
Privatizing Medicare Would Present Philosophical Issues for Democracy

Fundamentally tax payers should be giving their money to the federal government rather than having the government loop the money over to Wall Street providers of Medicare services. If The Rep. Ryan plan is just a way to slave taxpayers to paying Wall Street Medicare providers from around the globe whatever they choose to deliver to Americans, taxpayers would be submitting to slipping into global government.

It is easy enough to envision U.S. citizens having their personal data stored in the Internet cloud, their pancreas examined via Internet in Bombay and their brain in China. Drugs made in Egypt might be flown be Red Army air direct to Chicago-specialized medicine tailor-made by designer docs abroad to treat a specific individual.

Privatizing Medicare is just another way to make U.S. democracy die the death of a thousand cuts, or be taken down by mirthful Wall Street C.E.O.s to the dungeon of global, corporate economic power.

It is possible to reform medical provisioning for the nation's poor and veterans within the traditional role of democratic government and taxpayers funding just necessary and compassionate government services.

Do middle American cities serve as magnets for tornados because their displacement of biota creates a rising hot-air micro-climate? Perhaps we cannot know, or do anything about global warming either in the global corporate economic shell game. Americans should be able to provide the lowest cost national public health service for the poor however, and increase government efficiency in the process, without any flummery of tax dollars to Wall Street.

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