
Counterfactual Infinities; Waves Through Barren Prospects ©2011GaryCGibson (science fiction)

What if God created every possible Universe and version of a Universe that He conceived from eternity that a human mind experiences spiritually like a journey through holographic space-time? Is each individual human thought newly made creating a disjunction and a different Universe in order that every possible version of every Universe could be made to exist? Does one or an infinite number of new Universes arise fully made from every idea, or even every atomic transition that happens? When a star adds helium atoms together to make beryllium and carbon does it also issue an infinite number of slightly different alternative new universes with different physical constants than in the first universe? Does the creation of a new alternative universe occur for each case of nuclear fission or radiation in every star in every universe launching an infinite number of additional permutations?

If God had thought to maximize His creative potentially then an infinite expansion of created universes might be just the ticket-except that one might expect that at some distant point in infinity, in eternity, He had already completed the expansion of every possible Universe that might be made to exist. Would an infinite number of human experiences and thoughts in Universes stimulate the creation of new ideas for an increase of infinite creativity in making universes, or is the containment of infinity and an infinite number of universes just an attribute of God? Metaphysically, or metaphysically God must surpass the infinite number of Universes he may have created before, during and after their creation. His omniscience is inclusive of all things that will be and become.

I had looked through several egalurons of experience to find the right description of the primary substance of the Universe. Iron bars and heat coils may glow with heat, paper may be set aflame; heat and temperature are terms describing the release of energy from matter. With mass and energy being convertible it is reasonable to regard mass as a stable form of energy-a quantum of energy. So the three forces of physics describe quantum transformations of energy and even if unified including gravity into one force at high temperature haven’t got the potential to describe the primary substance at all well.

So what could be done about this omission of identification? The primary substance might have occurred at a near singularity before the proximal expansive start of the universe conjectured to be nearly 16 billion years ago. It could have existed when energy quanta were compacted into one basic form of whatever size with the least or no intervals implicitly.

The concentrate quanta of energy-mass that dispersed with intervals are usually the object of cosmological interest. It might be regarded as a dimensionless membrane, or even as the collecting point of vast numbers of precipitated virtual particles in the latter case creating the problem of describing two initial, primordial quantum packets of most concentrated energy birthing a Universe with intervals. Virtual particles too must have had an initial endowment from which they were given to appear in a vacuum to become contributors to the more generally regarded as fundamental primordial quantum packet. At any rate, the problem of the primordial quantum energy packet as an object for mathematical and scientific physical research avoids answering the question of what the fundamental substance is that gives rise to the Universal phenomena of energy and mass in various forms and relationships.

I have often wondered if all of the historical assumptions placing quantum mechanical theory in its empirical setting are not forever bound to be incomplete if not mistaken. So few observations of the characteristics of quantum mechanical information provide more than circumstantial data about that which is not observed of the deeper, inherent context of existent quanta. A deeper M-Theory would provide more data on the local characteristics of quantum happenstance-the topology of the source universe form of quantum origination that is the tip of an iceberg that morphs into something quite different below the surface beyond which none have observed or perhaps could.

It was just two billion years ago more or less when the Earth developed its ideas amidst an intellectually prone set about fundamental quantum theory. I admit that I should not ordinarily indulge my enjoyment of Earth history quantum reconstructions when the world of Barren Prospects-somewhat larger than the Earth was in comparison, has its own pressing issues passing through a stellar nebulae like a relativistic space travelling container through a gaseous phase dense vapor release field. It adds too much power to the computer-mind’ harvesting fields that charge the planet’s magnetic field and over flow super-conducting storage loops creating a need for expulsion of excess electric. Power dumps can increase the velocity of the planet-and it isn’t as nimble as some forms of transport. One has to plan ahead; course tensors through probable space-geometry and content.

I feel that if the planet accelerates its passage a little outward bound from the Milky Way galaxy and the cascading explosions of particles and increased stellar chaos on the front of the Andromeda galaxy closing in-virtually a Siamese twin seeking to become one with itself through destruction. Well, these things happen all the time. The Universe is full of colliding galaxies merging mass into fewer and larger super-galaxies feeding even more massive black holes. This new galaxy-The Androgynous Way galaxy, won’t settle down enough for my liking in my biological lifetime divided as it is between journeys to a few dozen local space-times.

The year 16 billion before first light in Universe (1) from some viewpoints presents us with Barren Prospects and extrapolated hope that we can complete our mission to rescue much of the mass of the observable Universe from disappearing under the attractive force of gravity into black holes of which massive examples are located at the center of most galaxies. This means we have developed plans to reallocate mass and energy on a scale heretofore unknown by Universe(1) native life forms, and have set ourselves on a planet with Barren Prospects as our own reminder of the fate of the Universe without reconstruction of the Universal configuration of mass.

In the Earth biblical era when the God of the Universe s said to have incarnate on Earth as Jesus Christ, there was a pre-existing brief on the six days of creation God put into the Universe before setting it to inertially continue. It wasn’t made clear if God manufactured the Universe in a lab in a condensed form before releasing it with a ‘let there be light’ joy of releasing the completed work to its fate, or even if the order of creation of the Universe in God’s workshop was remixed, made discretely in pieces and joined together, or composed from alpha to omega improvisation. I am not at all certain about how an omniscient God improvises anything at all. The answer to that might require a better intellect than mine.

Not that mine is bad however. I too have the ten to the seventy trillion neuron connections like any other human since the brain matured two billion years ago. I did skip ahead to the future with the brain I’d got rather than the brain that I might have wanted such as that of a whale-thought the upright walking support anatomical mechanism for such a brain would tend to make an individual rather big-headed requiring a big body and it’s not difficult to understand why whales moved to living in water and lower gravity eventually. When I’d left Mars for farther reaches of the Earth star system and beyond I had no notion that the future of relativistic space-time travel ahead that I would experience eventually could accelerate a protective bubble within mass reaching nearly infinite comparative weight or space-time drag compacting a bow-wave of space-time ahead of it into a wave-warped sling-shot to the future through which my bubble surfed for a time space of two billion years before the shell collided with a black hole itself. Large chunks of mass accelerated to near the speed of light pass over local gravitational wave-particles instantaneously increasing their gravitational experience infinitely too. The specific gravity of the mass of the Universe itself has a displacement sum that might require conformity to particular form-floe configurations not determined by the other forces of 21st century standard physics. With quantum uncertainty it is possible to continuously leap a macro-physical object ahead near relativistic velocity through the local gravitational field that itself is travelling at the speed of light. The planet Barren Prospects could be quantum kedged forward near the speed of light when necessary.

I have wondered about my subjective experience of travelling forward in time two billion years for a long time. In the protected transport bubble travelling very near light speed approaching a black hole time outside in much of the rest of the Universe passed at a normal space-time pace without special, anomalous acceleration. What seemed a modest interval of time to me consumed two billion years of unaccelerated time outside. With Barren Prospects I have had to rely upon searching for understanding of more features of the mechanics of the Universe in order to roll back the end of the stelliferous age in a hundred billion years and the annihilation of so much mass lost to black holes. Unfortunately I left Earth before physical knowledge solved all of the deeper questions of the Universe.

Gravity seems to be a concatenation of quantum entanglement statistics acting as overlapping field between concentrations of mass. The complexity of atomic construction and thermal energy characteristics seem not to affect gravity much. Could a quantum gravitational field lie beyond singularities of energy at black holes or before a big bang?

Does it really seem reasonable that quantum uncertainty and breaking up of bound pair of particle parts should happen at an alleged event horizon around a black hole? What relation would mass inside the event horizon have to mass outside? The mass inside has gone all the way to the center and a condition of complete unity as a composite singularity of energy-mass. At the event horizon the only things taken would be from outside and broken up bound particles would be doomed to drift in anyway.

How much is the singular energy state of a black hole like that of the singularity before the start of the Universe? Should we believe it leaked out energy through quantum entanglement before the big bang for a few zillion years then let the rest go in a quick release of space-time? If it did allow quantum uncertainty to occur outside its singular, uniform energy condensed state; where was that if space-time did not yet exist? Oh yes, an infinity of other universes just outside our singularity having no effect at all on the quiet, patient bit of infinitely concentrated energy just waiting to explode.

If gravity is conveyed by a particle or wave at the speed of light does it also have possibilities for quantum uncertainty and infinite worldliness of which some are selected? Are the selections for effect made because gravity is a concatenated effect of entangled quantum content of mass locally?

Stephen Hawking’s radiation from a black hole that could over trillions to a very large power of years make a black hole spill its guts of particles to out beyond the event horizon is a brilliant stimulation for creative thought on the nature of what lay within that ponderous gravitational enigma in many ways bearing a resemblance to this Universe. It isn’t impossible that instead of recycling the Universe as a process the present Universe may be a one-way event process and black holes send matter on to uncertain elsewhere as vast, wild scuppers to tax-free havens far abroad. Who knows what God could have in mind for mankind?

One would think that if space was finite quantitatively and implicitly associated with energy/mass at a singularity that it’s potential to expand would be finite. Logically constants would represent the function of recurrent processes until they change. The values of processes stable and in transition are possibly what the questions about physical constants (such as the speed of light) lend utility for in constructing theoretical models of the state of the Universe(1).

Quantum super-positioning and other effects or actions of quantum uncertainty (of which I know little) could be the force driving the expansion of space. If select aspects of quantum particle-wave behavior are not subject to gravitational effect they could incrementally drive apart mass spacing with a chaotic expansion something like that of a gas with heat added. Gravity acting upon large accretions of mass at steady state levels, if it is a phenomena of local quantum entanglement, might have slowed the expansion effects of quantum particle-waves upon space during the era of coalescence and formation of stars and galaxies until the maximum potential for mass quantum entanglement was reached where after (approximately 7 billion years after Time of the universe post singularity) super-positioning and quantum uncertainty spacing of distance resumed. It is interesting that quantum uncertainty as an action of energy and interval is coexistent with a quantum unit of time wherein with a black hole and maximum concentration of mass and minimization of quantum effects time is virtually eliminated.

The way that mass is rescued from slipping into darkness-that is what to do with it and how to reallocate it without using more energy than exists in the mass itself presents a lot of problems. Complexity that people of the 16th billionth year of the Universe should find easy to solve. Well, if the people of Barren Prospects had a leader with knowledge of what shapes thousands of galaxies might be optimally reshaped for conservation of existence with least energy expenditure it would be easy to solve.

There could be a variety of Rube Goldberg model filters constructed and adapted to presenting a picture of as many of the known theoretical models of the Universe as possible. The meta-universe variable set would permit simultaneous testing of the observable universe values and constants in order to determine validity and resonance with unobservable hidden dimensions beyond.

What to do with the real Universe and its troubles? Slipping through time into the past and future makes the cosmological gestalt phenomenal. It may have an infinite number of possible worldliness to travel yet they all lead to the formation of the past, present and future as the now through installments instead of simultaneous, omnipresent occupation a might God experience if he deemed it worthwhile to be in all of the places of his determinate creation redundantly. For me anyway, the questions about what features of the physical universe should be modified in order to conserve its existence further are real questions. If the past, present and future are part of a meta-now that I experience only sequentially-with the sequences selected with my own will and the entire determinate state of the Universe unknown to me, is it even worthwhile selecting a special intervening target such a mass to rescue from oblivion when the essentially right course of action is unknown locally in time and meta-temporally?

The physical constants of the Universe are believed to have changed a little over the course of time, and there may be a field value that alters the fine structure constant component values of e, c and Planck’ constant h. It may be possible that the loss of mass to black holes alters the field values of the universe that support the measurable values of alpha-the fine structure constant allowing it to increase by a few parts per million every few billion years. After all, the values only describe the quantum behavior of energy within the constraints of space-time. The number of space-time dimensions does set topological parameters for the speed and energy of fine structure constant elements, and so many additional parameters of the universe presenting more factors to add to the theoretical meta-universe model set device. With enough artificial intelligence built in on astrophysics and mathematical computations for brane worlds, membranes, strings and expansions of sundry sorts inclusive of bangs, inflations, and pre-inflationary eras fro singularities, near singularities, time-retro borrowed creations painting in the past post-hoc with membrane, singularity and very small bubble state beginnings I might be able to get some answers about what could be fixed in the Universe, if it is actually broke rather than processing through necessary though amorphous and useful functions.

If the Universe is embedded in N-Dimensional hyperspace the values of the Meta-verse modeling set will necessarily have some indefinable values. The explanations for how the three dimensions of space and one of time are supported by some transcending higher dimensional effects may require explanations for the support of the higher dimensions of hyper-space too. Dimensions of branes and membrane units with intrinsic constant values and parameters may present challenging theoretical work for the Meta-verse computational model when the boundaries and genesology (the science or history of creation) of each may vary in order.

And only three dimensions can support life. Only three dimensions let atoms and planets move in regular orbits and waves of forces propagate at values and constancy supporting stellar synthesis and stellar life spans suitable for production of hydrogen fusion and heavy elements released through super-nova propagating to allow the formation of biological life. These three dimensions are for me constant reminders of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the one dimension of time is a reminder that God is One in Three Persons.

Max Epoch, the first leader of Barren Prospects when I arrived, before freely vacating the post to let the newcomer stimulate the local economy that had drifted into brain-lock steady-state subsistence rationing, once said that in two billion years of human progress, through downloading of mind patterns into recycled new long-lasting new bodies, few had continued their life spans as synthetic mind-body downloads for more than fifteen or twenty cycles because of the accumulated effect of quantum uncertainty in the complexity of human brain neuron pathways numbering more than ten to the seventy trillionth power-what was known long ago the Holderness number. Inevitably sequentially processes mind transfer beings downloading over millennia built up uncomfortably off-balanced mind beingness feelings, if not corrupted by higher dimensional interpolations with increased sensitivity that made a choice for self-negation inevitable. Max said that I was free to lead Barren Prospects for my entire life if I desired, especially if I had anything to do that was thought worthwhile.

Thus was the challenge of counterfactual infinities set before me. To what purpose was mass-energy of the cosmos destined, and how might I act to shape its fate toward the good preferred by God, if nothing good intrinsically existed in mankind? Counterfactual infinities without pre-determined parameters were set to actualize through the selection of experience-possibly contingent upon the content of human thought. Potential futures on Barren Prospects could lead anywhere. The search through counter-counterfactual infinities might continue anytime.

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