
Corporatist/American Iraq Tactical Errors

American strategy in Iraq for several years has been incomplete and of a patchwork composition to many outside observers. Is the policy of the Bush administration actually as ineffective a it seems and simply a patchwork effort of throwing truck loads of borrowed money at the problem such as followed the incompetent civil defense planing and response to the levees of New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina? Is it possible that some larger grand weltanshaung (world view) motivates the neo-con shaped Bush II policy that may be fulfilled by a Bush III administration or a Clinton II administration? Let's consider a few basic points of U.S. middle east policy during and following the cold war's end.

In taking the dialectically opposite side of communism the U.S.A. committed itself to a global war of capitalism versus communist economics and in so doing capitalist business methods became enshrined as an absolute good replacing democracy. Democracy for a time was subordinated to capitalist leadership in a global war for survival to become the leader of the New World Order. The world's politics were perceived as essentially a contest between the political powers of two European conceived social philosophies of Marx and Smith. Other demographic and environmental issues of greater absolute importance perhaps were subordinated and aligned with the dominant higher level issues. Environmental conservation for instance might be considered to be a socialist activity, and birth control a capitalist or communist policy variously as local needs for dissimulation deemed appropriate politically. The issues of the Muslim world combined with several other social and environmental challenges also were set aside as of secondary value. With the end of the cold war the occultation of the secondary issues ended, while the success of global capitalism surged ahead as the content of a New World Order; one in effect without a willing political base and advocated from the top by an elite ad hoc network of greed driven businessmen without any real feeling for governing. Without digressing here to describe how corporatism grew through the capitalist economic network to displace democracy in the United States and worked toward minimizing all free enterprise activities unsubordinated to rent paying to corporations I can directly move toward the corporatist Bush II administration policy failures in restructuring civil Iraq following the war of 2003.

Primarily the Bush II planning was of a corporatist New World Order nature with Iraq as a phenomenal oil source. The middle east since the 1950's has been for the United States a place where foreign policy moved to support any oil supplying non-belligerent government regardless of its relationship with the citizens of that nation. With that being the long-term amoral, unprincipled policy in effect of the U.S. Government foreign terrorist organizations and dissidents came to recognize the intrinsic perfidious nature of U.S. foreign policy in the region learning distrust of the U.S.A. Israel to a certain extent shared an unwise over association with globalism rather than simply expressing an identity as just a plain nation fighting for survival democratically against a sea of adverse peoples with a history of hate burning behind their eyes.

The corporatist political philosophy is essentially of contempt for government and for democratic government. Corporatists associate government with socialism necessarily as pure profits without social concern for 'externalities' is vital for the bottom line of many business budgets. Corporatists are completely incompetent and comprehending political philosophy and the right role of government and if given the opportunity to afford to buy elections with the assistance of their corporate owned broadcast media propagandizing will redistribute public money to favorite corporations as fast as possible. KBR, Halliburton, Bechtel and other corporations received a lot of taxpayer money yet Iraqi's saw little of it.

Fundamentally the Bush II administration entirely trashed the rebuilding effort in Iraq after the end of war in 2003 because of corporatist basic philosohic diversions away from a more sensitive rational democratic approach of construction and contracting priorities. The corporatist agneda of Iraq spending became something lik the telemarketing company hired to solicit funds for a charity that keeps 90% for itself and sends 10% of contributions on to the charity to help the poor folk reluctantly. Corporatists fundamentally believe that they are the personification of moral and political rightness on Earth and that nothing else need be said or thought about it. Dissent or diversion of resources away from corporate profits would be socialist or communist under some camoflage perhaps it has been decided.

In Alaska a recent radio ad by the Kennsington Mining Corporation attacks a small local conservation group for winning a lawsuit to prevent the mining company from dumping vast tonnage of mine waste products in a pristine alpine lake that probably discharges into a fiord eventually. The Kennsington then blames the environmentalist for not allowing an environmental health destroying road to be built along Lynn Canal to Haines from Juneau. The Kennsington would prefer that a road to destroy America's last best wilderness be constructed perhaps to reduce the costs of it's mining operation about halfway up the proposed route. For corporatists no other issues exist except pure profit...not destroying the last habitats for wildlife such as whales, grizzly bear, wild salmon and so forth...nothing at all except the prospect of gold. In Iraq black gold is at the bottom of the stack of reason for conflict...Suadi oil, Iraqi Oil, Dubain and U.A.E. oil-not only for the corporatists but for the royal rulers and their supportive clerics of the Sunni or Shi'a as well. Each much maneuver to control the land and the oil beneath even if war and death, anathema and repression is the cost. One hopes that U.S. female will at least comply with local proscriptions against baring the naked face to savage male desert tribes and instead wear fake beards, raspberry beret's and cheap sunglasses to conceal their most prosperous beauty until return to more decadent regions of the world.

Though the Bush administration might talk democracy for political propaganda purposes it has little regard for it. Ali Allawi's 2006 book 'The Occupation of Iraq; Winning the War, Losing the Peace' contains background on the completely ineffective Bush II allocation of resources in post-war Iraq.

One may wonder if 'the war' in Iraq is really 'lost' today and if it can yet be salvaged unto peace. Some claim that as many as 650,000 Iraqis have perished since 2003 because of sectarian and other terrorist violence. If the United States suddenly withdrew it's military forces would the number of deaths be reduced, or would it increase?

Congressman Murtha says publicly that Americans want to bring all the troops home now, but is he right and what would the consequences be of that? U.S. politicians seldom ask what the consequences of their actions would be any more. President Bush II failed to consider the consequences of winning the Iraq war of 2003 enough to consider what might happen though federal intelligent reports existed that forecast the chaos it was later revealed. What would the consequences of congressman Murtha's fight to flight plan be if implemented, or does it matter to the socialist opposition of the corporatists equally as little as the consequences of winning the 2003 war?

Ali Allawi's book moves the public understanding considerably beyond the paradigm of Fouad Ajami's pre-1991 Gulf War book 'The Republic of Fear; inside Saddam Hussein's Iraq' in a useful timeliness.

It is possible to have a better understanding of the position of the Shi'a of Iraq and why they seek their own militias in case the government falls; of why the Saudi Arabians seek the destruction of any Shi'a Government in Iraq; of the possibility that in Iraq the populace is presently sorting itself out through bloody violence into a three part confederalist nation with the Sunni on the west bank of the Tigris in Baghdad, the Shi'a and Sadrists in Sadr City in East Baghdad and the Kurds and President Talibani formerly of the P.U.K. up north in Kurdistan. Not only are ethnic survivals at issue in Iraq for the people of the area, fundamental long term historical balances are again shifting because of the American intervention in 2003, and the Bush II administration blinded by its corporatist worldview whereby the 'locals' don't matter much but are indignant consumers or non-conformists to globalist corporatism hasn't expressed a competence to willingness to comprehend a paradigm toward political stabilization of Iraq other than dump more military forces into Iraq, quite them all down and then the oil contracts can be signed for global oil companies. Presently Iraq produces only a fraction of it's oil potential because of the civil conflict.

The United States relying upon oil for auto fuel instead of home-produced electricity for electric cars also relies on Sunni Arabs of Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf for oil, and the corporatists profit handsomely from the dependence f the U.S. on oil working fundamentally against U.S. democratic interests. To corporatists all independence and democratic dissent is leftist and socialist. Socialists on the left and corporatists on the right preclude the political concept of a democracy pursuing its rational self-interests in public policy with a simultaneously somewhat laissez faire attitude toward capitalism. Americana cannot be liberated from corporatism sufficient to liberate themselves from oil consumption beyond lubricant and plastic production as a consequence.

Reliance on Sunni middle-eastern oil and abstract devaluing of Muslim's as recalcitrant consumers and global corporate employees creates a general western incompetence at political intervention and interaction with the actual political factors and peoples of Iraq and the middle east. Yes in time some of these people given political freedom and prosperity might on their own choose to take up more western values or even realize that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation with God, but force will not do it. Corporatist flush with a cold war victory over a transitional Russian people not really unwilling entirely to join the west believe that the world is now their oyster with a bit of hubris cutting off themselves from their own origins in western democracy and liberation during the era of the reformation, enlightenment and industrial revolution. In the middle east and Mesopotamia these western concerns are not necessarily shared while survival day to day has a more pragmatic drawing of attention. The political facts of Iraq do matter to all of these people and finding a suitable combination or alignment of the pieces politically in Iraq that is satisfactory to all the people that also includes a structure that will not be inimical to U.S. security would be a challenging enough activity if Americans could even be sure that the administration had anything other than a corporatist goal of homogenizing the people of Iraq under a friendly central government that will sell oil to corporatist interests keeping the U.S.A. addicted to gross crude oil consumption and borrowed funds to pay for the federal debt. The people of the United States have even begun to pay the interest on the hundreds of billions squandered in Iraq during the incompetent nation rebuilding fiasco (read A. Allawi's book 'The Occupation of Iraq').

One may wonder if Iran would have sought to build nuclear weapons faster if Saddam Hussein had remained in power or if Israel would have destroyed the Iranian nuclear plants producing material to wipe out Israel presently as the President of Iran Aminidinijab seems to express- ('Israel will be destroyed soon'). One wonders if the rhetoric from Iran is stimulated by the Bush II incompetence in rebuilding Iraq and is fueled by the Bush II talks recently with a wheel on the 'axis of evil' to such an effect that Iran believes the Bush II administration cannot stand aside and green light the destruction of all Iranian nuclear plants and Presidential palaces as the repercussions in Iraq would be too much.

It must seem to those that have not read recent historical material on Iraq or privileged enough to learn what the Bush II Iraq policy presently is beside 'fighting a war on terror' that is somewhat overly broad and generic that U.S. policy is mysteriously shrouded in corporatist goals of oil and that under 200 dollars a barrel...Americans just wouldn't pay more than that and the Russian government would be rolling in money if a middle east general war breaks out while the world corporatist economy will go into a depression including China with the possibilities for mass military movements. One of the disadvantages of globalist corporate unprincipled profit policy is that a certain vulnerable house of cards structuring is created.

American tactics in Iraq during the reconstruction would always have been better with a non-corporatist approach such as building security and fishing canals in Baghdad, privatizing oil field ownership equally amidst all Iraqi citizens in one corporation and Iraq elections to the board of that corporation would be very meaningful. Because the people own the oil privately corporatism is narrowly avoided. Corporatists don't wish to avoid ownership of the oil by the government as in Alaska with sales to global corporations (if Alaska sub-surface rights are given to property owners on former state land the land reverts to federal control). Corporatism and socialism are dialectically evolving forces as two-sides of one leaf growing to global dictatorship over a proletariat. Because the fundamental corporatist governing mechanism is non-existent to irrational force the results in American foreign policy such as in Iraq are messy...so how to get these Iraq's to live together peacefully may be enough of a challenge for the people of the United States to afford, Americans will be left with the corporate oppressor class themselves every minute of every day for decades.

The Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia have declared the Shi'a anathema in effect. Shi'a have never before ruled a middle east Arabian nation and the Sunni royalty don't want to have one start now. Saudi supplies more than 50% of foreign terrorists to Iraq and perhaps a lot of dollars. If the people of Iraq are given the oil equally as citizens then no one will be cheated, and Sunnis of Anbar province and the west bank of Baghdad can go there own way as a confederal autonomous province as may the Shi'a of the east bank and south and the Kurds of the North. Perhaps the Sunni of the west will want to join with Jordan to form a greater Hashemite constitutional democracy and alleviate some of the financial problems besetting the Palestinian fugitives living in poverty there.

If Israel would swiftly wipe out the Iranian nuclear plants the region could have some breathing space from that new building issues, the general hate mongering would help unify Iraqis for a while in condemnation against the Zionist entity', Persians and Sunni in Iraq could join hands and build a ice little oil pumping confederal empire and U.S. forces could draw down their forces over three years to any of the three Iraqi districts that want them as well as the United States and Kuwait while simultaneously a President Edwards is supporting a Manhattan project Marshall plan for home-power electrical generation and electric cars for the United States.

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