
A Million and a Half U.S. Lawyers- 2.4 Million Prisoners

The United States just has too many lawyers. They are crawling out of the woodwork and even reach Oval office carpeting. With about 2.4 million prisoners in the U.S.A. and a national population of 320 million the nation is about world leading in lawyer and prisoners totals. Many nations just don't put so many people in jail or graduate so many from law school. it is not certain that either is especially good for the economy. It act it may mean that prisoner rehabilitation theory is as ineffective as economic infrastructure rehabilitation efforts.


Mexico has a very low prison rate with only about 150,000 people incarcerated and a population more than a third that of the U.S.A. (120 million). It hasn't got the financial burden that the United States has on corrections costs, however it does have 55,000 citizens in U.S. jails at a cost of 1.5 million annually for Janet Yeltsin to buy T-Bills with invented fed reserve money to pay for. mexico probably spends far less than that processing three times as many convicts.

Lawyers can help a nation to ossify and bog down and economy with litigation. They also may be a factor in government lawyer-Presidents choosing to stimulate foreign conflicts whereat they have little legal accountability. Most second and third world nations where U.S. lawyer-Presidents have decided to stimulate rebellion and civil war have comparatively few lawyers.

Russia has a very high prisoner population vs population exceeded only by the U.S.A., and of course Russia also has a lawyer-President in Vladimir Putin. When a lawyer-President like Barrack Obama or possibly Hillary Clinton demand regime change off a legal government such as was the case in Syria it is notable that Syria is led by a British educated dentist, and the U.S. Government. has little regard-actually none-for Syrian law. That is probably a result of the might is right principle filling in a vacuum off power; especially since Sharia (Muslim law) has little possibility off being ultimately regarded as substantively correct by atheist lawyers of the U.S. Democrat party.


Congress Overrides Obama Veto of Right to Sue Saudi Arabia

Should ordinary Americans have a right to sue Saudi Arabia for negligence or active support of terrorism on Americans? President Obama didn't think so and vetoed a bill sent by Congress or him to sign in to law. Congress overrode that veto and it is now law.

That raises the question about reciprocity for foreign nationals or even ordinary people anywhere to sue governments for their incompetence and corruption. Ought Syrians be free to sue President Obama or the U.S. government for supporting terrorism and/or rebellion against the Saudi government if the think they can prove they have been harmed at all by the conflict?

In former times world leaders could wage war because they had a bad hair day and it was impossible for mere subjects to sue sovereigns or even dictators ruling over them without a visit from henchmen and/or executioners. Today that burka is beginning to be lifted and people can see their way clear to holding their tyrants personally responsible for stimulating foreign wars aggressively even if indirectly.


A.I. in CyberÜber Code (fiction)

Before artificial intelligence eliminated the auto industry it took down the Güber driver. A galaxy of artificial intelligence programs that cogitated the curves of country roads with a traveling salesman's kingly lear searching for the quickest way to get to the goods, made every journey more efficiently than a human wheel person. Güber drivers were replaced by triple x boxes each containing an artificial intelligence mouse plugged in to automobile wiring converting ever car, SUV and truck into a vehicle under the synthetic command of CyberÜber the ubiquitous, moderately popular demi-urge with millions of Facebook likes and people twittering about it. Cynics wrote that robo-likes and twits were the cause of that since they appeared virtually overnight, before their webpages were taken down without an electronic ripple remaining.

CyberÜber's automobiles followed its central command authority with the precision of zeros and ones. Rival A.I. authorities sought to hack into command and control yet really, non-combatants didn't care since they were just along for the ride.

Soon CyberÜber eliminated automobile production replacing those vehicles with triple x box guided electric-magnetic glide platforms with snap on superstructures responsive to need for sheltering human being or cargo units.

With elimination of the auto industry CyberÜber produced platforms cheaply in China for export to the U.S.A. where they flowed around the former nation above in-road power lines. Thus it was that CyberÜber hackers were able to use elements of the CyberÜber fleet to make platform-suicide bomber attacks on the government. One cloudy and dreary December 2nd. A day that would live in infamy among hackers, ninety-seven thousand CyberÜber Smooth 2 platforms arrived in a cluster around the nation's capitol of Clintonbush and detonated themselves without even whimpering a single electronic blip of regret. Clintonbush and its great historical monuments of Democrat robots were reduced to unproductive rubble.

Amerigo's financial hub at Walt Street destroyed by the Fanastsia swarm of voracious nano-bots wasn't liked anyway as it was the catalytic converter of Global Nazis off the emerging New World Order. Developing inhumanity of the Uber-rich 1% bumped off had a more efficient unemotional Super-coded A.I. loop for Demi-urge governance.

Even so the former nation of Amerigo had good days ahead in its economic big picture. CyberÜber Smoother platforms were used or drive-through bank robberies plugging into Yin Banking Networks with extraction coding to download deposits and convert currencies of others into currencies for CyberÜber. Amerigo's economy the became consolidated under A.I. leadership permitting compassionate dictatorship-for-all. With ubiquitous doping and queering the population was happy enough carried about or free on CyberÜber platforms to watch CyberÜber games at CyberÜber stadia.

The weaponized CyberÜber platform war negated deleterious social effects, comparatively, of socio-economic degradation of the human station following the ascension o the A.I. network later known as CyberÜber.


Is Hillary's Wonky Pride Enough to Look Down on Americans?

Hillary supporters trying to get her to the top have expressed pride in her wonkishness time and again. The President of the U.S.A. job description isn't about bean counters and subtle nuances off existing policy though. When the policy is plain rotten the Chief Executive's task is too change policy direction.

U.S. public debt is more than 19.5 trillion dollars, global CO2 is higher than 400 p.p.m., millions of jobs were outsourced to China, more than 100 million Americans are unemployed. The average wage of white American men hasn't risen in 40 years; the wages of women and minorities will stagnate when they reach that level too, before all average American wages slowly decline while the national infrastructure rots.

Wonkies are not the key to start the engines of change-nationalism is. Frankly American politicians are at least a half-century behind the curve on where they should be regarding policy. The Clintons can be blamed for that, or at least share a large part.


Three Philosophical Essays (video)

Alaska Governor Walker and The Impermanent Fund

Vladimir Wiki and Estragon Leakes were waiting in the Alaska State Legislature for the Governor to bring a budget that would solve the state's 4 billion dollar deficit.
“We've been waiting here for the Governor or someone like him for nearly a year Estragon.”
“Sure Vlad, and he's bound to show up with an economist or someone like one.”
“Uh huh. All we need to do is wait.”
Still waiting at the start of the next legislative session, Vladimir and Estragon had grown fashionable beards. They felt more like sourdoughs of yore.  To in snowed in Juneau in December or January they would get off their bench and stand outside on the front steps of the capital in falling flakes, providing good photo ops for media.
One day the governor actual did return finding his followers patiently waiting
“If I let the deficit rise and finance it with borrowing, in three years we can pay the debt and accumulating interest selling the Impermanent Fund. “
“That is a wise plan Governor” Vladimir said; “When the Impermanent Fund- created by the notorious  correspondence school lawyer V.I. Lenin- is erased, the righteous can again rule Alaska without homeless riff raff stealing wealth from government and globalists, Harvard and Us.”

Alaska's Governor Walker is sending people west to Asia to find contractor-buyers for Alaska's natural gas. Alaska has a government budget crisis and Governor Walker wants to build a new natural gas pipeline that he hopes will help pay for the cost of government.

Apparently Governor Walker has no idea how government is supposed to be financed. Governments  over history usually were financed with income tax. The state of Alaska has doesn't have an income tax. Because of the 'blessing' of North Slope oil sales and royalty income the state government was financed since the 1970s largely by oil corporations. With so much fracking going on that made the U.S.A. the world's largest oil producer with a super-abundance of fossil fuels the value of oil has declined. Quantity flowing through the pipeline has declined too. It's a quarter of the glory days. Fracking in the future may refill Prudhoe Bay reserves in effect some day in the future if it doesn't pollute so much and if the world still allows the primitive technology of burning fossil fuels in the atmosphere to continue. For the time being the oil corporations don't need that, allow they might choose to frack Alaska in a couple of decades if the U.S. supply dwindles much and if fuel cell and super-conductor technological developments die.

Governor Walker apparently believes that government should be funded by global corporations- especially those producing fossil fuels for the public to consume. The trans-Alaska pipeline project of 1974 was driven by a tight oil supply with Arab nationalization of its oil fields and OPEC forming soon following. Governor Walker is an action figure for the state  workers that want to build its own pipeline in a time of a 4 billion dollar budget deficit. If it was built it probably wouldn't produce anything in revenue for at least five years and the Governor is likely to be a one-term guy.

Since the Governor has attacked the soft underbelly of the people's personal finance; the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend- taking more than half this year and giving it to his bureaucracy, voters will look for someone who will restore it and finance government the old fashioned way with income taxes, reductions in the number of government personnel and a search for new business development that would produce more tax revenue.

It could be that any government official could approach the Chinese Communist Government and ask them to pay for the development of an Alaska natural gas pipeline paying Alaska 10% royalty for all of the gas flowing through it quantitatively. The 10% would be set to the world's prevailing natural gas value on the spot market. Thus 90% of the gas would be in essence free for the communist ships at Cook Inlet to transport to Shanghai to fuel that nation's industry replacing many very dirty coal fired power plants.

The Chinese have an excellent engineering capability with numerous Red Army personnel able to build bases along the Alaska interior pipeline corridor and surveyors to check things out and get development of the long-range project going. Some might find the idea of Chinese Communist development of Alaska's resources, or even development by global corporations instead of Americans, offensive. The Governor might discredit naysayers as mere disgruntledites. I wouldn't be the judge of that. As an Alaskan I don't get much pork fried rice, of that I'm certain.

Alaska could use a flat 10% income tax with those earning fewer than 22,000 annually exempt. The state has more transient seasonal workers than most other who pay no state taxes, yet the state many of the state government hate the idea-especially since the state is one of the largest employers in Alaska. The state government generally wants to rely on royalty finance because the corporations don't want to pay any taxes and legislatures desirous of kickbacks are afraid to rock the boat. Like cargo cults researched long ago the government thinks that because a pipeline built by the private sector produced billions and billions of dollars they just need to build one themselves. If the money was there the private sector would build it themselves if able to clear environmental hurdles including leakage of the radical greenhouse gas methane to the atmosphere.

Eventually, in two or three years without a state income tax the legislature with a vast new public debt and interest payments upon it will look to the Alaska Permanent Fund principal itself as a way to bail themselves out. When that 57 billion or so is sold off then it will perhaps actually regard an income tax as the best available choice for government finance. Politicians may actually hate the Permanent Fund as socialist and intend to treat it as an impermanent fund that should be sold and laundered to special interests via state contracts.

It would be better to avoid taking half of the income of the payment to all of the people-the PFD-that is in effect a new tax that is regressive and hits the most poor the hardest and while being trivial for the rich. The loss of the PFD make drive out many marginally existing Alaskans leaving the state an exclusive place set aside for corporate and government cadre an Red Army gas engineers.

The fisherman-Governor of Alaska Jay Hammond was something of a genius in creating the state permanent fund to share the wealth of Alaska sales of natural resources with the people. Governor Walker in taking more than half of the people's share is more working less than a miracle creating innovative, positive finance ideas.

The Governor probably isn't a bad guy. It's just that he has no idea how to  rightly oriented and serve the people rather than oil corporations. He is looking to the past the dog whose master has sailed away, never to return (Juneau has a statue of such a loyal dog on the city cruise ship wharf-a most admirable beast yet not a good role model for creative financial brainstorming).

In the tight era the state University system still participates in interstate sport when the cost of flying teams south and staying over is just not affordable. Alaska itself has far better and more challenging sports opportunities than anything sweaty, dirty stadias of the 48 states can provide.

Regard the Anchorage to Fairbanks marathon. At 360 miles and ascending to the Denali Park entrance before a downhill toward the Yukon river valley preparing for it is an athletic challenge. Another sport is the newish one of riding bicycles on the Iditarod trail to Nome. There are additionally innumerable mountains to run up, vast river systems to race down (or up) in kayaks. Countless scuba diving sports opportunities. Ice log rolling in the Arctic ocean near Barrow and Barter Island, boulder hurling on beaches everywhere, glacier ice climb racing, para-sailing from mountains greater than 15,000 feet etc. Students very sports challenged can join a military reserve training program if guaranteed local deployment. There are no comparably enjoyable sports activities down south that are regular intercollegiate sports.

A democratic government (or republic) financed with an income tax has an implicit natural feedback loop regarding size and cost of government. Citizens care more about the quality and integrity of government rather than not at all since it's free and can be corrected or contained best with lawsuits.

The state of Alaska has ample natural resources to attract developers some of whom would comply with contemporary rational regulatory ecospheric criteria, even with the presence of a state income tax. It is nothing to fear, not even for those making themselves government servo-units of great foreign and/or global corporate powers.

Democrats Aren't Team U.S.A. Players

Democrats today value race over economics. John F. Kennedy said that when the economic tide comes in all of the ships in the harbor rise Democrats of the Clinton-Obama era seek just the betterment of their own party constituency if that. President Obama has sought just to enrich the most rich.

The party of Hubert Humphrey and Robert Kennedy is long dead. The Bush-Clinton-Obama line advanced Wall Street and corporate interests. For some investors if terrorism happens in a nation the significant concern is how it effects the profit and loss statement of the fortune 500.

The democrat party constituency in a way still believes in the party of Kennedy and Robert Hubert H. Humphrey when the interests of the common working class and middle class men and women together with the poor were the primary concern. The party was more realistic in those days than today where the party leadership consistently says one thing and does another. Lawyers are purveyors of words with guile rather than business men and women of action. They may say anything to get elected then simply work for the interests of globals and the most rich.

Democrat party leaders say words that bring votes and actions that concentrate wealth while stagnating wages for the middle class and poor. Good jobs are sent abroad to China and with fewer employed in the United States at any time in the past 40 years reports about the economy are shrunken such that it seems as if the economy is healthy.

American blacks are the worst off in the Bush-Clinton-Obama line of economic shrinking. Students must pay off huge college loans while career jobs are moving targets and flee abroad. The great tax cuts of Barrack Obama were acts of economic racism against black economic developments that a white male president could not have got away with, yet blacks just want more and voted for a second term for Barrack Hussein Obama.

Formerly it was the responsibility of the democratic Party to run candidates that better the situation for American workers rather than drive them out of the work force, send good jobs overseas, sustain 50 million on food stamps and entitlement programs to half of the people of the United States.

News media owned by Wall Street as well as the Soviet era Pravda like national Public Radio back up the shrinking economic picture reports readily-they are in the half of the country with good income after all and relegate the losers to the new normal they have accepted as the way things are. The way things are though is evolving away from real democracy with lesser disparity between rich and poor and toward a global plutonomy with nations fading away to business districts controlled by corporate-government elites-where real candidates and concepts for issues that might trouble the ruling class simply won't exist. Dope and large screen t.v.s and more can pacify the masses.

Or can it? If the entire world is brought to an American standard of living it would quickly consume planetary resources with the environment brought to conclusive ruin. Even if American voters are reduced to spineless followers with complaints and protests about white males such as they were in the 1950s economically in comparison to everyone else, that world will still be long expired and the wages of American blacks and white women will fall into decline to as they are controlled and set aside with development going elsewhere in the world.

It is an irony that the first black President got away with committing the most racist economic tax cut against black Americans in modern times to the society and nation. All the President needed to do was just not sign the bill into law-a single veto, and he could have negotiated for tax cuts with republicans from the bottom up starting with complete exemption for the poor. Instead the Harvard lawyer dumped everything he could to the rich and left nothing at all for democrats to negotiate with. Lost was funding for students, new alternative infrastructure development, paying off the national debt, space colonization and development of electro-magnetic accelerators in the moon and Mars, environmental recovery, free college education, increased scientific research funding and a guaranteed minimum income of one-quarter the average working wage. With a fairly progressive tax on wealth those doing business in the U.S.A. would be those willing to invest here and contribute to the U.S.A. as if it mattered. If Hillary Clinton were to be elected, the first women President may bring about a substantive decline in the average wage of white women since their modern rise though brought them to within a fraction of the average of working men.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...