
Record Year in Progress for Polar & Greenland Ice Melt

The Greenland ice sheet has 'unprecidented' melting this year over 95% of its surface area. The melting of the Arctic ice pack also seems to be faster this year.
It may be that most Americans being indoor, thermostat regulated creatures don't notice temperature changes as meaningfully as those of us that live outdoors annually.
The arctic ice sheet is melting at a rapid pace.Comparing the two N.A.S.A. photos via Cryosphere Today from Juy 20th, 2000 and July 20th 2012 and notice the difference.
In the two photos of Greenland below taken from space, observe how quickly the area of surface melting expanded in just four days from July 8th, 2012 to July 12, 2012.
Greenland Ice Sheet (splash)

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