
Team Obama's Head Shots at Romney's Dual Presidential Hats/Safer Swiss/Bermudan Banks?

Team Obama's mud slingin at Mitt Romney-a lot of allegations and maybe ifs with no legal support are an alarming way to run a political campaign. If Mitt Romney is indictable for something then the administration should put up or shut up and not just toss mud all day. If it illegal to have overseas bank accounts does that include J.P. Morgan Chase? Are smaller foreign banks safer places to stash retirement savings than too big to fail U.S. banks and minion subsidiaries? If tax liability extends only 7 years then why should Romney provide data for 1999, 2000 or 2001?  Is the Obama administration planning to set the I.R.S. records to audit everyone the past decade or two?

No one assumes that there isn't corruption or bias in politics. The containment of corruption is an effort of those opposed to corruption. Bill Clinton was the President of the United States during 1999 and 2000-the years the Obama administration seems to focus upon as possible years where Mitt Romney may have  defrauded the public by wearing two Presidential hats at once as if he were Bo Jackson while claiming more than a decade later to have been president of just one Olympic games without any corporate leading at that time.. For all I know the Clinton Justice Department could have investigated if there was anything that needed looking in to. Some did believe the Clinton administration was corrupt in some respects though. It seems improbable that the Clintonistas would have been biased toward the future Republican Governor of Massachusetts.

The concept of a political 'system' is in itself interesting. The constitution 'system' of the United States was designed to enable freedom in social and civic relations for individuals, and that system needed to evolve to explicitly recognize the corrupting effects of slavery and non-enfranchisement, yet it fundamentally achieved that.

  The civic sector today in-itself may be implicitly corrupted by over-networking and /or economic totalization of opportunity within the control of elites such as the former communist party of the Soviet Union, or by aristocrats on the right advancing through various means such as oligarchy to plutocracy and monarchy, war and juntas with military dictators and so forth. Dissidents to the regime regard the system as corrupt implicitly while the powerful regard that as correct. The Obama administration has consistently added accelerant onto the civil conflict of Syria-helping to get it started in some respects, and the death total is now over 15,000. Evidently the end justifies the means to the President, with the end being the removal of the Alawite Regime and establishment of a Sunni sectarian government with a nominal democracy.

I ought to clarify that a little because some might willingly disinterpret the reference objects and time literals for political advantage rhetorically speaking.

The abstract consideration of political 'systems' differs from any particular political circumstance in space and time as logic pro forma differs from a particular application of logic.

The basic civil liberty is freedom from the encroaching, exploiting power of others for-themselves. The Soviet system of state absolutism totally subjects individuals to the power of others-a vary repressive social phenomenalism. The Obamacare tracking of poor individual citizens is about as bad as the Yuk Point N.P.R. show today on data mining and tracking of people with smart phones for financial transactions. State authoritarian creates a dumbed down populace with human creativity and inventiveness stifled substantially. It is a bad direction to go in that is as silly as the relief of corporations from meaningful legal accountability via the legal fiction that they are individuals.

That argument is itself an example of what the disputants regard as corruption on the opposition side when it is simply a political situation within the constitutional context enabling it. Some regard social reality as transcendently more real than existential, natural concerns for environmental conservation. There is of course a substantial disingenuity in the left tactic of attacking corporate social reality as legal individuals in that they seek not a reform of capitalism to fit with the times that would maximize free enterprise and social welfare but instead want to move in the aforementioned direction of statism even of a global scale.

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Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is...