
Set Theoretic Universes I've Forgotten ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

As if I ever knew what series of infinities
set theoretic universes would be and become
for those with life in members of sets
that were predicates of prosperous growth
and those that were no more
terminating like stories without ending
now and then drawn out like saltwater taffy
picture books on stretchy, gooey space-time distortions eventually ending the constancy of constants
spinning atoms and worlds into oblivion
along with stars in fizzled fusion haze

Constructions of answers to every question stored through
developments of poetry classes
where the upper knows better of classic
blank meter stretched like the Planck energy past
to its own powerful scale of future present
useful for building dimensional relationships
politically approved as correct
bass and treble cleft agitations of waves
drifting high plains melodies
wafting down on the winds below
spring, summer and fall going forever
plus one, plus two, plus three orderinality
verses, anti-verses, pre-singular points forming rings through space time
particles and patterns I could recall from the rote learning of cyclical membranes
colliding in linear time like an infinite procession of waves that only seemed infinite because no one observing ever realized the beginning and end were recycling like loopy strings built from the basic force
of nature's endowment

These universes I have forgotten loom large on the exam
those with meta-verse set theoretic changes on schedules of inevitable force permutation
stages of valence, powers of empty shells
all those things that make a universe shine like the most brilliant diamond in the setting of time
forever are worth the mnemonic cues
that make one feel a little like Cu' Chulain losing one's valuable time for cramming to recover it after graduation
for they may be arranged in hyper-dimensional set theoretic configurations simultaneously encompassing temporal constructions partly assembled and partly understood
Infinite sets of universes predicated in the one meta-set force capable of reviewing all place-times of potential expansion-even an infinite number of bubble universes
these questions and the useful symbolic cues to help recollection of all the answers I have forgotten to memorize
-those that a Messiah wrote quickly on mid-term slate
could reappear on the final exam.

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