
Made-In-China U.S. Olympic Uniforms/Shuckin and Jivin the Way to 21 Trillion Dollars of U.S. Public Debt

I wrote this post when someone said out of the blue that white males have a seething hate for Barrack Obama because he is a negro. The support for that offered were the phrases 'shucking and jiving' and 'picking up stitches' that I used in a post about the U.S. Olympics uniforms made-in China issue that hadn't anything to do with the President. In don't think Barrack Obama had anything to do with that pro or con. Maybe the left hates the Chinese for not being whatever and attack white men as a political tactic in a two-for-one shot.
I don't think that the President can run his campaign on a foundation of racism. Independents regard issues objectively and evaluate a President's achievements of failures critically. Sure there are a lot of Americans that aren't white males so stimulating the anti-white male vote is a good tactic for those that are divisive and disingenuous. Yet if one cares about the nation enough to advocate for equal protection of the law and full employment for all American citizens it is useful to stay away from the racist smears.

The President has kept a real unemployment rate-U6- of about 18% and that is unacceptable for us long-term unemployed house repainters. Goodness-the Democrat media even tried to make house painting a 'clan' activity as if white repainters wouldn't repaint a house belonging to a Negro, Chinese, Vietnamese or Hispanic.

The President has created an alarming and rather depraved social environment for youth with his advocay of homosexual marriage-and that concerns those of us with traditional values. It is my experience on writing on the Internet for a decade that the homosexual lobby invariably makes personal attacks on political opponents rather than arguing objectively on the merits of issues. I think that is a long run strategic error on their part and indicates a social inability for that group to co-exist peacefully within a democratic context where free expression of political ideas is valued rather than excoriated.

The President being a negroe just isn't the issue. The issue is his complete lack of competence in economic affairs and his roll over of advisers from prior administrations including those such as Geitner on a non-reform economic team.

Those of us looking ahead to a better society with low entropy economics, full employment and no public debt are not encouraged by the President's plan to run the national debt up to more than 20 trillion dollars if re-elected. That much debt requires more than a trillion a year in interest payments and may stimulate various forms of national economic failure of a deleterious nature we ought to avoid.
Shucking and jiving can be cool in most instances. Those American colloquialisms are not racist. Neither is the word 'duds'. That was a fairly common word for clothing in the 1950s. 'Picking up stitches' is a sewing/seamstress concept I heard from a long ago. It was also used by the very square musician Donovan as a lyric.
Since so much of the current ado is about the outsourcing of work to Chinese sewing  seamstresses, gender neutral stitching associates or automatons on U.S. Olympic uniforms I thought it apropos.

Incidentally Mitt Romney's father may have been one of the first Americans to suffer significantly from outsourcing of production overseas as President of American Motors. One would need to research the time better than I have time for presently, yet Detroit in the 60s and 70s underwent major changes in competition with the world auto market. Detroit went through a severe recession and in a way never recovered market share.

Japanese and German auto production became serious rivals for the U.S. market after the U.S. helped restore those nations to economic competitivity with reasonable support (e.g. The Marshall Plan for Europe) and prevention of Nazi and Imperialist recrudescence.

After the end of the cold war there were other challenges from the world again with an expanding labor pool by 2 billion or so that had been unavailable more or less.

Contemporary Americans may have better language for workplace terminology descriptive of manual labor 'getting in the grove' with everything going right-yet I don't know what that would be. Maybe the oyster catch has recovered in Louisiana recently after the oil spill. In Alaska they just cancelled the Kenai River King Salmon fishery this year because there aren't enough fish perhaps even to repopulate the run.

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