory.

The U.S.A. should follow George Washington's farewell address admonition that the United States of America should beware of permanent foreign alliances. U.S. and British aristocratic interests do not preponderantly coincide on geopolitical matters.

Russia sold Alaska to the United States in 1865 because it didn't want Britain to get it-sound reasoning the present Alaskan political leadership seem to have forgotten in their support for British resource exploitation of Alaska minerals.

The United State evicted a few British pirates that were in the Malvinas that slunked back in later perhaps while the U.S. was preoccupied with rebuilding the national capital after the British burned it to the ground.

The United States does not need British aristocrats for another grafted skimming class of leaders, yet should be on good terms with such homest supporters of abolishing aristocracy as can be found as we are with Madagascarians and the Taiwanese. The United States has a nominal democracy and a dumbed down Democratic party incapable of sound economic reasoning nationally.

Britain does not have a true democracy. Now and then the Aristocrats can step in to Orwellianize things as they had the right forever to rifle postal letters and packages and now have closed circuit T.V. so that the disguise sales business is probably going up in London. People wonder if Princess Diana was an inconvenient truth that and Her Majesty's subject flunkies.

Some wonder if Britain was sporting rather than technically manipulative if it would have allowed a Princess Diana to marry a Saudi Royal and given that oil kingdom a rival claim on the Windsor Throne. LIBOR is a technical tool opportune for corruption. Britain could have sought to prove the world champion Olympic swimmer with a strait cross channel and back event. In fact every Olympic should have a local element to give the home team a fair advantage using its own natural resources. If the Olympics occur in the U.S.A. again the marathon run should be across Eisenhower pass at 10,000 feet.

Europe and the British have different inter-bank lending rating agencies. The European Central Bank has about 900 billion in assets at no interest and there isn't much inter-bank lending, instead it goes through the ECB. The United States uses the different London rating and that isn't helpful.

In the United States and Europe (with London somewhere advantaged in between) banks are becoming a kind of seperate and unequal financial class that are supported by taxpayers bailing out there egrgious excessses in speculating and swilling up the common assets held by private owner-commoners  and I do not believe that the Brits are generally against that sort of economic aristocratic development.

The U.S. democratic party of economically challenged without leadership since the first Clinton administration have followed the British path toward neglect of U.S. national interests. Clinton was big on British Thermal Units and making American home mortgages available for sale globally.

The Obama administration asked that two Federally supported home mortgage lenders that took heavy losses in the derivatives crash forgive billions of bad debts that Americans and others have and the administrator of those- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac-declined. What else could he do? How could he write off debts when those two agencies have sold hundreds of billions of dollars of shares to the Communist Chinese and in effect write off debt owed to the Communist Party of China?

The United States needs to get is house in order ecosherically and with employment and quit being so Anglo-centric. U.S.  women and homosexuals may like the Britain over much perhaps because of charisma of the Queen, secret desire of girls to be princesses instead of municipal waste removal workers and the safety of an English speaking nation with fairy tale castles. The problem with democracy as Aristotle pointed out is that the demos is dumb and eventually collapses into tyranny. With Obamacare and other tag the poor tactics the nation is slowly moving in that direction.

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