
Common Gun Ownership is Necessary for a Democratic Society

The United States has always had common gun ownership and it has always been a free society; that is not a coincidence. Nations such as Russia before 1990 never allowed common gun ownership and the people were always enslaved. The same applies to China during the Imperial and Communist era.
Some might find examples in the world of nations that still exist that outlawed common gun ownership yet its improbably difficult. What nation in South or Central America hasn't has copious revolutions, civil strife and corruption sufficient that it could serve as a realistic example for the United States? 
Some point to Canada as a society that allows only guns yet it has a small population and a land area larger as large or larger than the U.S.A. Canada also turned down a potential  Soviet agent highly placed in science in the U.S.S.R. when he knocked on the door of their embassy in Finland. As a second choice the Russian contacted the British and supplied them with Soviet data about as important to American interests in ending the cold war as two American spies giving U.S. Naval communication codes to the Soviets was to the Evil Empire. Canada was pursuing a policy of inoffensiveness or something maybe and that can be a good thing.
Eastern Europe under the Soviets didn't have common gun ownership, and certainly the Jews in Warsaw and western Europe hadn't enough guns to resist arrest and shipment to the extermination camps of the 3rd Reich.
Some might point out Arab nations or those with Islamic law in some cases as examples of nations where restricted gun ownership in some cases works. The legal system required to keep a disarmed populace in check in the absence of gun ownership tends to be fairly strict-probably to much so for the United States.  China and Saudi Arabia execute citizens a lot quicker than the U.S.A. James Holmes in China perpetrating such an act would probably not last a couple of months before death.
Nations that allow or even require gun ownership tend to be free nations. Switzerland is free and so is the U.S.A. If one day a disarmed citizenry has armed state agents knocking on their doors to remove them for some purpose, gun ownership resistance one home at a time would make the arrest of millions a little more difficult. Americans might need not only armed improvisational militias, they might need to personally resist squads of government or corporate agents themselves some day.
Obviously if the United States become a corporate serfdom intimidated and controlled by vague imperial powers from wherever even with disclaimers and small print regulations oozing out of thin air restrictions on common gun ownership will be one item on their agenda for hostile takeover of society and expropriation of whatever it is that Americans might have as equal citizens on the Earth.
The recent Aurora Colorado massacre of twelve and shooting of 70 people has been exploited by perennial disarmament advocates as a reason to impinge on common gun ownership, and the examp0le is the worst they could make. There are very, very few and rare killing of complete strangers in mass by individuals crazy or not. Of about 12,000 annual murder victims in the U.S.A. annually most occur in real circumstances that might not be stopped by elimination of common gun ownership.
The F.B.I. murder victim chart at the url above shows the distribution numbers of relatives, acquaintances and circumstances such as gang killings  that happened in the year 2010. Few homicides are killings by complete strangers, and those that are tend to be those in select social roles. The F.B.I. hasn't provided amidst their 4,656 killings for unknown reasons a breakdown on the number of those that were simply unilaterally done for no sociallyproximal interactive causal factor.
Not all of the 12,000 murders were made with firearms of course. There is a table delineating the type and quantity of weapons used in murders per state in 2010.
Mexico, a nation with severe restrictions on common gun ownership has an annual murder rate during the drug wars higher than 10,000 people per year. With the people disarmed the power of those gangsters with weapons is far greater of an impact upon society. One should not take Mexico as a good example of the positive value of restricted gun ownership.

What is freedom one might ask? Definitions and the philosophy of language about word meanings afford quite a lot of latitude in creating personalized and meaningful word designators. 

If you think about it, freedom on the physical and intellectual level is something like a range of motion or movement in all directions without intentional obstruction-by-others. Certainly Sartre believed freedom can't be restricted at all-one always has the ability to say no even of shot for it, yet Sartre was also a prisoner of war of the Nazis, so his meaning too has a limited range.

A weapon to defend freedom from those that would bind or shackle it can be spiritual and physical. If the slaves had been given gun ownership rights in the U.S.A. they would not have been captive long. If a potential kidnap victim has a home pump riot shotgun handy when the home breakers come through the door it can create a continuum of personal liberty.

The examples are without end in the political to the criminal realms of potential human experience. In fact the examples extend beyond the just human realm.

Projectile and other weapons are physical agents in the material world. If a brown bear approaches one early spring to dine on one's breathing carcass a mag load can correct the bear's breakfast behavior. A weapon can keep a crocodile from harvesting a conveniant foot or hand for munch, and the mighty puma leaping onto a jogger might be converted into a potential carpet in the air with a timely application of weapon diversion.

Obviously it is incumbent upon humanity to restore a rightful place for wildlife in-the-world without just eradicating them. If RTF chips and other devices were placed into animals and human dwelling areas were equipped with wildlife presence scanning devices professional handlers could capture and relocate the critters safely. It would also be possible to place metal devices in wildlife that grow hot if they venture into zones for exclusive human use, etc.

Projectile weapons commonly owned all serve the function of keeping spiritually misguided souls from encroaching upon the human rights of others. Until the time arrives that their is a true brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity it is best to know that the common gun ownership can keep the evil of gangs, corrupt government and other evil doers at a respectful distance.

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