
Media Belief In 'God Particle' Between Rock and Hard Place

A Higgs Particle is one of the bosun class of elementary particles and appears or condenses when the Higgs Field is over-excited. The particle quickly decays into hadrons and electrons. Some high-tech neo-pagan media swags call the hypothetical particle 'The God Particle'. Also known as the Higgs Particle after its theoretical physics progenitor (something like the mother of the god particle), the medialosophical ramifications of the expected announcement on the 4th of July of the very probably, almost for-sure inferential evidence of the existence of the 'God Particle' at the European C.E.R.N. facility will be a kind of larger sky-rocketing of certainty that there is a basic particle that in some way emerged or emerges from a basic Higgs Field.
A Higgs particle appearing from a quantum Higgs Field brings one to wonder about its relationship to dimensions, quarks, strings, membranes and time. One wonders how an entire field emerges with space-time isotropy to experience local anisotropy and energetic precipitation. Actually the Higgs Particle if discovered raises more questions than it solves philosophically speaking. It might be better regarded as a demi-urge particle, or of some less than absolute particle even if it was or is common at some point in the history of space-time. Not even the Higgs Field should be regarded as a 'God Field' except in the sense that the Creator issued everything that exists at some point or in some way, even if it can't be pointed to in any particular particle.

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