
ABout the Two Oil Heirs in a War of Destructive Terrorism

Notes on Neo-Corporatist & State Terrorism and Covalent Support of Globalism in Formation of ad hoc Communes Consistent with Goals of Al Qa’eda in Destruction of National Independence and Democracy.

The present war of terror prosecuted by two wealthy heirs of vast fortunes-the Bush and Bin Ladin families has show more than a modicum of insensitivity to the aspirations of ordinary people. In a recent video the Os Bin Ladin descried capitalism in a sour grapes complaint after the Saudi Government forced the sale of his portion of the family oil and engineering wealth and confiscated/froze the proceeds. The window of opportunity for course correction in international political and economic applied philosophy away from the present imperial slide toward a chaos of capitalism, communism Hindu and Islamic internationalism corrupting local democratic and economic political self-determination may not be open forever. Political ministrations to conserve national cultural opportunities may wither in nations such as the United States of America as confident wealthy political leaders fail to comprehend the consequences of the loss of American traditional cultural values and independence in favor of ingress of pervading internationalism that lines the pockets of those invested in global corporatism.

Local independent business people, tradesmen and the like may work and create new capital value and spend there profits it corporate global outlets that are whisked away to the global shareholders. The redistribution of local wealth to corporate shareholders and the influx of millions of illegal aliens to displace construction trade wage and contractor value are phenomena of globalization’s creeping amoral conquest of the United States.

The loss of national economic and cultural self-determination is in progress with an amoral global stew of Islamo-communist-paganism under an imperial ruling class moving in to replace it. Capitalism during the cold war wasn’t given an opportunity for a detached, analytical review and reformation for application to a post cold-war world. The failure to comprehend the true role that capitalism should play within a democratic society has given license to modern predatory globalists to exploit capitalism as an economic philosophy for mass social repression and world conquest unifying quite well with Chinese communist repression of individual liberty. Neither corporatists nor communists need care about individual free enterprise and free expression; instead they care solely about reinforcing power for the elite organizational leadership they comprise, and mass material formulae for the worker-employees with kickbacks to shareholders/party members. It isn’t too late yet to subdue the wild meglomaniacal excesses of globalism and restore a political philosophy of self determination to American national interests. Globalists like to use extreme dialectical antinomies as straw men to knock down in order to defend their self-fated right to force everyone into a global corporatist political entity of planetary inertial stagnation; there are alternative methods of free trading national democratic social developments aplenty without extreme global oppression by either corporate imperial or communist subjugation. The philosopher Aristotle believed that people would develop their interests most carefully if they owned them for-themselves. Both communism and corporatism take away individual ownership through various networked means and reduce humanity to droll servo-units of the global hive.

Some may argue in support of the global corporatist state that it is a better way to reach out to the downtrodden second and third world people living in poverty than communism. That may be true and a valid premise for corporatist support if communism were the only alternative method of economic development in the second and third world, yet it is not. Democracy with a healthy petite capitalism and limited entry trans-national capitalism would better support local, national economic growth. Free trading small worlds networks able to synergize product development, production and sales without formal legal business unification may avoid the semi-monopolistic capitalization facts of interowned royal global corporatism.

When cold-blooded global corporatism invades to displace local political control at best allowing local politicians to be yes men and smoke blowers for a transnational upper class even local religious beliefs eventually are co-opted or dialectically radicalized by the amorality of globalist takeover creating a local radicalization in response that may foster support for national socialist political dictatorships in the emergent second and third world amidst polities mindful to avoid both communism and false non-Christian theocratic religious domination.

Global corporatist supporting politicians such as President George W. Bush may compel nations to disregard externalities such as environmental harm and global warming because of the traditional unaccountability of business for environmental damage without litigation. Even the NGTO CEO Osama Bin Ladin had the good sense to exploit the corporatist irresponsibility for global warming in a recent video. Al Qa’eda as a non-manufacturing terrorist organization of course contributes little to global warming except when creating mass environmental disasters such as the 9-11 World Trade Center pollutants more than compensating for their lack of smokestack industry ownership. Al Qa’eda has benefited in the past from contributions from Saudi oil wealthy individuals and hasn’t yet renounced fossil fuel as a major factor causing global warming. Non-governmental terrorist organizations (NGTO’s) such as Al Qa’eda are not the only present danger to individual and national economic and political security. Ad hoc global corporations co-opting national political self determination en passant with trans-national corporate existence able to afford purchase of national political leadership loyalty and purchase national and global broadcast media propaganda monopolies assault individual political opposition increasingly without legal accountability through a variety of wicked and ruthless means. Foreign governments may present as significant of a threat to individuals in the United States as Al Qa’eda, or more so; the BBC and NPR are as apt to subvert American individuals as the corporate broadcasters; the Department of Homeland security is effectively a Department of Corporate globalist security to conquer the American Democracy and annihilate American tradition and culture. The U.S. Government will not democratize the broadcast media to Internet podcast use by all citizens and take away a primary socializing tool of corporatist and state propaganda terror technology.

Mexican truckers enabled by pre-9-11 NAFTA provisions to drive throughout the United States will present an increasing and pervasive security threat to every niche of the United States. Bin Ladin must already be grooming truckers from Mexico on delta force quality force delivery package mission training. Foreign packaged trucks and containers with g.p.s.’ will be able to deposit materials anywhere in the U.S.A. for later use. If the Soviet KGB had been given such a fine method of equipment ingress the cold war might have been resolved the other way. It is likely that AL Qa’eda and other ad hoc terrorist organizations dedicated to the destruction of the U.S. democracy, the end of the reality of a working constitution of the United States and free enterprise sole proprietorships will utilize the NAFTA trucking sovereignty surrender avenue of approach to coordinate and deliver terrorist tools even unto Hannibal Missouri. Pioneer Americans recognized the Carthaginian’s comprehension that the way to destroy the Roman Empire was to go for the city of Rome itself, and he made that effort nearly successfully until stopped at Cannae.

Any global corporation will be free to set up shop and deliver to any place in the U.S.A. directly whatever contraband and articles of war it can get past the ineffective customs inspectors.

Cleverly packaged shipments of weapons of mass destruction such as nerve gas or tons of weaponized anthrax might be gotten through in just one truck container and delivered without middleman to anyplace deemed convenient by the personnel in favor of a reconstituted Sunni imperial preference for a Caliphate set Al Qa’eda for mass civilian casualties for tactical political-economic purposes. The NAFTA trans-border trucking provisions should be abrogated immediately, while the rest of the treaty may continue, if Mexico halts its mass waves of over-the-boundary line flood of illegal alien construction workers.

Usama Bin Ladin’s recent video highlighted the similarities Al Qa’eda George Bush and the British Government have in both oil, imperialism and preference for Sunni Royal power of some form in the Middle East. Usama’s misunderstanding of the problem with capitalism is not compensated for by his recognition of the danger of global warming, even unto the decimation of polar bear habitat. Usama’s feeling for the hard edges of capitalism has a Maoist spin, and one in error of course-the problem isn’t capitalism but is corporatist corruption of capitalism and democracy.

The crisis in capitalism today is in its wild, unmanaged power to subvert democracy and individual economic competition. Globalization of capitalism and the existence of large international investment funds work to create a monolithic and oppressive global ruling class without any ethical values respecting the foundation principles of western civilization in individualism, individual self-determination and political equality of citizens.

Globalists and their national globalist broadcast sycophants have an unreformed basic urge toward absolute greed for-itself and self-association with corrupt absolute power. Capital is given an absolute value by the globalists that is assumed to have some sort of magical merit for political organization and justice that might in some way be the most optimal course of economic development possible. That false belief and the sociological facts supporting the mass cattle-lie stampede in support of goal capital investments creates a juggernaut of power crushing individual free enterprise and democracy, self-determination and physical security beneath its unshod hooves in many instances. Adam Smith believed hat capital managed by individuals should be given license to guide itself with a criterion of national democratic government-not without. Real national interests cannot be placed as secondary to global capital without the erasure of political and real security of individuals within their own nations. Capitalism needs and era of reformation into a less volatile and life corrupting, over-the-border tool of destabilization if economic competition is to continue to exist, if individual invention is to be rewarded, if individual work and national security are to continue as meaningful, practical ways of life.

Osama Bin Ladin’s desire to repress all of the people of the globe within a Muhammedist oil imperialism is a rival to the innate imperial drive of global capitalist annihilating national security, individual liberty within nations, protection from corrupt global capitalized powers seeking to put a price on everything and have an ability to enslave the world through the raw power of the biggest piles of capital. Capitalism needs to be controlled by nations in order to allow democracy and citizenship to continue to meaningfully exist, the alternative likely development scenario are large global corporatist communes controlling all broadcast media, buying all national governments and repressions of individual expression and invention.

Like many oppressive dictators Osama seems to believe in the infallibility of wealth and power. Usama Bin Ladin’s desire that all the world kow tows to a Muhammadist pope uniting church and state seems more of a malevolent evil delusion than the most dark depths of the Catholic Spanish inquisition’s goals for world power-the papacy at that time implicitly recognized a pluralist political nationalism even before the recalcitrant Frederick the Elector had his falling out with the Vatican. Osama, perhaps like some oil-indebted corporatists seeks a global power through means that incongruously and curiously collaterally have an economic resonance with the economic goals of global oil corporations.

Terrorism on the United States through promiscuous Mexican truckers insinuating themselves into every nook and cranny of the U.S.A. directly from foreign trucking companies located in Mexico presents a clear and present danger to the security of the United States that the President and Congress should not overlook as usual because of the confidence of comfortable wealth and the obscurity of urgency to adapt quickly. Two of the top tier Republican candidates are terminally soft on illegal alien entry control and probably on the anachronistic trucking provision of NAFTA as well.

I support construction of mag-lev cargo tubes across the United States to move cargo to transcontinental terminals as 3000 miles per hour, yet that will never come about if foreign global corporations in effect take over American highways, and U.S. taxpayers must borrow money from China and India to fix that high infrastructure decade after decade as innovation stagnates, and American highways are dominated by global corporations, global fossil fuels, global vehicles and global political power with the people of the United states becoming a basic sort of curiosity and lint on the slipstream of the new globally controlled America. What congressional let that trucking forfeiture of sovereignty provision into the bill that far exceeds the concept of free trade without cross order tariffs? The people rely on their political representatives to actually read the details, and not to put in seditious corporatist measures such as the Mexican trucking subversion.

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