
Obama Term 1: Four Years of Extended Tax Cuts, Five Trillion More Debt and Four More Years of Guantanamo Bay

President Obama has a plan for the nation, or at least for a re-election campaign- renew cheer-leading for Bush era tax cuts excluding the wealthy with a snowball's chance in hell of passing through Congress. That would let the President cave in at the last minute again in return for peanuts for his Chicago supporters and possibly the gay union to include the rich in tax cuts for another two years. The cost of another Obama Administration term would be at least another 5 trillion dollars of public debt. The national unemployment rate has remained above 8% and may get worse if any of several economic dangers arise including global warming events.

Long ago when Barrack Obama was a young lad growing up in Indonesia and later Hawaii, the Democratic Party was a realistic advocate for the economic rights of the poor. Democratic leaders were not sycophants signing off on tax cuts for the rich now and then. Neither did they demote the interests of the poor and regard them as illegal aliens or first generation American Hispanics prevalently. Democratic administrations were not drunk on the champagne of celebrity and glitter of stars and globalism; they were able individuals with a sober view of national interests and practiced real-politick post-World War Two that brought about the rise of prosperity of all classes of Americans.

The Soviet Union formed during the lead up to the First World War. Since the U.S.A. made its wrong decision a century ago to invest in foreign wars the need to battle against political situations of its own creation has been a recurrent theme of political class. That unaffordable policy ought to stop, as should abortion of the health of the world ecosphere yet the President has no apparent capacity to escape from a political economy of cephalic idiocy put upon him by his Rasputin Cohort of Advising bankers seeking to just concentrate wealth as bankers occupationally do.

The President might have mentioned the heresy of making banks non-profit institutions and been convicted of impeachable offenses of course, yet he hasn't taken even simple steps to reduce unemployment such as halting all illegal immigration so the labor market can tighten up and wages rise in the U.S.A.

Because the broadcast media is owned by the rich with the Gay Pride C.N.N. and M.S.N.B.C. on the left and Rush Limbaugh on the right the non-party political system seems a fact with idiotic, unreformed market economics plundering social reality nationally and globally the usual advocate for elevation of short term profits to the front of the political agenda.

Rush Limbaugh mentioned that the poor receiving food stamps haven't enough pain. Pain is some sort of incentive that people require to look for work in Mr. Limbaugh's view. Some of his ideas are a big pain for-others of course, yet it is the fact that he hasn't any meaningful competition that allows him to concentrate wealth and bespeak road apples of ignorance on environmental affairs.

Without reform of the broadcast media such that all Americans can have a time slice on a local frequency via the Internet the concentration of political power through the corruption of the rich owning the broadcast spectrum isn't likely to change. President Obama hasn't taken a step in that necessary direction either. He seems to be contemplating how to add another five or ten trillion dollars of public debt for the next generation to struggle with if he can get re-elected.

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