
Newt Gingrich MayMake Cannonball Entry into Presidential Race Tomorrow

Hopefully former Speaker Gingrich will abstain from the 2012 Presidential trail and take up sailing beyond the Brunswick Bay Bridge. As the essential architect of the Wall Street-Congress political support in the mid-90's leading to all of the national business bunk's deep inethics, he represents a coelecanth of the political past that should be happily hunting in deep, dark waters offshore doing his best for the good old U.S.A.

Former Penn Senator Rick Santorum may be the best guy to run against President Obama, if the Donald decides to take his winnings and withold running depriving the nation of interesting ideas in the Republican primary debates.


Vladimir Putin's Path to Citizenship and 2012 Primary? (something funny in it)

Drawing upon breaking science, federal political think & drunk tanks have discovered how to pay off the national debt with cuts to the poor in addition to making an ex post facto birth certificate for Vladimir Putin-in order that he might be eligible to run in the 2012 Republican presidential primaries.

The nation waits to learn if Vladimir Putin will add some glitz to the glitzless field strolling so far. Republicans want a dynamic leader with good ideas. Some talk about leading the poor to develop their ouvre for-themselves-maybe not as swell as the rich, yet cool enough anyway.

With proven eleven-dimensional math and retro-creation of documents in accord with multiverse cosmological authorities, it might be shown that Vladimir Putin's father was actually born in Massachusetts during the cold war in a special KGB clandestine operation in order to allow Vladimir rightly to claim U.S. citizen and chance for future Presidential candidacy in the United States.

Think tanks trickling up information-sometimes horizontal trickling with planetary spin on it-let the public learn of indigenous corporatism and globalist eliminatism targeting geographical association with civil rights. Corporatism can eliminate the Senate and let the most connected rule everything. Social networking globally can let Chinese and India cell phone users rule the former region known as the United States.

With tough, competent leadership eschewing political malpractice corporate networking has the prospect for eliminating government representation of democratic interests and becoming the unnamed, unrepresentative government itself.

These evolving political products follow on the morphing of free enterprise capitalism into anti-capitalism financial network power.

Capitalism of Adam Smith was purely material, a way for individuals and small groups to make their own prizes, to better their lives directly with work. It was an advocacy for removal of the aristocratic organizational control of economics that is the equivalent of todays global Wall Street networks of business and finance with a finger in every pie temporally. President Vladimir Putin might be the one to lead the U.S.A. back to its senses and historical traditions of support for small scale free enterprise without abstract capital predators moving electronic investments around at the speed of light making a farce of material ownership and rational investment in the process.

When capital transitions away from simple material production facilities and private property into abstract financial values in secondary game theoretical market trading the advantage goes to the corrupt-wealth becomes concentrated incrooked gaming and/or irrational gambling and capitalism is implicitly defeated; replaced by financial rackets. The basic remedy is to limit the number of corporations any individual may invest in annually or at any given time to just three, and to cap the size of any for-profit corporation at 5000 employees.

With non-representational corporate governance it will be possible to create a synthesis with communist China and global control of local U.S. economic development. Already the Chinese have paid U.S. politicians more than a trillion dollars in exchange for ownership of bonds. That purchase of political influence assures the corporate influenced government will not defend the U.S. border with an adequate, ecologically relevant control zone, work for a steady state, zero population growth society or hinder economic-environmental eschatology from leading the planet to calamity for profit of a few. If the United States' Republican party is out of candidates able to find or list intelligent national political ideas, and if the nation doesn't want apartments and condos full of heroin shooting, dope smoking Ron Paul followers, it may just be that Vladmir Putin is the remedy the party will accept in 2012, if they can find his path to citizenship.


A Comment on Changes in the Christian Church

The United States of course has millions of people that claim to be Christians-and many are, and many others are misled in churches into worldly acceptance of politics and lifestyles more than a little out of harmony with the Gospel.

Probably priesthood of believers congregations should combine low church, high church and house church styles providing networked, credited support services for members along with individual participation as peers in worship. The hierarchical priest leading the flock unfortunately requires a dumb flock forever acting as recent convertees; good enough for evangelists of the ignorant yet virtually useless for the majority of maturing Christians.

Americans have been over-trained to accept social networks of a secular nature that actually replace intelligence and private property as meaningful values. Flowing in a perverted social sewer is more highly regarded in The U.S.A. today than traditional properties of rights and rights of private enterprise individually. That trains Americans to accept doctors with degrees in theoretical physics writing up extra-dimensional math formulations to swindle investors on Wall Street and promote a nation of network, finance, banking and Wall Street cross-dressing business people. Such nations eventually burn through natural political cycles.

In America tightening one's belt for the middle class may mean putting on more weight. The federal government develops more methods to assure the corporate world that Americans become increasing twits steadily. Jesus did say in Luke 18: 24, 25 "How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

America as a nation with increasing debt and decline in comparative quality of its education, individual capital assets, infrastructure, energy independence, environmental quality and Mexican border security will not create a umbrella of salvation for its people because of the concentration of wealth and impoverishment of millions of Americans compared to the values of the 1960s and 70s. A value system of an individual transcends that of a society in their relationship to God-foremost in trusting Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Worldly values taught in churches may be a little less harsh than some worldly cultures past and present. Yet what is it for a worldly church that denies hell exists for the faithless to gain secular power and perhaps lose their gospel souls? God may be a God of love, yet are human beings more like Christ or like Satan when they disregard the word of God? Can Christian 'authorities' disregard the word of God where it conflicts with popular sentiment and be doing anything besides harm to the eternal fate of gullible dupes following a no-fault dogma on sin and eternal life?

Could God reasonable have allowed Satan to just have his way and become numero uno in heaven? Didn't Satan and all of the faithless need somewhere to go for eternity since their souls too are immortal? Isn't that place hell, or should an emergent faithless, sophisticated church preach that the unsaved go to nice time-sharing condos on a Caribbean island with ample means for depravity so eternally satisfying?

Jesus speaks in Mark 9; 43-49 about hell. For those that are not saved, for those that are not of faith and have failed to enter into the Kingdom of God, hell seems to exist by default. For outside of the Kingdom of God it is difficult to imagine that God would sustain eternal environments or universes for the benefit of the faithless.

Some theoretical physicists have mentioned the possibility of an infinite cascade of Universes created by gravitational forces borrowing energy from a perpetual emission of virtual particles in the void. Well, even if such were to form, the anthropic principle would render the vast majority of universes that could sustain life into hell universes for eternal beings unfortunate enough to migrate into them. Yet it isn't known what the eternal budget or interest of God is in regard to Universes. The real probability that hell conditions dominate the majority of universes that transcending eternal souls might happen to go to-universes without Divine oversight, cannot be erased by logic, disregard of the Gospel or depraved secular sophism.

We learn from Jesus that many things may distract a soul from salvation and destiny preventing entry into the Kingdom of God. Considering how important it is-that the alternative is an eternity without God that becomes hell over time, the Christian is reinforced in his knowledge that there are many that let the word fall onto the stony ground of their lives to their own doom.

'Maya Conquistador' and the 2012 Calendar

Reading through the interesting book on Mayan history during the time of the Spanish conquest and colonization title 'Maya Conquistador' by Matthew Restall of Penn State U the author takes the approach of examining primary historical documents written during the era following first contact with the conquistadors in 1502 such as they remain today sometimes edited or redacted.

The reader does relearn of the close encounter of Cortes journeying near the Mayan headlands, of the interaction of Franciso de Montejo with the Mayans in war and piece, of Geronimo de Aguilar's seven years as slave after shipwreck and the establishment of Spanish Merida in 1542 at the Mayan city of Tiho. One learns the early political formations continuing from Mayan society transitioning into the colonial era, of outbreaks of smallpox and the gratuitous rude treatment of humans by humans in this era too.

These works predominantly of Mayan administrator-conversos to Christianity aware of an inevitability of Spanish colonization regard colonization from the point of view of the conquered.

The extent to which the Mayans joined the new world order is surprising. For a time some of their leaders even exploited the invasion to gain leverage over tribal rivals. They seem to have prospered in several respects, even while the common people that hadn't taken Spanish names experienced the cultural changes as brutal.

With Many American interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar used as a reason for global doom, it is instructive to learn how readily many Mayans seem to have abandoned the old world order for the new. The election of 2012 in the United States could be the best approximate fulfillment of the Mayan calendar that runs out in 2012-for if the U.S.A. elect another voodoo economics policy supporting President the dollar may eventually collapse with 20 trillion dollars of public debt and the unemployment rate between 8 and 9 per cent.

This book's theme may seem prima facie revisionist yet it is not. Rather it s a scholar examination of the way the Maya regarded the appearance and arrival of the new, powerful tribe from across the ocean.

Mayan views of time as cyclical rather than linear were not unlike those of the Nahua. With cyclical time and recurrent events of social history one might explain eras with the resolution of the writer of ecclesiates that 'there is nothing new under the sun'. There is a time for every purpose under heaven.

Cyclical interpretations of social history have even been applied by western historians such as Spengler and Toynbee. We encounter cyclical views of history even on the larger canvas of theoretical physics and contemporary cosmology. Linear views of time-that it is a one-direction flow of entropy, are not contradicted by experience, yet Einstinean general relativity allows for time being constructed a priori in Space-Time I believe with a linear time as a subjective experience and cyclical time as a possible method of construction by intelligent design of techno-physics. In any case, the view of history as cyclical by the Mayans allowed them to place the period of Spanish conquest on the cycle of political changes.

This book has numerous interesting translations of documents of the 16th century some of which have survived through multi-cultural copying and edits. One learns of the books of Chilam Balam, of the Chontal Account from Acalan-Tixchel, reads the 'Pech Accounts from Chicxulub and Yaxkukul and more.

Published in 1998, this book is an interesting piece of history writing.

On 'The Philosopher and the Druids-a Journey Among the Ancient Celts'

This compact book by Philip Freeman published in 2006 brings the reader a better idea of the range of the ancient Celtic peoples following what may have been a Diaspora of Indo-European language speaking people from the Ukraine perhaps 10,000 b.c. to their eventual historical destinations. Dr. Freeman informs us of etymological subtleties en passant in the Gaulish language of the meaning of several ancient words. Who would have thought that the Marne is a derivative name of an old Celtic demiurge?

We learn the extent of Celtic warrior ventures in Turkey, much of the culture of Gauls (Celts) in war and peace through the interesting point of view of the ethnic 2nd century Greek philosopher from Rhodes named Posidonius who made a journey to investigate and describe the vague in his time warrior race to the north and west.

Freeman has obviously gone over quite a lot of material to piece together what he can of the lost volumes of "The History" of Posidonius from mentions and fragments of other classic authors. About the only criticisms I would make for a second edition is his description of Socrates in rather glowing terms, and omission of Irish Celtic monks journeying to Iceland before the Vikings.

Socrates was actually executed for thrice inciting youth to rebellion against the democracy as he preferred rule by elites such as oligarchy or monarchy. Russell called Plato and his Republic 'fascist', and Russell is well qualified to make that opinion.

The Athenian democracy quite reasonably gave the sedulous philosopher the opportunity to leave Athens in peace, and he instead choose to remain and drink the cool-aid. Today, if one were to write repeatedly, publicly in advocation of overthrowing the U.S. Government, and if actual attempts were made repeatedly to overthrow the government, one might also meet agents of the state interested in making an arrest. One could consider being offered the option to leave the nation rather civilized I would think.

Freeman's account of the greatest early ocean explorer known to history-a Greek named Pytheus, is the best I have read. In the 4th century B.C. from a town near today's city of Marseilles he sailed to Britain and Iceland. Yet that is as far as Freeman ventures in describing ancient voyages north and west beyond the British Isles.

There have been a few books on Irish sea voyages during or before the middle ages north and west. One was 'How the Irish Saved Civilization'-a good history of Irish Celtic Christianity during the dark ages. Another is Farley Mowatt's interesting, set theoretical historical consideration of Alban/Irish explorations West to New Foundland before the Vikings titled 'The Farfarers'. Celtic Christians of Ireland were free and still Celts. Celtic culture does not end when it became Christian and civilized. It continued though elsewhere it was pervasively subjugated to Roman rule.

A bias against Christianity has affected scholarship not only in science writing (one must delete superficial history recapitulations and theological misunderstanding today along with gratuitous anti-God interpolations if one is to stay with just scientific content in writing biology, cosmology and history), but in some areas of historical research too. Freeman's book is generally without anti-Chritian bias.

Freeman writes descriptively of harsh Celtic practices of laws and custom, of head-hunting-controversial even in the second century b.c., of human sacrifice, of courage to the point of senselessness, perverse male homosexuality, a helmet with flapping feathers and military tactics of pagan crowds versus the classic military discipline of Roman legions led by Generals such as Marius and his nephew Julius Caesar.

Some points made in this book may be usefully compared to the way society is today-not the least of which is that Celtic kings might serve for just a year or two-or a little longer while in their prime to fight. With a new king tending to be a relative-not unlike contemporary U.S. politics where even President Obama is a vague cousin of former Vice President Dick Cheney, obviously G.W. Bush was the son of his father the former President G.H.W. Bush, Senators are commonly followed by sons or daughters and first ladies become Secretaries of State. The ruling class may develop from elites in the old world and the new.

The Druids are explained perhaps as well as one may do so. There are some even today that claim to have the genuinely orally communicated verse of the Druids I suppose. Of more interest is the mention of construction of earth-forts reinforced with wood that I think could easily be adapted to modern home construction style with some visqueen waterproofing layers and grass seed.

Set Theoretic Universes I've Forgotten ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

As if I ever knew what series of infinities
set theoretic universes would be and become
for those with life in members of sets
that were predicates of prosperous growth
and those that were no more
terminating like stories without ending
now and then drawn out like saltwater taffy
picture books on stretchy, gooey space-time distortions eventually ending the constancy of constants
spinning atoms and worlds into oblivion
along with stars in fizzled fusion haze

Constructions of answers to every question stored through
developments of poetry classes
where the upper knows better of classic
blank meter stretched like the Planck energy past
to its own powerful scale of future present
useful for building dimensional relationships
politically approved as correct
bass and treble cleft agitations of waves
drifting high plains melodies
wafting down on the winds below
spring, summer and fall going forever
plus one, plus two, plus three orderinality
verses, anti-verses, pre-singular points forming rings through space time
particles and patterns I could recall from the rote learning of cyclical membranes
colliding in linear time like an infinite procession of waves that only seemed infinite because no one observing ever realized the beginning and end were recycling like loopy strings built from the basic force
of nature's endowment

These universes I have forgotten loom large on the exam
those with meta-verse set theoretic changes on schedules of inevitable force permutation
stages of valence, powers of empty shells
all those things that make a universe shine like the most brilliant diamond in the setting of time
forever are worth the mnemonic cues
that make one feel a little like Cu' Chulain losing one's valuable time for cramming to recover it after graduation
for they may be arranged in hyper-dimensional set theoretic configurations simultaneously encompassing temporal constructions partly assembled and partly understood
Infinite sets of universes predicated in the one meta-set force capable of reviewing all place-times of potential expansion-even an infinite number of bubble universes
these questions and the useful symbolic cues to help recollection of all the answers I have forgotten to memorize
-those that a Messiah wrote quickly on mid-term slate
could reappear on the final exam.


Follow Up Comments on Japan's Ikaros Mission to Venus

Japan's space agency successfully demonstrated that a space-sail capturing solar photons could push a satellite forward through the void during its 2009-2010 mission to Venus. It was a prototype of what some believe could be much larger solar sails of kilometers in size that could eliminate the need to carry lots of rocket fuel forward.

Sure one might prefer a more advanced technology from science fiction able to use a quantum entanglement drive able to move a ship forward through space by tying into virtual particles and hydrogen molecules ahead-even one able to redirect gravitons around a vessel as superconductors can move a magnetic field around it in the well known Meisner effect, yet solar sails and a number of other alternative space propulsion systems are closer tothe here and now-even if still in the future. M. Kaiku mentions several of these in 'Physics of the Future'.




About Those Lava Tubes Discovered on the Moon

In surveying M. Kaiku's new book (2001) on the future of technology the intersting point was mentioned about lava tubes discovered on the moon in 2009. These would be larger, evidently than that at the crater of Haliakala.

As any homeless person in a cold climate would know, it is warmer indoors than outside in a tent. Obviously future lunar troglydites could have a good time raising swine in the spare lava tube to provide methane gas and barbeque.

The doctor of theoretical physics also mentioned the possibility of rebirthing the neanderthal race thanks to complete mapping o neaderthal genomes-obviously we can see a natural role for those odurate individuals in lunar habitation.



Space colonization is primarily limited by the cost of launching to and from planetary or moon surfaces with heavy gravity. Hopefully N.A.S.A.'s new motto will be 'we shall overcome expensive launches'.

Why Not Quantify Potential U.S. Ground Transportation Electric Energy Use?

What is the total energy needed to power all American cars in regular use at any given time? If all of the cars were electric how much power would be need in watts?

Super-conducting power lines can store electricity indefinitely. Electricity input to a national transportation line to let electric cars recharge directly while under way could be produced from a number of wind and solar technologies. The most expensive in energy use element may be to produce liquid hydrogen or nitrogen to cool super-conductors to a couple hundred degrees below zero-since room temperature super-conductors aren't yet existent.

Would the energy cost to manufacture and cool super-conducting lines on U.S. interstate highways be less than, equal to or greater than the cost of buying foreign gasoline, carbon emissions, opportunity cost for outsouring cash for the energy to power American cars? These are useful questions to consider, an examples way the U.S. government, and even state governments, have a role in choosing and supporting what directing U.S. economic and energy policy takes. Few individuals could for-themselves make a transition to a new national ground energy and transportation structure.

Global Warming & Bangladesh; Opportunities for Eco-Engineering

Over the next decade one hopes that intelligent design of engineering responses to potential sea level increase challenging Bangladesh may become a priority project for world governments interested in building political stability.

Because the world's sea levels may rise three feet by the year 2100, nations with extensive low-lying areas barely above sea level already subject to flooding and storm surges have the opportunity to exploit the possible changes for profit and temporal security.

Human land use has historically tended to regard natural resources as disposable too much. Some of the best farming lands such as in The Puget Sound region are today covered over by housing and commercial developments, much less the wild biosphere that went before. Bangladesh with its large, densely populated and vulnerable to flooding area must go ahead with land conservation though, if it is to exploit the power of surging tides and wind for hydro-electric and wind-power generation, and establish berm-wave-wheel generators on the front line of a series of variegated dikes designed to allow occasional overspill to fill mariculture areas beyond.

Bangladesh presents an opportunity for innovative engineering designs to manipulate water and wind producing electrical power, providing security in regulating flooding, growing marine organisms for food that can be modified in time even laying a foundation for platforms in case the Greenland and Antarctica's ice entirely melts raising global sea level twenty or thirty feet.

In short, Bangladesh seems a very fertile ground for local environmental engineering opportunities today. Perhaps Bangladesh's essential rivers might occasionally be diverted to new channels for a few years before restoration in order to allow farming of the vacant river channels. Large scale filtering of river water to make it fit for drinking might also be an aspect of irrigation. Such infusion of minerals to the soil as well as crop rotation might increase annual food yields.

Bangladesh does excite the creative mind to regard a large range of cost-efficient environmental economic as rising in prospect. Like the optimal Swiss army knife with a plethora of tools and functions, Bangladesh with clever international investment today could become tomorrow a nation able to prosper of the presence and power of flooding water, rising sea level, tidal surges, rampaging rivers and typhoons stimulated by burning fossil fuels globally for over a century.

Holland was able to control the sea's hegemony over its land for centuries and Baglasdesh too may be set to serve as a model for innovative adaptations to control and exploit the power and potential of the ocean to surge over valued land used by a large population-at least for a time. Some time in the future-perhaps more than a century or two, human culture may advance to a level where changing sea levels on the Earth may no longer be a danger to human populations.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...