
President Obama Bungles Policy Speech-Calls for Israel to Fall Back to pre-1967 Borders

President Obama's middle eastern speech evidently hadn't much interest in the middle east and North Africa. It was the administration's 'were on top of it' speech that comprises a future post hoc political alibi for the region without much present substance.


President Obama is of course a Republican light global corporatist U.S. branch public relations guy with more interest in foreign affairs than in creating jobs for Americans. In December 2010 he was the fullback for Republican tax cut extensions carrying the ball to victory for the remainder of his administration. Without a meaningful middle east policy except to expand markets he relies upon support for political agitation to overthrow governents in the region to advance the interests of youth and a burgeoning population. Youth may provide energy, yet without discipline it may be badly invested effort that occurs-and wisdom tends to develop with age. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it the axiom goes.

Israel doesn't need to fight another, more desparate conflict against close in Palestinainas enabled by President Obama to become a perennial, immanent threat. Ad hoc terrorist methods given enough time to develop tend to actualize.

Israel since the first Arab attack following the Balfour agreement has defended itself against a Moslem world agitating for its destruction. President Obama in seeking to serve as the leading edge of Palestinian aggression through political means desires that Israel fall back to the pre- six day war borders-of course Israel has already given up much of that land without getting anything besides more terrorism and less security.

Syria was given to French administration by the British following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire; there is no transcendentatl reason for Isreal ever to relenquich it to the present or a differrent government in Syria. Neither is there a rational reason for Israel to believe that in giving up part of Jerusalem or a 30 mile boundry extension beyond the 67 boundary that it should increase its security.

Bringing the Palestinians closer to Israel merely makes it simpler for their terrorist operatives to intimidate Israelies. New technology may arise from Israel and other locations-yet the basic functions of remove from artillery and rocket fire access is still a good security element. While the Palestinians believe they will can have everything they want besides the final solution to the existence of the state of Isreal through U.S. leverage on Israel they shall continue their terrorism as might the I.R.A. if the U.S.A. was actively involved in getting Britian to give up Irish territory methodically from Northern Ireland.

There are Moslem fundamentalists whom will never accept the existence of Israel. There are American Presidents whom are too daft to understand that. Israael; needs a hard and defendsible border that admits no illegal aliens to undermine its security and economy.

The President as the new Republican light Democratic party vanguard leader has abandoned the traditional values of the party on U.S. economics. He fails to understand that the world is not moving toward a final peaceful condition in which Harvard University graduates and lawyers run the world benevolently. More than 400,000 jobs are lost in the U.S.A. every month and far fewer are created. The U.S. needs development and ecological reform, and less concern with the protracted chaos in the middle east and North Africa. We should defend Israel with compentent combat engineering and hair trigger assureed resp[onse to substantive aggression upon Israel from opposition force national elements in the area and help what Palestinians are willing to live peacefully in their own territory at a safe distance from Israel until their hate withers away.

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