
ABout the Two Oil Heirs in a War of Destructive Terrorism

Notes on Neo-Corporatist & State Terrorism and Covalent Support of Globalism in Formation of ad hoc Communes Consistent with Goals of Al Qa’eda in Destruction of National Independence and Democracy.

The present war of terror prosecuted by two wealthy heirs of vast fortunes-the Bush and Bin Ladin families has show more than a modicum of insensitivity to the aspirations of ordinary people. In a recent video the Os Bin Ladin descried capitalism in a sour grapes complaint after the Saudi Government forced the sale of his portion of the family oil and engineering wealth and confiscated/froze the proceeds. The window of opportunity for course correction in international political and economic applied philosophy away from the present imperial slide toward a chaos of capitalism, communism Hindu and Islamic internationalism corrupting local democratic and economic political self-determination may not be open forever. Political ministrations to conserve national cultural opportunities may wither in nations such as the United States of America as confident wealthy political leaders fail to comprehend the consequences of the loss of American traditional cultural values and independence in favor of ingress of pervading internationalism that lines the pockets of those invested in global corporatism.

Local independent business people, tradesmen and the like may work and create new capital value and spend there profits it corporate global outlets that are whisked away to the global shareholders. The redistribution of local wealth to corporate shareholders and the influx of millions of illegal aliens to displace construction trade wage and contractor value are phenomena of globalization’s creeping amoral conquest of the United States.

The loss of national economic and cultural self-determination is in progress with an amoral global stew of Islamo-communist-paganism under an imperial ruling class moving in to replace it. Capitalism during the cold war wasn’t given an opportunity for a detached, analytical review and reformation for application to a post cold-war world. The failure to comprehend the true role that capitalism should play within a democratic society has given license to modern predatory globalists to exploit capitalism as an economic philosophy for mass social repression and world conquest unifying quite well with Chinese communist repression of individual liberty. Neither corporatists nor communists need care about individual free enterprise and free expression; instead they care solely about reinforcing power for the elite organizational leadership they comprise, and mass material formulae for the worker-employees with kickbacks to shareholders/party members. It isn’t too late yet to subdue the wild meglomaniacal excesses of globalism and restore a political philosophy of self determination to American national interests. Globalists like to use extreme dialectical antinomies as straw men to knock down in order to defend their self-fated right to force everyone into a global corporatist political entity of planetary inertial stagnation; there are alternative methods of free trading national democratic social developments aplenty without extreme global oppression by either corporate imperial or communist subjugation. The philosopher Aristotle believed that people would develop their interests most carefully if they owned them for-themselves. Both communism and corporatism take away individual ownership through various networked means and reduce humanity to droll servo-units of the global hive.

Some may argue in support of the global corporatist state that it is a better way to reach out to the downtrodden second and third world people living in poverty than communism. That may be true and a valid premise for corporatist support if communism were the only alternative method of economic development in the second and third world, yet it is not. Democracy with a healthy petite capitalism and limited entry trans-national capitalism would better support local, national economic growth. Free trading small worlds networks able to synergize product development, production and sales without formal legal business unification may avoid the semi-monopolistic capitalization facts of interowned royal global corporatism.

When cold-blooded global corporatism invades to displace local political control at best allowing local politicians to be yes men and smoke blowers for a transnational upper class even local religious beliefs eventually are co-opted or dialectically radicalized by the amorality of globalist takeover creating a local radicalization in response that may foster support for national socialist political dictatorships in the emergent second and third world amidst polities mindful to avoid both communism and false non-Christian theocratic religious domination.

Global corporatist supporting politicians such as President George W. Bush may compel nations to disregard externalities such as environmental harm and global warming because of the traditional unaccountability of business for environmental damage without litigation. Even the NGTO CEO Osama Bin Ladin had the good sense to exploit the corporatist irresponsibility for global warming in a recent video. Al Qa’eda as a non-manufacturing terrorist organization of course contributes little to global warming except when creating mass environmental disasters such as the 9-11 World Trade Center pollutants more than compensating for their lack of smokestack industry ownership. Al Qa’eda has benefited in the past from contributions from Saudi oil wealthy individuals and hasn’t yet renounced fossil fuel as a major factor causing global warming. Non-governmental terrorist organizations (NGTO’s) such as Al Qa’eda are not the only present danger to individual and national economic and political security. Ad hoc global corporations co-opting national political self determination en passant with trans-national corporate existence able to afford purchase of national political leadership loyalty and purchase national and global broadcast media propaganda monopolies assault individual political opposition increasingly without legal accountability through a variety of wicked and ruthless means. Foreign governments may present as significant of a threat to individuals in the United States as Al Qa’eda, or more so; the BBC and NPR are as apt to subvert American individuals as the corporate broadcasters; the Department of Homeland security is effectively a Department of Corporate globalist security to conquer the American Democracy and annihilate American tradition and culture. The U.S. Government will not democratize the broadcast media to Internet podcast use by all citizens and take away a primary socializing tool of corporatist and state propaganda terror technology.

Mexican truckers enabled by pre-9-11 NAFTA provisions to drive throughout the United States will present an increasing and pervasive security threat to every niche of the United States. Bin Ladin must already be grooming truckers from Mexico on delta force quality force delivery package mission training. Foreign packaged trucks and containers with g.p.s.’ will be able to deposit materials anywhere in the U.S.A. for later use. If the Soviet KGB had been given such a fine method of equipment ingress the cold war might have been resolved the other way. It is likely that AL Qa’eda and other ad hoc terrorist organizations dedicated to the destruction of the U.S. democracy, the end of the reality of a working constitution of the United States and free enterprise sole proprietorships will utilize the NAFTA trucking sovereignty surrender avenue of approach to coordinate and deliver terrorist tools even unto Hannibal Missouri. Pioneer Americans recognized the Carthaginian’s comprehension that the way to destroy the Roman Empire was to go for the city of Rome itself, and he made that effort nearly successfully until stopped at Cannae.

Any global corporation will be free to set up shop and deliver to any place in the U.S.A. directly whatever contraband and articles of war it can get past the ineffective customs inspectors.

Cleverly packaged shipments of weapons of mass destruction such as nerve gas or tons of weaponized anthrax might be gotten through in just one truck container and delivered without middleman to anyplace deemed convenient by the personnel in favor of a reconstituted Sunni imperial preference for a Caliphate set Al Qa’eda for mass civilian casualties for tactical political-economic purposes. The NAFTA trans-border trucking provisions should be abrogated immediately, while the rest of the treaty may continue, if Mexico halts its mass waves of over-the-boundary line flood of illegal alien construction workers.

Usama Bin Ladin’s recent video highlighted the similarities Al Qa’eda George Bush and the British Government have in both oil, imperialism and preference for Sunni Royal power of some form in the Middle East. Usama’s misunderstanding of the problem with capitalism is not compensated for by his recognition of the danger of global warming, even unto the decimation of polar bear habitat. Usama’s feeling for the hard edges of capitalism has a Maoist spin, and one in error of course-the problem isn’t capitalism but is corporatist corruption of capitalism and democracy.

The crisis in capitalism today is in its wild, unmanaged power to subvert democracy and individual economic competition. Globalization of capitalism and the existence of large international investment funds work to create a monolithic and oppressive global ruling class without any ethical values respecting the foundation principles of western civilization in individualism, individual self-determination and political equality of citizens.

Globalists and their national globalist broadcast sycophants have an unreformed basic urge toward absolute greed for-itself and self-association with corrupt absolute power. Capital is given an absolute value by the globalists that is assumed to have some sort of magical merit for political organization and justice that might in some way be the most optimal course of economic development possible. That false belief and the sociological facts supporting the mass cattle-lie stampede in support of goal capital investments creates a juggernaut of power crushing individual free enterprise and democracy, self-determination and physical security beneath its unshod hooves in many instances. Adam Smith believed hat capital managed by individuals should be given license to guide itself with a criterion of national democratic government-not without. Real national interests cannot be placed as secondary to global capital without the erasure of political and real security of individuals within their own nations. Capitalism needs and era of reformation into a less volatile and life corrupting, over-the-border tool of destabilization if economic competition is to continue to exist, if individual invention is to be rewarded, if individual work and national security are to continue as meaningful, practical ways of life.

Osama Bin Ladin’s desire to repress all of the people of the globe within a Muhammedist oil imperialism is a rival to the innate imperial drive of global capitalist annihilating national security, individual liberty within nations, protection from corrupt global capitalized powers seeking to put a price on everything and have an ability to enslave the world through the raw power of the biggest piles of capital. Capitalism needs to be controlled by nations in order to allow democracy and citizenship to continue to meaningfully exist, the alternative likely development scenario are large global corporatist communes controlling all broadcast media, buying all national governments and repressions of individual expression and invention.

Like many oppressive dictators Osama seems to believe in the infallibility of wealth and power. Usama Bin Ladin’s desire that all the world kow tows to a Muhammadist pope uniting church and state seems more of a malevolent evil delusion than the most dark depths of the Catholic Spanish inquisition’s goals for world power-the papacy at that time implicitly recognized a pluralist political nationalism even before the recalcitrant Frederick the Elector had his falling out with the Vatican. Osama, perhaps like some oil-indebted corporatists seeks a global power through means that incongruously and curiously collaterally have an economic resonance with the economic goals of global oil corporations.

Terrorism on the United States through promiscuous Mexican truckers insinuating themselves into every nook and cranny of the U.S.A. directly from foreign trucking companies located in Mexico presents a clear and present danger to the security of the United States that the President and Congress should not overlook as usual because of the confidence of comfortable wealth and the obscurity of urgency to adapt quickly. Two of the top tier Republican candidates are terminally soft on illegal alien entry control and probably on the anachronistic trucking provision of NAFTA as well.

I support construction of mag-lev cargo tubes across the United States to move cargo to transcontinental terminals as 3000 miles per hour, yet that will never come about if foreign global corporations in effect take over American highways, and U.S. taxpayers must borrow money from China and India to fix that high infrastructure decade after decade as innovation stagnates, and American highways are dominated by global corporations, global fossil fuels, global vehicles and global political power with the people of the United states becoming a basic sort of curiosity and lint on the slipstream of the new globally controlled America. What congressional let that trucking forfeiture of sovereignty provision into the bill that far exceeds the concept of free trade without cross order tariffs? The people rely on their political representatives to actually read the details, and not to put in seditious corporatist measures such as the Mexican trucking subversion.


End of Summer Politics-The Work of Political Analysis

As the Bush administration winds down it is time to consider the end of summer's politics as well; insects become like little machines with stopped batteries as the temperature drops below freezing wrote Loren Eisley in 'The Star Thrower'. What will happen to Bushite foreign policy when the prestigious Waco region barbeque technician leaves office in January 2009 for one of a clump of unreformed corporatist lackeys to take the wheel of the giveaway of the U.S.A. spree to benefit global corporatism-will the next fearless leader continue the rupturing illegal immigration policy over the Mexican border, continue to hemorrhage the federal current accounts and national debts, keep Americans failing in comparative international education achievements, fail to have a progressive environmental policy, fail to have solid diplomatic skills and international relationships of a more cordial and realistic nature, fail to liberate the nation from reliance on global corporate fossil fuels and automobiles, fail to develop an alternative economic strategy to global oligarchic conquest of the United States, fail to comprehend how to have national and international free trade yet still develop a national policy goal of comparative advantage through radical national proprietary technological and ecological inventiveness and fail to comprehend how a radical reliance on foreign production and financial services are typical cyclical phenomena of a self-destructive end of civilization cycle?

More importantly will the next President fail to comprehend the existential social characteristics of Middle Eastern politics in relation to the interests of the United States? The mirage of Muslim congress with any supposed collateral interests of the United States in the region is a changing sandstorm of power and resources juxtaposed with antipathetic sectarian interests as variable and volatile as would be any political interests predicated to stability within a corporatist macro-economic paradigm. The corporatists will seek to acquire the most resources for-themselves at the least cost and produce the most profit for-themselves. Regional political relationships 'established temporarily will be subverted as soon as outsourcing and comparative cost advantages indicate it useful to do so. Tying U.S. national security to middle-eastern oil may be lubricated with the excuse that it will keep terrorists from following the President or military forces 'home', yet perhaps the President might return to Dubai and consider the issue more fully until Christmas or such time as the drop of camel dung from some Penthouse stable provides the sudden illumination needed for enlightenment.

Iran and Iraq are interesting states for political study especially when considered from the paradigm of how the people of those nations relate to the United States, and of course the ancillary question is what power groups in each nation concerned would seek to pursue the good of the majority instead of the good of the narrow political ruling class. Iran has become a traditional political adversary and bete noir for the Washington D.C. insiders, who refuse to recognize the role that American support for the Shah and his terrorist secret police had in alienating elements of popular Iranian political opinion regarding the United States. Polyanishly American politicians have the idea overmuch that Americans can do no wrong and that Americans have some sort of inalienable moral supremacy rather allowing political policies of an infallible characteristic formerly associated with papal decision making. That popular delusion has at least one significant consequence of providing support for a blundering, blind drunken globalist submission to global corporatism as a sort of American super-economic state that will provide a better way of life for everyone everywhere as they destroy the world environment for corporatist profits. Blind U.S. submission to a hypothetical world-state of American led corporatism-socialism will continue to undermine national security for the United States as it is a raving, toady vassal state of corporatism. Maybe Hillary Clinton-former Wal-Mart board member of the no-union-shops Wal-Mart Corporation can persuade declining unionists that she is labor's best Democratic Party friend as it moves along with all Americans into parity with Chinese, Indian and Mexican workers.

Political Pollyannaism in Presidential candidates’ juggernucks sycophantically with global corporate draining of American economic health. American entry into a more globalist status will mean that the traditional self-destruction of nations historically will become a U.S. trait too, and that the fratricidal wars amongst nations and peoples demonstrated the last five millennium will now wave over the United States as it lets down its guard and becomes more concerned about cheap profits on foreign labor than on discovering new ways to educate and innovate national technical and environmental progress. As the U.S.A. loses detachment, intelligence, independence and strength its ability to dampen global chaos will disappear.

Instead of giving up on U.S. culture and identity and chasing after foreign investments like a camel wandering after a water supply all over the desert a second founding generation of Americans developing their own real estate and opportunities should be built. It is necessary to conceive a national policy that develops individual American inventiveness, independence and prosperity even as global corporations have an awesome, unpatriotic and subversive economic advantage. Can Americans develop a national identity like that of the British or Swiss-composite peoples but a people still and not completely revolving door internment camps for poor people mooned by corporatist overseers and media?

Iran's people probably could get along with many Americans, but the fossil fuel politics and corruption of power elites very likely will mean that belligerency as the preferred mode of international relations will prevail. American politicians seem to prefer middle-eastern royals with oil reserves and find no contradiction in a democratic nation preferring royalty abroad over populist revolutionaries. Such hypocrisy perhaps becomes noticed in time and people learn to distrust an empty rhetoric about democracy bloviated by global corporatist stuffed shirts.

Perhaps Israel is an American friend, yet everyone else in the Middle East may just be a temporary friend or foe of an existential and phenomenal kind.

Withdraw American forces from Iraq in January 2009 and perhaps no civil war or chaos would occur beyond the usual chaos and striving for resource power...maybe the Shia in Iraq and Iran will not fight each other, maybe Saudi Arabia and Iran won't either...maybe all the middle eastern governments will decide that terrorism isn't in their interests, and neither are wars...who can say? The next President needs to be one with experience suing global corporations to limit their predatory traits-a democracy must govern corporations instead of the opposite. The next President should share an intelligent preference for American domestic interests that simultaneously provides an example or model about how to do things right for hypothetical other second world and first world nations that need that sort of thing and believe that it could be found in the U.S.A.


Ideas & Options for U.S.-Iraq Policy

Isaiah 18:4 reads "For so the Lord said to me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest"

It isn't simple for a Christian of the United States to comment about administration policy regarding Iraq from either a prophetic, eschatological nor a secular, political point of view. On the one hand God has pre-determined human history yet people have free will to choose to conform their fate to the pre-destined. Much as bees can fly anyplace they 'choose' but invariably move to the nectar and flowers of destiny, human original sin and disregard for the truth and will of God leads to conflict, strife and confusion. Muslim's are lost without the saving grace of Jesus Christ while the House of Jacob awaits God's final reconciliation of a remnant unto Himself.

American Christians may wonder of the present role of Iraq in Bible prophecy, and if the administration is able to use Feith based policy to shape events in Iraq consistent to the Biblical guidelines if such exist if the administration interpretation of the road map to the second coming of Christ is correct, select a Mahdi for Prime Minister or separate conflict of interests between corporatism, contract and politics as readily as oil and water from a contaminated pipeline? Can administration confusion or perfidy regarding Bible prophecy, Calvin's five points and the time-line of teleology be transcended without national grief pursuant blundering into serving as a prophetic bad actor in Mesopotamia, or exploitation of misinterpreted prophecy for purely financial gain and greed by select corporatist neo-cons with a belief that globalism and corporatism are good for themselves? American Iraqi policy can be considered from many points of view of course, and following I will consider some of the most 'material' and readiness to change aspects, following a couple more verses from Isaiah about Mesopotamia and the nations...

13-9 "Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; an he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it."
13-11 "And I shall punish the world for their evil; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtyness of the terrible."
13-15"Every one that is found shall be thrust through, and every one that is joined to them shall fall by the sword."

These prophetic 'sound bites' of Isaiah are fascinating with a triplex space-time continuum reference possible in relation to Isaiah's time, a future time and times and a half regarding Jesus Christ and the future history of the Jewish people. Southern Mesopotamia may even become a wilderness area and refuge for endangered species it seems.
Perhaps the best application right now for the prophetic criterion of Isaiah is simply for the willing to be saved spiritually by the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ and for the administration to apply Christian kindness principles pragmatically to its macro-political Iraq policy so far as possible reducing it's accentuated policy prioritization of future corporate oil profits.

Another couple of verses from Isaiah...

17-11 "In that day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make the seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and desperate sorrow."
17-12 " Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!
17-13 "The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters; but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind."

If critics of the U.S. Administration's approach to rebuilding a peaceful Iraqi infrastructure following the April 2003 Iraq war offered other than existential retreat options without recognition of possible empirical political consequences it might be easier to discover a viable political way to satisfy U.S. and Iraqi interests together. Iraq has many trans-national, regional interests that need to be addressed simultaneously with internal stabilization issues not unlike the way a human cell has simultaneously evolving internal and externally oriented components. Al Qae'da might be thought of as an HIV virus entering Iraq's cell border membrane to place explosive wrong R.N.A.. instructions in the government reconstruction D.N.A. 'ladder' perhaps in the interest of external oil consuming organisms.

The land by the rivers isn't readily amenable to formation of an insular monocultural nation unaffected by extra-territorial political interests. Many Iraqis live in Iran, or have lived in Iran for instance, while many Kurds and Sunni have lived elsewhere as well for a variety of reasons, and pipelines from Iraq as well as commercial highways travel in all directions.

Moderation isn't by any means necessarily a vice or virtue in relation to any given political circumstance but is one of several policy directions. It is not always possible to arrive at the end of a political journey immediately without going through intermediate stages, neither is it either possible always to know in advance the course to the destination, but course corrections may be needed as the journey's political landscape unfolds; adaptability is important in foreign relations even while keeping mission discipline. Iraqis may need to complete phases of their walk through Mesopotamian reorganization alone when the regions of Iraq can develop enough security to go forward without stumbling immediately into civil war. The U.S.A. may need to be satisfied that they have given the people of Iraq a reasonable opportunity to choose their own fate for-themselves so far as God allows.

A military force reduction and relocation policy of moderation could develop with American military forces in Iraq reduced to 70,000 soldiers and relocated along the boundaries of Shi'a Sunni and Kurdish regions, Baghdad and the Iraqi borders. A sectarian Iraq may already be forming and abandonment of Iraq's existing reconstruction to the forces of terrorism by immediate complete abandonment would perhaps create not only a civil war, but sectarian wars regionally as well as Iranian-Gulf States-Saudi wars and a terrorist insurgence in Saudi Arabia.
Sectarianist regionalization of Iraq may or may not lead to democratic liberalization. The people of Iraq eventually must choose for themselves what relationship to or degree of Muslim clerical influence in government they will have. The international should community support their choices and trust that an actual liberation created by civilized values will draw the people of Iraq away from reliance on hopefully outmoded tools of civil repression. Global corporatism that attacks democracy surreptitiously is an increasing danger to the west as well as a possibly disingenuous advocate for democratic reform in Iraq today.

Plainly the history of U.S. reconstruction policy in Iraq entails an element of ineffective trial by error. Military deployments have sometimes been used in substitute for political intelligence and policy design by the U.S. administration without accomplishing general objectives. Military logic requires, like any valid syllogism, for validity that the premises if valid must equal the conclusion. U.S. military logic in the 2003 war was sound enough to accomplish the victory, what was absent was any sort of logical and valid premise corresponding to empirical political reality for reconstructing Iraq politically.

The long-term deployment of the U.S. military in Iraq in substitution for more intelligent and nuanced U.S. Iraqi political interactions and planning presents a military logic posture unsuitably designed for production of a political victory. Complex terrorist, sectarian, economic, global oil and alternate energy issues, disparate regional political systems and ethnic issues do not present themselves directly or obviously to a plain military logic solution wherein military force suitably applied will produce a 'victory' accomplishing the conclusion postulated. The United States has no interest in the totalization of power such as an occupying Empire presents in which universal military logic is a valid tool, and in which human rights of 'subjects' are of no concern; that criterion is hopefully a dead historical oddity left with buried empires.

The U.S. military is given the objective of replacing an Iraqi Army and intelligence service from the former regime of Saddam Hussein to maintain social order until a new Iraqi, unified government and it's Army and police forces is made to govern the people that are also aggrieved in part by the continuing U.S. military presence. With the low financial cost of terrorism and number of new volunteer terrorists available the standard military logic calculation for winning is at the least unclear, if not improbable. An intifada of volunteer terrorism with remote financial sponsors could go on for decades in theory that the U.S. military as a national police might be unable to contain. Unlike many of the standard anti-insurgence books of the past designed to counter a native insurgence supported by a percent of the people locally the Iraqi crisis has several streams of terrorist running into the region with different targets, different goals, different financing and a variety of munitions sources. Standard counter-insurgence operations of a military nature will have reduced effectiveness in such an environment; political adaptations to isolate and control terrorism-- Iraqi firewalls with sectarian Iraqi fire-guard personnel may be a reasonable adaptation to U.S. support policy for the central government of Iraq.

Opposition to the U.S. occupation force arises from a number of points, and the opportunity for enemies of the United States to harm America financially with great cost efficiency in Iraq is another factor promoting global insurgence localized in Iraq. Americans are borrowing and spending about 20 billion dollars per month in Iraq while terrorists perhaps spend a million or two.

The costs to the United States of the prosecution of peace in Iraq are tremendous reaching towards a half trillion dollars and up. The opportunity costs to diverted infrastructure development in the United States are also substantial, and one wonders if the corporatist-socialist pig-vermin elite in D.C. are aware of the costs since they have a globalist point of view economically. The corporatist-socialist axis of deficit spending and civil repression advocates flooding the nation with cheap Mexican migrants in order to enrich the corporatist's profits while social services for the immigrants are added onto the public debt. Taxpayers such as myself working in free enterprise disadvantaged house repainting and writing may earn just 6100 dollars a year and receive a 950 dollar tax bill with federal demands for immediate payment of 531 dollars plus interest, and that recovering in a year from a separated shoulder and journey's through Alaskan forests in deep snow to avoid starvation. The federal government supports a corporatist no net tax payment ,no bid contract redistribution of wealth to globalists with corporate broadcast media disarming U.S. mass political and civil intelligence through propaganda. The D.C. demons with their socialist alter-ego will simply gut the independence of the United States and leave a wreck for future generations if given a chance. The globalist matrix is the essential transcending reality over U.S. nationalism. It does not require victory of peace in Iraq either as it is an ongoing profitable enterprise for the right corporate connections, and indignant locals that are Muslims or whatever are simply untrained consumer-proles that can be corrected through superior and eventual military force. Such idiot lack of reasoning in government permits extremist Islamist reactionaries greater opportunity to foment terror against such a hapless foe. The United States as a nation picks up the tab for global corporate perfidy overmuch. While in the cold war era corporations were the counter-example to socialist-Leninist Marxism of the Soviet Union's dull economic monolith in the post cold war era corporatism has run amok without regard for the democracy and American national self-interest that supported it largely.

Of 450,000 tons of military weapons and explosives in Iraq following the 2003 war more than 200,000 tons remain hidden awaiting use by resistance and criminal gangs it has been written (see Allawi's 'The Occupation of Iraq'). Terrorists arriving from Saudi Arabia or elsewhere may bring 50,000 dollars (see Allawi's book) or more with them to purchase influence with the money supplied by oil wealthy Saudi radical Islamists. American dependence on fossil fuels fights against their own strategic regional interests in supporting a Shi'a majority for democracy in Iraq that seem to prefer an Islamist government after bi-lateral terrorist arm-twisting, that is opposed by a Sunni minority used to supplying a totalitarian government over the Shi'a, and an external Saudi proletariat of oil wealth committed to the destruction of the emergent Shi'a dominated Iraqi central government. The United States in the mean time has bungled its rebuilding policy for Iraq in a variety of ways.

If the Shi'a and Shi'a militias patrol their own areas and form their own security nets at least peace in that region should develop, and Sunnis patrolling Sunni areas might be able to defeat the terrorists themselves, and the Kurds similarly while all three groups participate in a unified government in Baghdad.

American military forces could relocate to new border security regional areas with better security for themselves, and help prevent sectarian terrorists from travelling to opposite sectarian areas to perpetrate suicide bombings.

Even the Iraqi police force has tended to be divided along sectarian lines, while revenge killing of former Bathists has occurred by Shi'a militias affiliated with the police. If one combined the Bloods, Crips and Mexican Mafia or Lunatics into one police force in Los Angeles maybe a certain degree of inter-police force killings would develop as the rival gangs vied for control, and as they purged rival turf while perpetrating revenge killings. If Cholos or the tattoo cult from beyond financed heavily by Venezuelan oil money or Columbian drug cartels breezed in to blow themselves up and splatter innocent gang dominated civilians all over the streets of Los Angeles to complicate political stabilization perhaps it would take some time for the new police force to develop a unified character...but in time the Top Dog would emerge after sufficient bloodbaths to consolidate 'the boys' under his aegis quite probably. The Iraq security situation may deserve an equally optimistic formulation for stability soon.

U.S. interests do exist in both a peaceful Iraq and a reduced military presence in Iraq rather than either troop increases or sudden withdrawals something like removing primary building supports rather than a removal of scaffolding.

U.S. congressional votarees of complete, sudden withdrawal should formulate leadership not upon poll numbers by an uniformed electorate but instead educate the electorate about the circumstances of deployment, conditions of occupation, consequences of remaining or departing and options available to creatively and meaningfully accomplish American policy objectives in a moral and democratic paradigm.

American Iraqi policy hasn't been much subtle and nuanced but instead trended toward the pursuit of a transference of idealized visions that would not actualize perhaps even in the increasingly corporatist dominated U.S.A. Speeches and goals with timetables that work more for abstracted from Iraqi pragmatism administration planners trained in think tanks are countered by Democrat Party absinthe-forgetfulness planks seeking a sort of existential departure from Iraq without American consequences at the pump-their other preferred point of contact for reality beside reality t.v. American Idol etc; one can just drunk drive off a bridge and swim away from the mess anytime to sober up and get on with things properly.

Policy development in the administration does not progress much over time. The G.W. Bush inherited a fine military that it spent in Iraq and Afghanistan and hasn't had anything else that worked in the last 6 years of its own innovation. Iraq peace reconstruction efforts have been notably unimaginative and misguided, insensitive and retarded while corruption was allowed to flourish in Iraq and in the contracts let to favorite corporations. It is still possible to conclude the American Iraqi involvement in a satisfactory way to all beside the terrorists of Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries perhaps, by following a phased redeployment and reduction of U.S. occupation forces in support of increasing regional security of Iraq's major sectarian regions.

Simultaneously with sectarian autonomy and self-governance, control of transsectarian terrorism with border security should be structured. Relocation and concentration of U.S. military forces in better defensible areas of sectarian refereeing security control and oil field pipeline protection could structure better, temporal implementation of Iraqi security measures.

Select infrastructure and energy production decentralization through independent energy producing home solar panels, construction of security and recreational canals in Baghdad and other sharply conflicting sectarian areas, manufacture of electric toilets with the Incinolet company as contractor consultants for the governments of Iraq and other individual enabling technologies of decentralization and environmentalism should be advanced.

Financial and political empowerment of the people of Iraq by transfer to private, individual citizens equal ownership shares of the oil fields of Iraq presently owned publicly by the government should develop. The U.S. Congress should pass a resolution urging that action and also create a U.S. Home power production bill and a no taxes on pure electric car sales bill.

With all the citizens of Iraq as personal equal stock owners of Iraq's oil any terrorists destroying oil infrastructure would be opposed by the overwhelming majority of the people in all likelihood. The Iraqi oil stock should not be available for sale to anyone for ten years after date of issuance.

The United States would perhaps save trillions of dollars if the people of Iraq owned their own oil and a stable, peaceful, non-belligerent society existed because of the stabilization of the cost of oil, reduced need for U.S. military costs in the future and so forth. A new, bigger middle east conflict that shuts down most middle east oil production would raise the price of oil above 200 dollars a barrel with global shortages besides.Americans would need to borrow money from Russia to finance the government deficit spending instead of from China, India and Japan as at present.

Another alternative goal for some anti-democracy planners is to coerce the majority Shi'a of Iraq in some way into another Sunni dominated tyranny and continue an otherwise royal dominated Gulf and Saudi Arabian oil production array with Wahabists and Salafists radicalizing Muslims 'from the right'.

Most terrorism against U.S. targets internationally have been from the Sunni sect, while Shi'a terrorism tends to be more local. It was Iranian revolution against an imperial government that broke the former block of royals supplying oil to America after the nationalization of Arab oil field contrived by Qaddafi. Corporatists seem to like royal governments quite a lot as the 'consumers' have little to do besides purchase as the government deems it proper. The oil producing aspects of the U.S. military-industrial complex have never forgiven the Shi'a for deposing royal oil suppliers, and the U.S. federal tendency to advance crude oil as the primary and decisive American value in middle east foreign political relations has matured as a frequently contradicting policy in regard to actual American interests of national security.

American economic interests have also suffered as the preference to rely upon oil and Sunni royalty into the 3rd millennium have overshadowed transition to alternate, non-trade deficit, environmentally benign fuel infrastructures. A retarded American national economy flanked by corporatist interests in a number of ways fails to trust and develop democracy, continuing national independence and environmentalism for itself and lapses into the short-term profit agenda of corporations without concern for national sustainability or civil rights even seeking to flood in millions of cheap laborers to transform the U.S.A. into a sort of synthetic Hapsburg's peonized empire under unified globalist-corporatist socialist rule balancing out the mass billions of poorer continental peons of China India and Latin America. Quick corporate profits are the transforming, paramount criterion of emergent American politics, with C.E.O.'s of top corporations averaging 8 million dollars a year in compensation for globalizing, outsourcing and subverting the United State's interests politically.

A brighter and more sensitive administration than that of President Bush might have applied a plethora of alternative and independent home power solutions to Iraq's issues of criminal gangs, black markets, broken energy infrastructures, vulnerable centralization of transmission lines and so forth. The people of Iraq were waiting for real improvements immediately in the sweltering heat, for their broken sewers spewing filth in Sadr City to dry up and the affluent excretions to become contained with perhaps work for the 70% unemployed; the administration foisted top-down dysfunctional government centralization through corrupt foreign contractors and corrupt administrators through a trim line of terrorists creating a mockery of a trickle down structure from an internally fractured 'government' of Iraq without an Army, police or intelligence corps. Death squad militias formed for civil defense in Sadr City in the absence presiding legal authority.

Though Iraq now has a very challenged sovereign government it isn't too late to redeploy and reduce American military forces in Iraq coordinated with intelligent, immediate quality of life bettering engineering projects. If the administration does not support the actual conditions for popular rule in Iraq with peace...even if they do not like the Shi'a because of hate of non-royal oil sales in Iran and concern that Mr. Sadr of Sadr City might wear a starched turban into political office becoming more powerful than a Rosie O'Donnel with death squads.

As a long range scenario a tripartite Iraq with a weak central government in Baghdad may be less harmful than a variety of other middle east conflict scenarios or a perennial 20 billion a month budget for U.S. soldiers to wander in Sunni or Shi'a houses in search of terrorists that maybe won't go away until no one will loan the U.S.A. any more billions to keep them in Iraq. A weakened U.S.A. financially that also redistributes its wealth to the middle east at the pump might be a Wahabist's economic dream come true.

Ali Allawi's book of December 2006 'The Occupation of Iraq; Winning the War; Losing the Peace' provided a substantial brief for individuals interested in the history of Iraq since circa 2000-2006, and should be read by members of congress interested in formulating informed opinions about U.S. Iraq policy.


Corporatist/American Iraq Tactical Errors

American strategy in Iraq for several years has been incomplete and of a patchwork composition to many outside observers. Is the policy of the Bush administration actually as ineffective a it seems and simply a patchwork effort of throwing truck loads of borrowed money at the problem such as followed the incompetent civil defense planing and response to the levees of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina? Is it possible that some larger grand weltanshaung (world view) motivates the neo-con shaped Bush II policy that may be fulfilled by a Bush III administration or a Clinton II administration? Let's consider a few basic points of U.S. middle east policy during and following the cold war's end.

In taking the dialectically opposite side of communism the U.S.A. committed itself to a global war of capitalism versus communist economics and in so doing capitalist business methods became enshrined as an absolute good replacing democracy. Democracy for a time was subordinated to capitalist leadership in a global war for survival to become the leader of the New World Order. The world's politics were perceived as essentially a contest between the political powers of two European conceived social philosophies of Marx and Smith. Other demographic and environmental issues of greater absolute importance perhaps were subordinated and aligned with the dominant higher level issues. Environmental conservation for instance might be considered to be a socialist activity, and birth control a capitalist or communist policy variously as local needs for dissimulation deemed appropriate politically. The issues of the Muslim world combined with several other social and environmental challenges also were set aside as of secondary value. With the end of the cold war the occultation of the secondary issues ended, while the success of global capitalism surged ahead as the content of a New World Order; one in effect without a willing political base and advocated from the top by an elite ad hoc network of greed driven businessmen without any real feeling for governing. Without digressing here to describe how corporatism grew through the capitalist economic network to displace democracy in the United States and worked toward minimizing all free enterprise activities unsubordinated to rent paying to corporations I can directly move toward the corporatist Bush II administration policy failures in restructuring civil Iraq following the war of 2003.

Primarily the Bush II planning was of a corporatist New World Order nature with Iraq as a phenomenal oil source. The middle east since the 1950's has been for the United States a place where foreign policy moved to support any oil supplying non-belligerent government regardless of its relationship with the citizens of that nation. With that being the long-term amoral, unprincipled policy in effect of the U.S. Government foreign terrorist organizations and dissidents came to recognize the intrinsic perfidious nature of U.S. foreign policy in the region learning distrust of the U.S.A. Israel to a certain extent shared an unwise over association with globalism rather than simply expressing an identity as just a plain nation fighting for survival democratically against a sea of adverse peoples with a history of hate burning behind their eyes.

The corporatist political philosophy is essentially of contempt for government and for democratic government. Corporatists associate government with socialism necessarily as pure profits without social concern for 'externalities' is vital for the bottom line of many business budgets. Corporatists are completely incompetent and comprehending political philosophy and the right role of government and if given the opportunity to afford to buy elections with the assistance of their corporate owned broadcast media propagandizing will redistribute public money to favorite corporations as fast as possible. KBR, Halliburton, Bechtel and other corporations received a lot of taxpayer money yet Iraqi's saw little of it.

Fundamentally the Bush II administration entirely trashed the rebuilding effort in Iraq after the end of war in 2003 because of corporatist basic philosohic diversions away from a more sensitive rational democratic approach of construction and contracting priorities. The corporatist agneda of Iraq spending became something lik the telemarketing company hired to solicit funds for a charity that keeps 90% for itself and sends 10% of contributions on to the charity to help the poor folk reluctantly. Corporatists fundamentally believe that they are the personification of moral and political rightness on Earth and that nothing else need be said or thought about it. Dissent or diversion of resources away from corporate profits would be socialist or communist under some camoflage perhaps it has been decided.

In Alaska a recent radio ad by the Kennsington Mining Corporation attacks a small local conservation group for winning a lawsuit to prevent the mining company from dumping vast tonnage of mine waste products in a pristine alpine lake that probably discharges into a fiord eventually. The Kennsington then blames the environmentalist for not allowing an environmental health destroying road to be built along Lynn Canal to Haines from Juneau. The Kennsington would prefer that a road to destroy America's last best wilderness be constructed perhaps to reduce the costs of it's mining operation about halfway up the proposed route. For corporatists no other issues exist except pure profit...not destroying the last habitats for wildlife such as whales, grizzly bear, wild salmon and so forth...nothing at all except the prospect of gold. In Iraq black gold is at the bottom of the stack of reason for conflict...Suadi oil, Iraqi Oil, Dubain and U.A.E. oil-not only for the corporatists but for the royal rulers and their supportive clerics of the Sunni or Shi'a as well. Each much maneuver to control the land and the oil beneath even if war and death, anathema and repression is the cost. One hopes that U.S. female will at least comply with local proscriptions against baring the naked face to savage male desert tribes and instead wear fake beards, raspberry beret's and cheap sunglasses to conceal their most prosperous beauty until return to more decadent regions of the world.

Though the Bush administration might talk democracy for political propaganda purposes it has little regard for it. Ali Allawi's 2006 book 'The Occupation of Iraq; Winning the War, Losing the Peace' contains background on the completely ineffective Bush II allocation of resources in post-war Iraq.

One may wonder if 'the war' in Iraq is really 'lost' today and if it can yet be salvaged unto peace. Some claim that as many as 650,000 Iraqis have perished since 2003 because of sectarian and other terrorist violence. If the United States suddenly withdrew it's military forces would the number of deaths be reduced, or would it increase?

Congressman Murtha says publicly that Americans want to bring all the troops home now, but is he right and what would the consequences be of that? U.S. politicians seldom ask what the consequences of their actions would be any more. President Bush II failed to consider the consequences of winning the Iraq war of 2003 enough to consider what might happen though federal intelligent reports existed that forecast the chaos it was later revealed. What would the consequences of congressman Murtha's fight to flight plan be if implemented, or does it matter to the socialist opposition of the corporatists equally as little as the consequences of winning the 2003 war?

Ali Allawi's book moves the public understanding considerably beyond the paradigm of Fouad Ajami's pre-1991 Gulf War book 'The Republic of Fear; inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq' in a useful timeliness.

It is possible to have a better understanding of the position of the Shi'a of Iraq and why they seek their own militias in case the government falls; of why the Saudi Arabians seek the destruction of any Shi'a Government in Iraq; of the possibility that in Iraq the populace is presently sorting itself out through bloody violence into a three part confederalist nation with the Sunni on the west bank of the Tigris in Baghdad, the Shi'a and Sadrists in Sadr City in East Baghdad and the Kurds and President Talibani formerly of the P.U.K. up north in Kurdistan. Not only are ethnic survivals at issue in Iraq for the people of the area, fundamental long term historical balances are again shifting because of the American intervention in 2003, and the Bush II administration blinded by its corporatist worldview whereby the 'locals' don't matter much but are indignant consumers or non-conformists to globalist corporatism hasn't expressed a competence to willingness to comprehend a paradigm toward political stabilization of Iraq other than dump more military forces into Iraq, quite them all down and then the oil contracts can be signed for global oil companies. Presently Iraq produces only a fraction of it's oil potential because of the civil conflict.

The United States relying upon oil for auto fuel instead of home-produced electricity for electric cars also relies on Sunni Arabs of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf for oil, and the corporatists profit handsomely from the dependence f the U.S. on oil working fundamentally against U.S. democratic interests. To corporatists all independence and democratic dissent is leftist and socialist. Socialists on the left and corporatists on the right preclude the political concept of a democracy pursuing its rational self-interests in public policy with a simultaneously somewhat laissez faire attitude toward capitalism. Americana cannot be liberated from corporatism sufficient to liberate themselves from oil consumption beyond lubricant and plastic production as a consequence.

Reliance on Sunni middle-eastern oil and abstract devaluing of Muslim's as recalcitrant consumers and global corporate employees creates a general western incompetence at political intervention and interaction with the actual political factors and peoples of Iraq and the middle east. Yes in time some of these people given political freedom and prosperity might on their own choose to take up more western values or even realize that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation with God, but force will not do it. Corporatist flush with a cold war victory over a transitional Russian people not really unwilling entirely to join the west believe that the world is now their oyster with a bit of hubris cutting off themselves from their own origins in western democracy and liberation during the era of the reformation, enlightenment and industrial revolution. In the middle east and Mesopotamia these western concerns are not necessarily shared while survival day to day has a more pragmatic drawing of attention. The political facts of Iraq do matter to all of these people and finding a suitable combination or alignment of the pieces politically in Iraq that is satisfactory to all the people that also includes a structure that will not be inimical to U.S. security would be a challenging enough activity if Americans could even be sure that the administration had anything other than a corporatist goal of homogenizing the people of Iraq under a friendly central government that will sell oil to corporatist interests keeping the U.S.A. addicted to gross crude oil consumption and borrowed funds to pay for the federal debt. The people of the United States have even begun to pay the interest on the hundreds of billions squandered in Iraq during the incompetent nation rebuilding fiasco (read A. Allawi's book 'The Occupation of Iraq').

One may wonder if Iran would have sought to build nuclear weapons faster if Saddam Hussein had remained in power or if Israel would have destroyed the Iranian nuclear plants producing material to wipe out Israel presently as the President of Iran Aminidinijab seems to express- ('Israel will be destroyed soon'). One wonders if the rhetoric from Iran is stimulated by the Bush II incompetence in rebuilding Iraq and is fueled by the Bush II talks recently with a wheel on the 'axis of evil' to such an effect that Iran believes the Bush II administration cannot stand aside and green light the destruction of all Iranian nuclear plants and Presidential palaces as the repercussions in Iraq would be too much.

It must seem to those that have not read recent historical material on Iraq or privileged enough to learn what the Bush II Iraq policy presently is beside 'fighting a war on terror' that is somewhat overly broad and generic that U.S. policy is mysteriously shrouded in corporatist goals of oil and that under 200 dollars a barrel...Americans just wouldn't pay more than that and the Russian government would be rolling in money if a middle east general war breaks out while the world corporatist economy will go into a depression including China with the possibilities for mass military movements. One of the disadvantages of globalist corporate unprincipled profit policy is that a certain vulnerable house of cards structuring is created.

American tactics in Iraq during the reconstruction would always have been better with a non-corporatist approach such as building security and fishing canals in Baghdad, privatizing oil field ownership equally amidst all Iraqi citizens in one corporation and Iraq elections to the board of that corporation would be very meaningful. Because the people own the oil privately corporatism is narrowly avoided. Corporatists don't wish to avoid ownership of the oil by the government as in Alaska with sales to global corporations (if Alaska sub-surface rights are given to property owners on former state land the land reverts to federal control). Corporatism and socialism are dialectically evolving forces as two-sides of one leaf growing to global dictatorship over a proletariat. Because the fundamental corporatist governing mechanism is non-existent to irrational force the results in American foreign policy such as in Iraq are messy...so how to get these Iraq's to live together peacefully may be enough of a challenge for the people of the United States to afford, Americans will be left with the corporate oppressor class themselves every minute of every day for decades.

The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia have declared the Shi'a anathema in effect. Shi'a have never before ruled a middle east Arabian nation and the Sunni royalty don't want to have one start now. Saudi supplies more than 50% of foreign terrorists to Iraq and perhaps a lot of dollars. If the people of Iraq are given the oil equally as citizens then no one will be cheated, and Sunnis of Anbar province and the west bank of Baghdad can go there own way as a confederal autonomous province as may the Shi'a of the east bank and south and the Kurds of the North. Perhaps the Sunni of the west will want to join with Jordan to form a greater Hashemite constitutional democracy and alleviate some of the financial problems besetting the Palestinian fugitives living in poverty there.

If Israel would swiftly wipe out the Iranian nuclear plants the region could have some breathing space from that new building issues, the general hate mongering would help unify Iraqis for a while in condemnation against the Zionist entity', Persians and Sunni in Iraq could join hands and build a ice little oil pumping confederal empire and U.S. forces could draw down their forces over three years to any of the three Iraqi districts that want them as well as the United States and Kuwait while simultaneously a President Edwards is supporting a Manhattan project Marshall plan for home-power electrical generation and electric cars for the United States.


Say No to Loss Of Mexican Border Sovereignty

Build a competent Mexican border control zone plain and simple for immigration reform. Zero tolerance for illegal immigration is the way to just say no to forced takeover of the U.S. economy by global corporatist cheap labor dreams.

Mexico was late to join the war against Hitler, and like Argentina flirted with the Nazi's, and the Zimmerman affair brought to light the Nazi effort to sign a secret treaty with Mexico. Americans fought hard against the Nazis during the second world war for democracy and it is reprehensible to expect Americans to yield their nation to Mexico simply because their may be majority of white people in the United States a war to eliminate fascism isn't a war upon all white people everywhere. World war two was not a war to give the United States to Latin Americans.
Whiteness or blackness are not crimes-fascism is. Mexican and internationale cohort illegal entry into the U.S.A. lawbreaking is closer to the fascist invasion of Poland than to lawful immigration through a port of entry.

The amnesty bill is a globalist-corporatist economic, security and national sovereignty war on the southern U.S. southern border.

President Bush would like an Mexican reaming illegal alien amnesty bill pr victory for his retirement to Waco in 2009 in order to input further cheap profit or potential Mexivan financial kickbacks. It is untrue that the Presidential Library for Mr. G.W. Bush will have only one volumn; "Misunderestimations of the Democrat Party in Politics" by C. Spot Run

Like Colonel Khaddafi's 'amnesty' for oil the administration may plan for some Republican administration of the future to give Os Bin Ladin 'amnesty' too in return for oil in some Sunni enclave beyond the tarmac. That sort of thing doesn't work if Marine General Conway' Faluja Brigade 'amnesty' of terrorists converted into a Marine auxiliary that returned to terrorism is any example.

The infiltration corridor for cheap labor amnesty for illegal aliens before total border control is established bill that will perhaps not be established is the frontier for an anti-democracy invasion.

Illegal aliens numbering from 12 to 20 million will not choose to permanently remain in the United States if the border is closed off from the south to illegal entry fortunately. Instead attrition will reduce their numbers as they return home to stay. Within five years the number remaining should drop by half, and if illegals turn themselves in within a year of the border becoming secure were eligible to apply to return legally after they leave the U.S.A. instead of being arrested and deported to become ineligible to return legally the number remaining illegally in the U.S.A. would probably drop to 1/4th the original number of illegals.

The historical disingenuity of the George W. Bush administration on the empirical state of affairs of domestic and international relations appears again in the President's support for the Mexican Border Surrender Act of 2007. The President decries opposition as 'fear mongering'-- that from a President that has had two terms of reliance on 9-11 fear mongering to be taken seriously as a politician. The most recent Muslim terrorists arrested in the plot to kill soldiers at Fort Dix had some cadre that entered the U.S.A. illegally.

The southern border is an essential potential avenue of terrorist infiltration and exfiltration in addition to illegal drug portage'.The President acts as if it is instead Mary Poppin's directed preferred underground railroad route for campasinos to escape the confederate slavery of crazy Nazi Aryans oppressing apartheid separated Mexicans from their rightful place as employees of Home Depot or Wal-Mart that just want to do the dirty work Americans won't do.

A U.S.A. grafted onto by a permanent Mexican right-of-return to the U.S.A.(even if they've never been here before) by cowering congressmen fearful of China or more Mexican May Day protests in the streets of D.C. and Los Angeles yet relying on their cheap labor to give constituents a prosperous, comfortable 'rickshah boost' with cheap products at Wal-Mart is a nation in which democracy has become defunct and replaced by corporatist, globalist oligarchic collectives will. That turn away from democracy and road ahead may seem allright as the U.S.A.'s inherited comparative advantage is being cashed out and invested abroad, but the pimp's income falters when opulent attractions of his line of sweet products becomes old and second rate and meth-amphetamine broken down economically speaking...the consequences of fossil fuel addiction, federal debt and non-investment in secure borders and high-quality ecological technology manufacturing in the U.S.A. in preference for reliance on cheap foreign labor.

History demonstrates that nations relying on exploiting cheap labor retard their social and economic growth. The confederacy of course needed to launch a war upon the north before the north pulled away too far in manufacturing and technical prowess while the southerners relied on slaves.
The imperial Russian government's historical reliance on white slaves (serfs) was the actual source of Russia's comparative economic backwardnesslater while western Europe advanced more quickly through tthe industrial revolution. Imperial China before the nationalist revolution was another slacker society ruled by an elite royal mafia forcing the masses to live like slaves. Reliance on cheap labor in the United States in the agricultural sector displaces mechanical harvesting innovations.

In commercial kitchens cheap labor to empty trash cans replaces innovations in portable low cost lifts to lift and dump individual garbage cans into larger powered intermodal carriers to lift into dumpsters...even commercial kitchen garbage cans fail to have built in weighing and l.e.d. read-out displays so the poor laborer knows if the trash can has 100 or 200 pounds of water, coffee grounds, meat waste and other heavier materials. Too many Americans want easy, good paying non-inventive employment positions with the heavy lifting exported.

The end result of the denial of democracy and failure to comprehend corporatism and socialism is the loss of liberty politically and comparative national economic advantage. In a corrupted global economy without liberty in which the best Mafia rule the worst potential of humanity is expressed with the more distopian empirical political actualizations having the best chances of actualizing.

Corporatism was only invented by Mussolini in the 1930's and isn't generally understood by Americans nor others internationally. Corporatism and neo-corporatism have permutated and evolved beyond the initial theoretical inception as real political structures usually do. Neither Marx nor Smith had a conception of the potential synthetic business form that would displace capitalism and democracy in the move towards a combined capitalist and state socialist authoritarian society. After the end of the former Soviet Union in 1990 and 'the end of history' as some wags then had it the New World Order of synthetic socialism-capitalism could begin to grow, yet some still seek to conserve a nationalist emocratic America with liberty and justice for all Americans in a thriving ecology ledaing the world in space technology and green manufacturing creations.
President Bush and Senator Kennedy, two former heavy alcohol drinkers without combat experience are prominent advocates for border control defeat in order to let cheap labor continue to flood out the American poor and middle class for the convenience of globalist corporatists. A trained p.o.w. is another leader in the effort to yield the United States to effective Mexican conquest with instant phenomenal amnesty for up to 20 million Mexicans and free rights of immigration for their relatives perhaps numbering as many as 150 million.

Mexico isn't a third world country, and with some help could be made livable with more tacos and nachos, Dos Cuervos and tortilla for everyone. Even electric waterless toilets, solar power panel proliferation, dvd players able to input a thumb drive contents and play that so every cheap battery operated DVD player in Mexico costing 30 bucks can hold a modest library's books (a 1000 or so), electric small car manufacturing with home power solar panels to charge batteries, concrete monolithic dome construction can replace many square building technologies--monolithicdomes.com has instructed a village in India on methods of constructing the fine long lasting structures for low cost...Mexico can be made livable if the corporatists inspired by the socialist fascist example of Mussolini can be restrained from conquering the sovereignty of the United States.

A border control zone a mile wide should be ecologically designed along the Mexican border to make passage of illegal entrants highly improbable; this could include deep ditches with berms and drive atop patrol roads, fences and water barriers with saltwater siphoned from the Gulfs and utilized for recreation and travel of small boats. Some evaporation and condensation canals may be attached to create fresh water supplies for new Mexico and Arizona as well as Northern Mexico if laws are passed to replace green laws in desert cities with natural desert landscaping while federal research incentives to conform present asphalt highways into heat reflecting and solar photon-electron generating surfaces could be developed.

President Bush at the end of his administration seems to desire to obfuscate his opposition to the Kyoto protocol with further global warming control goals that would take place in effect after he leaves office to accompany his balance the budget economics after he leaves office goals. Mr. Bush is also leaving a withdraw the military forces from Iraq after he leaves office with the improve the fuel economy of SUV and the national car fleet after he leaves office plan. The illegal immigration instant amnesty bill has a totally secure the border after he leaves office plan as well unlikely to be accomplished by anyone either. Additional after Mr. Bush leaves office administration goals for the next administration to work on are balancing the federal budget, capturing Osama Bin Ladin, stopping the Iranians from building nuclear weapons. replacing fossil fuel use in American automobiles with alternative energy power such as electricity produced at home by consumers (I improved the quality of that goal for him).

The amnesty bill requires a lot of dissimulation to putch through and the corporatists/globalists have deep pockets to intimidate and propagandize the public. While Miss America was jeered recently in Mexico City the leadership for the subvert American democracy permanently bill was plotting how to wrap up the border for the President of Mexico. The congressional and administration losers leading the way to defeat of democracy fear socialism in Mexico, and fear the loss of income from a change away from national dependence on fossil fuels. In Alaska oil companies corrupt local politics and seek to get the state to pay a half a billion dollars to finance a natural gas pipeline through Canada. U.S. Senator Ted Stevens is being investigated by the F.B.I. for large home improvements channelled through VECO-an oil services company whose CEO pleaded guilty to federal charges of participating in bribing efforts of Alaskan politicians on pipeline taxation issues. Oil corporatism is far reaching and global; in Iraq the reconstruction probably would have gone much better without several conflict of interest issues by Bush administration officials and oil company interests. One should not underestimate the perfidy of the Bush administration on unintelligent execution of narrow minded global corporatist goals. Democracy has intelligent individuals working for the public good, while corporatism is capable of good governing immersed in profit motives stampeding themselves like a herd of cattle trampling every rational, empirical thing towards the water holes and green grass of money.

Corporatists in error believe that production and profit can replace rational democratic government, and that somewhere within capitalism there is an invisible political philosopher that will guide them to produce the best Dr. Fixall in a bottle to remedy every political, environmental and misc. issue that may arise. Adam Smith never intended capitalism to replace democracy or any other form of government but instead to compete to produce the best products at the lowest costs economically for the masses. Corporatists work fundamentally against capitalism by cooption and destruction of democracy and the freedoms required for both democratic political and social philosophical analysis as well as rival free enterprise. Without boundaries and without civil rights and meaningful equally enforced laws corporatism descends into the totalitarian state familiar to Stalinists.

That empirical blindness isn't enough to conserve a democracy or serve national public interests and leaves socialism as the ineffective and oppressive remedy for much of the international poor. If corporatists kill democracy and democratic development socialism racism sexism and Spencerian forms are the usual beneficiaries politically before the dark night of dictatorship falls.


Environmentalism/Economics, The Kennsington and S.E. Alaska

Whales of the oceans should be protected; it's the human thing to do, and SEACC perhaps leads the support locally in S.E. Alaska for Whale conservation. SEACDC should sell bumper stickers with their logo on the side of a whale cavorting in the fiords of S.E. Alaska.The Kennsington attack radio ad on the SEAC South East Alaska Conservation Thursday morning blaming them for Kennsington's inability to persuade the 9th circuit court if appeals that it is right to dump mine tailing into a pristine mountain lake and thus affectign the region's economy deleteriously was an unfortunate example of the power of corporatism to use the broadcast spectrum of corporatism as a bludgeoning tool of repressment of democratic dissent.

The Kennsington ad voices a belief that mining, and by direct inference polluting environmentally destructive mining regarding the recent environmental comnservation litigation, is necessary for sustainable economic development. It seemed to descry tourism as an industry to rely upon, yet tourism can become the core of sustainable diversification if the capitol moves one day because of the short-sitedness of the Mat-Su borough populace or because of a wise move to Fairbanks for fair government in the geographic center of the state where warm-weather oilmen here for lobbying junkets would find it a little more challenging.People wonder of the relationships of economics and environmental; they are complex and more than I can write about presently. yet I will touch upon a few points regarding facts about general economics and conservation issues. It is worth remembering that the Kennsington and other mines operate as large corporations quite often globally manipulating and exploiting local polities in order to take their profits and leave a mess.

Their lobbyists may convince Alaskans to invest a half a billion dollars or more with ongoing costs in a largely Canadian natural gas line perhaps as some sort of back door globalist reliance. Yet the Canadians have Arboreal forest issues of their own; NATURE reports that Canadian arboreal forest sequester 180 billion tons of carbon and is home for 3 billion migratory birds. The new gas pipeline would cut through the heart of millions of kilometers of wilderness and create pollution and despoiling issues in the long run some of which could also be subject to litigation with the Alaska Government becoming a target.The approach to modification of existing deleterious environmental practices is a political variable for-itself contingent upon the actual state of the political environment in which the empirical environment exists.

Changes in the United States or Brazil depend upon the actual political powers and the ability of educators and rationalists to reach the public in order to influence opinion. In most of the world today actual democracy is a non-factor and corporatism, socialism or some other form of authoritarianist government prevails. I will write something about the political difficulties that beset the United States and Alaska presently negating much of the effects of political action by ordinary citizens.

Corporatists in the oil business are very influential in Alaska and the world today...even in the catastrophically mal-planned post 2003 Iraq war rebuilding effort largely by the United States a few corporations friendly to the administration's economic interests such as KBR, Halliburton and Bechtel got the lion's share of dumped ineffective, billions spent for reconstruction leaving the Iraqi's generally as bystanders. in fact until four months after the war only 1.7 billion was budgeted, and Paul Wolfowitz believed Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction itself providing a 100 billion for reconstruction right away annually.Corporatism and socialism each are repressive forms of government in absolute terms limiting the fundamental rights of individuals to exist in-the-world for-themselves.

Corporatism and socialism each are collective forms of social organization with the former taking over government from the outside in and the latter taking it over from the inside out. The United States today has slipped into the darkness of both socialism and corporatism with the corporatist broadcast media the essential agency of propaganda and mass social control. Instead of 300 million individual keyed broadcast citizen stations there re just a few uttering the opinions of rich corporatists and occasionally of socialists.Particularists, local control of politics in a democratic context is a necessary step toward liberation from the sociopathic socialist or corporatist cold-bloodedness prevalent in present political structures of the west.The strength of a democracy is in individual free expression, individual creativity, individual genius to solve social problems and in the vast diverse opinion and ideas generated by intelligent and diverse, liberated people defending their own borders and governance within a nation. Global collectivism in the guise of corporatism and socialism both seek to enslave Americans as degraded, indebted, ignorant service workers mocked and ruled by an international class of mafia 'businessmen or businesswomen' enforcing the allocation of resources for their own maximal profit in a 'disposable world'; after all, it is presumed that enslaved intellectuals and inventors will produce a new gadget or two needed to solve any real emergent environmental crisis that may arise when necessary. The global business mafia class known in Russia as 'the roof' will break down America's border security with tens of millions of illegal aliens if it can with the objective being the further subversion of the concept and reality of the U.S.A. as a nation with secure borders under God instead of global mammon.In communications meaning is far more important than form.

Comprehensibility of meaning is the basic goal of meaningful communication. In the U.S.A. Today form is viewed as of far more value than meaning. In novels form is the primary requisite with some form of content placing a close second. Readers want their action explosive, or their lust big and music sweet. Music is the primary form of communication in which meaning is of virtually no value and form is everything. Perhaps that reversal is good for musicians that wreak havoc upon reason when they venture to place political content in their music lyrics generally leaving a train wreck behind though with too much music in a society form becomes all-important pervasively while political reason and meaning is deleted as tiresome 'lecturing' even in the written word.Modern globalist atheists view humanity as mouths that want nourishment or biological entities of equal non-value occasionally credited with meaningless thoughts and ideas of an illusory nature. How many 'holes' can be packed into the Albert Hall or onto the Earth is a phenomenal question of interest possibly for statisticians in a metaphysical treatise on the quantification of meaningless demography.

Demographics and its realty as manifest living people in actual places is reduced to an examination of methods to process the 'fish' for control and profit; a dehumanized humanity is necessarily a 'bowl of cherries' for advantaged globalists to pluck accompanied by the chords of pathos, poverty and redemption by the rich propagandized as the proles transfer their allegiance unto the anti-Christ of the era.Corporatism and socialism are mass forms of deactualizing individual intelligence and phenomenal geophysical existence as meaningful facts in-themselves. An Aristotelian particularized approach to solving common empirical issues that keeps individual existence and right to life as necessary components of politics is a better way to deal with the many global environmental political and sectarian issues that present themselves today as common problems.

The debate isn't empirically between a solipsistic individualism ignorant of common issues and pure dehumanized collectivism, but of finding a golden mean in politics to respect individual rights personally and empirically and the reality of democratic government able to contain the economic brilliance of capitalism.Inheritance taxes are one such issue. In the United States death taxes on estates of more than 3 million dollars should be set at 50% in order to prevent formation of a non-working royal mafia over the generations. Fifty% of 50 billion dollars is still a lot of money, and if the people work with it perhaps they can surpass the wealth passed on, or alternatively lose it over the generations until they are just ordinary poor citizens.Global corporations in the United States pay not net taxes presently, and border security issues on the Mexican frontier are rigged to forfeit to Mexico because no environmentally acceptable border control zone is planned by anyone except perhaps myself even in a hypothetical criterion...several ditches and elevated patrol roads with berms would be effective as would variously configured saltwater recreation barriers.

Perhaps the nations' politicians really are incompetent and the national intelligence not so high, and expectations must be lowered regarding the future of the United States-I hope not.Writing some additional lines to provide examples of the problems that broadcasting under the control of a globally owned corporatism creates I will use the state of Alaska and it's capital city of Juneau.This Alaskan city of 29,000 citizens expands its population each day seasonally by as many as 15,000 people including crew and passengers of cruise ships. Many of the stores in the scenic old town area open seasonally too and close their doors as the cold winds and snows of fall approach to open again a couple of weeks before the paying visitors arrive. The state legislature usually has adjourned before the first cruise ships arrive in early May and have returned to their enclaves as tools of corporatist oil corporations not unusually. Alaska hasn't conflict of interest laws and some of the legislators are direct employees of oil corporations that demand concessions from the people of Alaska. Some have argued that the state capital should be relocated to the geographical center in Fairbanks of course, but the current Alaskans say that it is cold in Fairbanks, and someplace with quicker international fights to the globe such as Anchorage or Wasilla would be warmer for the corporatists.

If the capital moved to Fairbanks Juneau would have hundreds of new living spaces go on the market for conversion to tourist time-shares and condo conversion including the descrepit state capitol building. The talk of building a Lynn Canal wilderness destroying road would stop. It would be far easier for the 1000 S.E. Alaskans to travel to Fairbanks in the winter for the legislative session than for the unreasonable reverse situation to continue. Driving to Anchorage from Juneau is just too far for safety and vice versa in the dead of winter-yet the Fairbanks-Juneau drive is quite good with only 50 miles of deep coastal snow portions to traverse in those front wheel drive vehicles (and 4 wheel drive for the less adventuresome).

The stimulating presence of hundreds or thousands of intelligent new residents of Juneau would perhaps stimulate a better private business economic development situation, and the state workers would love Fairbanks. I spent three winters in Fairbanks walking to the college sometimes and enjoyed that more than when driving an old Honda civic with a broken heater blower ans a large hole in the floor on the driver's side. The turning of the wildlife colors to white is quite an aesthetic accompaniment to the northern lights and quiet snowfall.With just two AM radio stations and several FM the city of Juneau has innumerable frequencies available for some sort of reformed non-corporatist broadcasting and of course the legislature is incapable of imagining any such sort of progress for the people that would support a more democratic allocation of physical communication resources. Nationally the United States has given its broadcasting liberty to a few rich global corporations and the opinions on any given political issues are formed and expressed largely through the selective treatment of the exclusive corporatist media. Democracy such as the founders envisioned with a free press are quashed for the few modern 'Torrie's' able to win the FCC and communications financial competition.

As in the American revolutionary era free access communications are an indispensable aspect of the formation of revolutionary, democratic political opinions. Neither the Alaska State legislature nor the federal are democratic enough to innovate new methods of electromagnetic communications wavelength reformation in support of renewed democratic politics.The public could maximize wavelength use and coordinate it with Internet audio on citizen's websites. Locally each citizen could share a slice of the available radio spectrum for his own broadcast use.

Locally each citizen could have his web-page verified as that of a citizen living in the city and state in person and have a few minutes or a few hours a day to have his own political opinions and ideas broadcast to the masses. Juneau might have as many as 5,000 citizens that would take advantage of the opportunity to broadcast via their Internet site. The public would privatize the broadcasts for-themselves but publicly pay for the transmit technology much as they currently pay for physical highway construction and maintenance. Nationally this process could be replicated until the democratization of broadcast political opinion is achieved.

Diversity of opinion is the strength of the democracy. In Venezuela recently President Chavez closed down the last privately owned radio station while in the United States a few corporations own the use of wavelengths with the costs beyond that of mere mortal citizen individually. A rectification of broadcast allocation in the United States would let 300 million points of broadcast 'light' shine in the darkness of the present global authoritarianization of mass broadcast communications.Who ordered the oil field services corporation VECO C.E.O. to corrupt the Alaska State Legislature and buy votes that would cut state tax revenues by the billions from a tentative vast virgin wilderness destroying natural gas pipeline in Alaska? Were the usual global oil corporation suspects behind the move to subvert democracy in the state of Alaska?

Would Exxon-Mobil, Conoco and BP the three corporations primarily interested in operating the new pipeline themselves in order to skim extra profits from untracked gas flows possibly (its been done before) be part of a vast right wing oil corporate conspiracy to defraud and corrupt Alaska Democracy?Saudi Arabia's royal collective of 30,000 princes and princesses nationalized oil fields in the 1970's following Khaddafi's insight, Dubai probably did the same along with the other middle eastern royal oil companies, Hugo Chavez recently nationalized Venezuela's oil fields, and in Alaska global oil companies seek to lape the public resources that are non renewable that are fossil fuels building up over the 4 billion year planetary history in the wink of an eye like crankheads discovering a diamond encrusted watch that was a gift to Mother Teresa she planned to use to convert one of Saddam Hussein's palaces into an orphanage for the lost children of Iraq made homeless by violence over ownership of Iraq's 200 billion barrels of untapped reserves in the desert.

What can a democracy do to conserve it's public resources from the unscrupulous? What ca a democracy do to not squander it's non-renewable resources and become hapless destitute in the broken trail of deflated, spent dreams of civilization?Cut out the middleman was the corporate mantra through the 1970's. The global oil corporations represent stockholder collectives that put no work at all into the state of Alaska. These non-Alaskans reap the oil and gas of the frontier corrupting the American dream of a plentiful wilderness that provides for the local homesteaders. The state of Alaska should respect its existing oil and gas leases as a democracy unlike the communist and aristocratic collectives, yet the state should develop its own oil and gas fields in the future purchasing its own fossil fuel exploration company (I worked for Western Geophysical long ago before Halliburton bought it) for less than a billion dollars and occasionally hire a small drilling company to punch in a few wells.

The State would keep 100% of the oil sales price that would go at Valdez to private distributor spot purchasers. The gas and oil would be sold for 50% of the market value and a requisite for it's sale would be that it be marketed in the United States. This tactic by the state of Alaska would require only a fraction as much oil and gas to be sold in order to receive the present level of tax revenue and would also tend to lower the global gas prices driven up by royal collectives, socialist collectives and middle man field plunderers that could teach a thing or to to Blackbeard and Johnny Depp.A Liquid Natural Gas plant could be built at Valdez by a contractor and a gas pipeline alongside the existing oil pipeline spaced suitably to forestall 'sympathetic' accidental detonation from sabotage.

If Alaskans pay the cost of living on the cold frontier they ought to have some sort of natural plentiful offset recompense. State revenues could fund the best schools in America or be distributed to global soup kitchens when times are plentiful enough after infrastructure needs are met. Most jobs created by another pipeline would be filled by transient workers from the south of Texas and elsewhere who would have their jobs filled in their absence by illegal aliens. Most Alaskans are already employed and any jobs would be temporary. Most long range jobs would be perhaps in environmental clean up and other inspection and remediation costs.

The existing oil pipeline on the north slope to Valdez employs very, very few Alaskans. In theory a democracy can sell its crude oil itself directly to retailers and skip the Exxon-Mobil middleman that hasn't yet even paid it's claims judgment from about 20 years ago at the Exxon-Valdez oil spill, there isn't anything socialist about it.Revised scientific analysis shows the polar cap melting at 7.8% per decade. Within 43 years the north pole may have no ice annually in summer. Human greenhouse gassing is probably accountable for the accelerating pace of meltdown due to atmospheric warming.


Humanity of course has existed with civilizations only for 9,000 years while the world is 4 billion years old. Human responsibility for environmental changes are largely denied by commercial talk radio apologists for global corporatist quick trick profits now powers that exploit perhaps inadvertently, and innumerable straw man arguments are applied liberally to smear empirical analysts, even a religion card is used to defend the right of cheap corporate profits through environmental plundering that leave ecological externalities for the public to pay for.Some of the familiar straw men are 'socialists and reds are attacking us and out right to profit' (it makes no difference to the damaged environment what the political philosophy is of the perpetrators that violate it), the Bible says it's o.k. cause God will make a new Earth (don't count on being excused from supporting catastrophe and Armageddon build up for yourself-further on this Christian theory tangent../how would Jesus have explained to the people of his day the post Planck time at 10 to the minus 43rd power the faster-than-light inflation of the universe from a fraction of a quark size to the size of a grapefruit by 10 to the minus 35th second and the consequent 'big bang' expansion of space time?

Could he have said in the Aramaic language of the time, the Universe started from a tittle OR a jot size to a tittle times a tittle to the jot's power, or alternately might he have said the Universe grew from a mustard seed to larger than what you see know like a pregnant woman's belly of vast size? Wouldn't people have then believed in some sort of pregnant uterine cosmology with some sort of delivery in the future? instead Jesus said the universe or kingdom of God is like a tree growing with room for all kinds of life...good enough cosmology for the era wasn't it?).

Democracy is a responsibility thing with corporations of no more value than any other voter before law. Not Exxon-Mobil nor Freida Freeling have a right to pollute or warm up the atmosphere until the oceans boil away and the annual Earth temperature is 800 degrees farhenheightennugen.An incredible global broadcast propaganda engine supports fossil fuel economic hegemony over the north. From Qaanaaq to Unakleet pollutants from distant smokestacks and other pollution sources drop deposited by atmospheric currents warming with greenhouse effects. Local macro-economic and energy change is more difficult in northern places with the annual requirement for reliable energy for harsh winter survival.

Deep pocketed global corporations rather easily purchase influence and control of localities and concatenate that to state and national control. Fossil fuel development just rolls on decade after decade even as alternate, cleaner, better ,cheaper, safer complete energy systems are neglected. Most politicians even at the federal level disregard meaningful macro-economic-energy-import/export corporate ownership analysis in order to develop knowledge enough to enable meaningful interpolated revisions to dysfunction local, state and federal energy policies. The reason for that is the inertia of influence and dependence upon a formerly constructive and presently retarding fossil fuel industry.

Alaskan oil field developments continue to penetrate and proliferate broadly as an ineffective clique of fossil fuel reliant dullards in the state legislature vote approval of a resolution to descry possible listing of the polar bear as an endangered species due to habitat loss. The state is tied to oil developer's royalty tithing of the state financially and will not significantly invest in diversified energy production from ample wind, geothermal, solar and other plentiful seasonal supplies of alternate fuels.

In Russia the government has played into the oil set's hands and transitioned the state and nation into reliance upon fossil fuels and nuclear power for energy and income making it another sycophant of polluting macro-economic phenomenalities that also allocate profits in a hierarchical way implicitly corrupting democracy's necessary egalitarianism. The same phenomena exists in Iraq with the central legislature and prime minister failing to adopt a distribution of oil field ownership plan to the citizens in order to avoid the usual clique of oil predators running government.In the world today ten of the twelve most profitable corporations are fossil fuel companies or internal combustion engine auto producers. In Alaska a host of global corporations decree state political development de facto, most recent entrant is the Italian Corporation Eni' that has purchased the Nikaitchuq oil field for 900 million dollars. These 80 wells and 32 offshore islands in the high arctic add more waste in the land, sea and sky disturbing the natural thermal and chemical context of the environment.

Thousands of wells exist or are being built or in the planning stages all over Alaska and Russia maladroitly altering the security of the northern ecology and directly that natural healthy environment of humanity. Global corporatism around the world with it's concentration of well and systems control of national macro-economics makes significant national political transition to non-polluting industrial and transport-energy infrastructure development difficult.

The most significant aspect of the corporatist-socialist macro-organizational hegemony and obstruction of the deleterious ecological business interface is the Toynbean fall of civilization context parameter usually limited to just one civilization's inability to change. Because the civilization is now a global civilization the inability to move away from multifarious fossil fuel exploitation of the environment and repression of healthier technologies and political change may doom the world's ecology.The trans-Arctic eco-region is the dump for a variety of pollutants as part of the chemical war on Earth by humanity. A build up of toxic chemicals adversely affects the health of a myriad of wildlife species as well as human health. Global warming and radical environmental alterity aren't the only malefaction's and pervasive changes in continuing alterity to the Arctic environment.The Amazonian forest debatably is being exploited for farming and industrial development by President Lula DeSilva; political leadership with socialist traits may be as irresponsible as the most predatory corporatists in some cases perhaps; certainly the Soviet Union was one of the greatest offenders upon the health of the Arctic and in all likelihood was number one.
http://www.nrdc.org/globalwarming/qthinice.asphttp://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/1002-03.ht m polar bear sex changeshttp://www.allthingsarctic.com/environment/polluti on.aspxhttp://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?i d=4608

An article by Susanne Rust of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about biphenyl-A illustrates the wide distribution of water contamination and other sources with serious health risks for humanity and wildlife. The biphenyl-A isn't as glamorous as pcbs of course yet is pervasive in industrialized nations and may help cause prostate cancer as it acts like estrogen. The chemical is used in plastics and many food containers and is likely to be effective at low levels. The waterways of the nation and world have pollution from a number of sources, and many of them are zero-point pollutants that can affect locales as remote as northern Canada and Alaska:

http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/facts/ zero point pollution

Trans-Arctic peoples are also assaulted by mining runoff into water supplies. The greatest active water polluter in Alaska reportedly is the Red Dog Mine. Many Northern peoples are hooked by the dire need for a job to withstand the harsh Arctic winter.

Especially for aboriginal peoples the loss of natural environmentally supported healthy lifestyles because of pollution compels a search for a job in a polluting, environmentally destructive extraction industry. These extraction industries often are trans-national front companies to be dumped in case legal liability for pollution arises. Some other companies of extraction industries such as Exxon have litigated one single instance of pollution for nearly twenty years destroying comparative advantage opportunities for employment adjustment by victims of the pollution.Leadville; a book about mining in Colorado and the toxic waste problem that required superfund sites for remediation, is an excellent book.

A number of mining issues arise in S.E. Alaska and in the rest of the state, and the time delays on production of good analytical written materials in book for are substantial. There isn't much recent writing on the subject of mining, mining history, present mine activities and the concatenated effects of chemical pollution from mine tailings and so forth that kill the ecological health of watersheds.Mining isn't the only point source of dispersed source of killing levels of toxic wastes and habitat destruction for fish of course.

The state of Washington lost its salmon fisheries' health through a number of causes including over fishing, destruction of stream health, dams and so forth. For Alaska to keep its wild fisheries healthy, the next administration will need to get off its complaisance and actively investigate and control mine pollution runoff of acid and heavy metals in Alaska.

Some good writer could serve public interests by developing a book proposal at least to consolidate accurately mining issues quantitatively and qualitatively in Alaska and British Columbia....the Canadians presently are going through permitting of a vast open pit mine with a tailing's pond on a tributary of the Stikine River that debauches into S.E. Alaska, another mine proposal is up the Taku River-these rivers are two of the primary historical sources of large salmon in S.E. Alaska. With the piecemeal and inadequate public knowledge of the damage mining runoff causes to the health of waterways controlling these mining sprees is difficult, yet the polluting effects may go on for centuries after the mining shell corporation has gone out of business.A number of mines have issues; Green's Creek owned by three global mining corporations with records of meaningful pollution including Rio Tonto, Kennecott and Hecla.

A number of mines have been developed and abandoned over the years, concise analytical surveys of concatenated water pollution effects ongoing never make it to a public webpage or books-each should receive attention.The Tulsequah area mines of British Columbia up the Taku, the Kensington, A.J. Treadwell, Klag Bay and Pebble mines join Alaskan history as mines that compile to attack the environment in some way large or small. The Red Dog mine of western Alaska recently made the news as one of the nation's largest emitters of heavy metals yet where is the follow up substantive analysis on the present and long range actual effects for the public.Mining in Alaska will over time contribute its share to the destruction of fisheries directly and indirectly in order to bring Alaska up to the speed of Washington and Oregon with impounded fishing fleets and hundreds of millions of ongoing publicly paid efforts to restore fishing runs.

The public monitoring of adverse mining activity in Alaska will need to select meaningful a priori control of pollution and non-loss of fishing habitat as part of permitting if government is to be other than crooked as usual regarding extraction industries.One book 'Predicting Water Quality Problems at Hardrock Mines (A failure of science, oversight and good practice)' was published in 2006. The author Alan Septoff contributed a useful work that could be a reference source for the anticipated book on 'The History of Mining Pollution in S.E. Alaska and British Columbia Past & Present'.Alaskans want good jobs, but right thinking Alaskans want good jobs with companies that can be proud of their environmental conservation.The problems of global pollution affecting waters and people that live on wildlife from the waters are substantively under-studied by the federal administration evidently.

Consider a particular region's advanced post-industrial pollution construction challenges...The administration does not take to heart health issues created for Alaskans living on natural foods from the Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea. A recent study of Arviat, Nunavut by Martina Tyrrell in 'Arctic' Vol. 59 considered the high levels of toxicity drawn from seals, beluga Whales, polar bear and in some cases Arctic Char exhibiting deformities.


Amidst the three general pollutant categories Tyrell mention was that anti-chauvinistically titled POP's, or persistent organic pollutants (this doesn't refer to male insemination of a lesbian drifting female population). POPS such as 'PCB's, DDT, toxaphene, endosulfane, brominated fire retardants' where amongst those Tyrell reported. They arrive by wind and sea, rivers and perhaps some pollution is deposited by garbage and snow machines left by northern as well as from plants causing pollution in the 48 states.


are used in marine hull coatings, lubricants, making plastics, in pesticides and other sources Tyrell noted. Alaskans should be concerned about administration traits to flood the region with oil industry pollutants in the long range, while dispersal of pollutant takes longer than human lifetimes in many instances. The possibility of additional offshore bio corruption by pen reared fish, and of extra oil and gas pipelines to fund a corrupt global oil corporatism retarding U.S. national alternate energy independence even if companies such as Halliburton moving its headquarters to Dubai do provide employment for former cabinet officers of the United States sometimes and receive vast federal contracts now and then should be considered at least by the Congress as reason enough to look for alternate, clean methods of living in a stable environmental configuration.It is notable that the NOAA concerns about pollution in the Arctic differ from those of Tyrell.
The mood of NOAA seems more unconcerned:



Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...