
N.Y. Mayor Hopes Romney/Obama WIll Disarm Citizens After Batman Massacre in Denver

If only one of the hundreds of midnight movie goers-many probably on marijuana or other drugs, had been a responsible citizen armed with a concealed .357 mag weapon the 70 shootings might have been halted at just a few. Even with body army a head shot with a mag load or even a chest shot would knock a perp down long enough for other to tackle him.
When citizens become like passive pigs in a sensory pleasure corral they are easily slaughtered by neuro-scientists from San Diego. Probably every dictator in human history would have preferred to have his victims disarmed. Nothing has changed in that regard. One reason Americans are more or less free is because the citizens are responsible armed to defend against the slick political cults that want to rule every one to servility now and then.
The challenges to a free society in remaining free with the chance for moral values unconformed to the image of the beast is in keeping and defending liberal gun ownership.

I wanted to mention that the scenario of terrorist infiltrating a movie theater to kill the people in it has been an element in more than one action-adventure novel the past few years. It was a well-anticipated point of vulnerability that might have been defended against a little better. In one novel I read Denver was actually mentioned as a location for a theater terrorist attack along with a dozen other U.S. cities.

The power of a hierarchical and stratified society presents many dangers to ordinary people. One doesn't want to become absolutely socially powerless and at the mercy of the decrees of a corrupt or any other empower political or social class. The comfortable often don't recognize the undesirable social condition of being the victim of concentrated social power. 

Even to this day the concept that the Colt .45 made men equal is true.

The list of nations that have banned handguns probably approximates a list of nations without real democracy or with various stages of its loss. One might consider Tokugawa Japan or Hitler's Germany (the Jews would have had a better chance with plentiful Lugars of their own on Crystalnacht), Maoist China, the former Soviet Union and Cuba etc.

Guns are a good way to defend against thugs and even resist a corrupt state sometimes, yet the proliferation of biological gene recombination technology applicable to viral DNA weponization makes   more substantial dangers present today than direct state authoritarian disarmament of the populus. The state empowers all many of biological research and supports construction of a difficult, precarious future for humany-it is because their is so much money in it as well as for the alleviation of human suffering.

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