
Romey's Bermuda Retirement Account, Obama's Foreign Origin and the Problem of Globalism

The poor at least (who are U.S. citizens) would like America to be for Americans and the rich to invest in creating good jobs in the U.S.A. Many of them don't prefer to have a president raised offshore in Indonesia eating dogs with or without barbeque sauce who won't reinforce Arizona border security or U.S. immigration laws, neither are they thrilled about numbered Swiss accounts, no-tax havens for the prosperous in Bermuda (e.g. Mitt Romney) or Rhodes scholars running for political office in the U.S.A. Bermuda is also a British possession and no right-thinking Republican candidate should touch that empire's financial assets and institutions with a ten-foot pole.

Some of the poor deplore Bill Clinton's Oxford academic treason as well as Tom Harkins Bermuda vacation home. They may hate Charlie Wrangell's Santo Domingan condo properties and wonder why they aren't in Puerto Rico. How can President Obama advocate for illegal aliens as he recently has and let Samoan Americans languish without citizenship-everyone should be a citizen of one country and no more-American Samoans living in a U.S. territory have none.

Americans today are plundered by globalism and existential economics of unaccountability and global irresponsibility. From a Diamond President of Barclay's Bank to a Diamond President of Chase losing 6 billion on the roll of dice the climate of global existentialist self-interest prevails in U.S. politics. Deregulation has made a diner's dilemma macro-social gradual decline into a pit of unprofitability for the national interest. 

Democrats have made the Romney tax-free retirement account holding in Bermuda a campaign issue. It indicates the need for pervasive reform of capitalism such that U.S. free enterprise is featured and the prosperity of all Americans is a concern preponderantly in politics. Americans are global investors in mutual funds and a plethora of other financial instruments yet when everyone pursues their narrow self interest the systems tends to fail just as if everyone at a football game with a 100,000 people sought to pursue their best self interest using the restrooms at half-time making the process inefficient.

Adam Smith and David Hume were friends and philosophically minded. They advocated for capitalism with values in their day adapted to the prevailing empirical conditions of trade, commerce and allocation of personal and public resource. Hayek and Von Mises inquired into the nature of capital and what it is-plants, cash, gold, social structure and so forth. Smith and Hume realized that the pursuit of the good might be construed as capital, for capital is a good that secures the well-being of the individual as well as of the many. The concept of common wealth and ordinary capital build up is a function of the description of the literal, variable meaning of capital at any given time.

In one era water may be the most valuable capital good, in another it might be an oar or a sail. Tradable commodities such as gold may represent capital, or seashells or good social structure such as in a well-trained mercenary army for hire. Capital is an abstract expression of concentrated point phenomena of good states of affairs. It is a failure in modern social and economic theory to recognize ordinarily the concept of capital as a variable representing the epiphenomenal object of goodness to the experience of human life that brings automatic and mal-adapted economic iterations and ideas such as existential deregulation of social commerce to dominate the present mal-adaptive global economic system.

The nature of capital and of ecological economic philosophy is too broad of topic to pursue far in this essay. Yet it should be possible to reform American capitalism such that free enterprise is again accentuated over concentrated wealth through collective corporate structures. The number of individuals employed in any corporation should be limited to 5000 and the number of corporations anyone could invest in would be limited to three. A new age of qualitative economic competition and free enterprise should develop. Yet it needs to develop with the criterion of ecospheric renewal through the necessary vehicle of government regulation, zoning and incentives.

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