
Deregulation Enables Death of National Economic Sovereignty

Whenever the government yields to pressure to deregulate banking, business and mortgages it runs the risk of giving up U.S. sovereignty over practical, national affairs. With the death of deregulation by a thousand cuts global firms develop advantages over ordinary U.S. citizens. The poor in the U.S.A. mare over-run by both cheap illegal immigrant labor as well by concentrated alien wealth able to scarf up distressed U.S. homes as at present.
Right wing pundits may cite Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' out of context as a rationale for explaining why dumb executive leadership in government is best. They may say that the invisible hand of a non-rational market works for government too and that if the government would just butt out the economy would function optimally. In that opinion they are dead wrong-not even Federal Express or Microsoft work on a non-regulated business model with workers setting their own agendas to best deliver product-they are tightly regulated, highly organized structure. Government leaders must also set economic agenda and criteria that direct the optimal national economic and environmental outcomes for the populous.
Competence in government economic direction and goal setting and coherence of political machinery of the U.S.A. into the future require secure borders and good meta-regulatory goals toward accomplishing specific results rather than an existential faith in non-rationality. The business of government is the welfare of the entire nation and that requires reason rather than global conquest of national real properties and economics.
Certainly Obamacare creates a vast attack on the freedom of the poor from invasive government tracking. With 50 different health care state bureaucracies the mobility of the poor may be grossly hindered by bureaucracy and paperwork costs. One free federal health care structure providing treatment for the poor if they need it would have been a more American rather than of a Soviet style of governance.

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