
Generating Formulae Describing the Collective Psychosis of Political and Corporate Empaths

With a population on Earth moving toward 10 billion in a few decades the social strains and economic conflicts may increase. Competition socially will occur in an existential context. A number of fundamental relationships of the individual to the world and others exist as existential phenomena. Perhaps bringing Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason, demographics of the world, global corporate business and governments into a single paradigm subject to formulation as waveforms is possible ( much as ecological economics offers empirical flow quantization examples).

Organizations that demand a detachment from optimal democratic reason pursuing the ultimate environmental social balance and good on a sustainable basis, and governments promoting the oppression of individual security may be formalized as examples of collective social psychosis in this context; such organization work toward the ill health of concatenated individual interests existentially.

The denotation of collective and individual psychosis is something of the perennial struggle of the collective Ratchet versus an individual McMurphy. State governing psychopaths such as Saddam Hussein encounter corrective larger collective powers such as the United States government to shock and awe the monkeys of opposition into submission- ending a sanctions era with a half million collaterally killed innocent victims of sanctions followed by a decade of rebuilding the personality of the Iraqi state through the crucible of terrorism and coercive, chaotic power. The powerful collective psychotic force asserts its will trailing off temporally leaving unintended political formations stimulating the rise of 9-11 non-governmental collective psychotic terrorist organizations.

One may find empathy-led collective condign measures by the United States Government since 1990 were asymmetric kill responses to terrorist stimuli.

I recently took up reading ‘The Shadow Factory’ by James Bamford and heard a story on NPR on a psychological exam predicting criminal recidivism. That started me thinking about the criteria socially in which crimes occur, and why some individuals would commit crimes in some social and economic environments and perhaps not in others. Sometimes the short may be pre-selected to commit crimes and n other it could be the fat or the tall responding to evolutionary stimuli. That idea can lead to an appraisal of humankind in general as naked apes within an evolutionary context as well as a context of original sin and of what things will people do to sustain their own well-being individually and collectively.

One might predict the crime of government led wars now often perpetrated without a declaration of war as a normalized yet scheduled wave function. Intensity of individual and collective challenges may be plotted to find where wave formations will develop as war or other mass social disaster. The causality of wave origins may not originate locally but may actualize waves locally terminally or in transit. Developing holistic waveform analysis to objectify collective behavior as goal oriented psychosis may be possible with the vast quantity of social data available to analysts today.

A myopia of knowledge coinciding with financial self-interest can affect anyone in government, business or even science. Observer bias or determination of events in quantum mechanical measuring contexts is an implicit element of reality. Relativity affects not only space-time but the individual experience of the macro-physics of being human and making abstract assessments of the way things in the world are structured.

I enjoyed reading the book on the state of the National Security Agency through much of the 90’s and 2000’s. It is a better read than most novels. It includes a detailed tracking of 9-11 hijackers right up through the pen-ultimate day of five that hijacked flight 77 to crash into the Pentagon from their field operation center in a hotel two miles away from the N.S.A.’s Fort Meade headquarters to a drive to Dulles Airport etc.

The N.S.A.’s phenomenal computational resources are reviewed here, as is former Rear Admiral Poindexter’s D.A.R.P.A. funded T.I.A.-Total Information Awareness program for intensive data mining of all Americans and their electronic transactions to form analytical behavioral patterns indicating the possibility of terrorist methodology. William Safire’s column on Poindexter’s data mining stimulated the termination of the program yet sent its methods deeper underground.

Data mining is the subject of many fiction books these days. With so much computer power it is possible to put about everything traceable from email to phone calls, hotel reservations, car rentals, credit card purchases and all items sewn with radio frequency transmitters (rtf) into a data base. The N.S.A. can process petabytes of data incoming and if they move up to the Exabyte capacity may be able to calculate the social future-who can say.

President Obama just signed off on a renewal of the Patriot Act, and it is difficult to know to what extent surveillance and data are kept by federal agencies in ways comparable to data bases kept by the private sector to manipulate social interaction. Data acquisition and processing can be used to construct socially controlling policy however data for itself is completely subject to the human factor of using the intell in meaningful existential ontology.

Former N.S.A. Chief Hayden (the appointment of whom I opposed) developed policies that tended to suppress the sharing of intelligence information that could have prevented the 9-11 events from occurring, as it might violate Congressionally set restrictions on surveil Americans (the Echelon scandal).

Philosophically I wonder if the development of behavioral intelligence profiles will not inevitably tend to conformal modeling of politically undesirable behavior. If the political establishment are a kind of proprietary tribe of monkeys seeking to advance their own power interests-their own wealth with all the lack of empathy that women determining abortion to be the best answer to pregnancy might have for the unborn fetus, any number of criteria might be developed that would hinder citizens from exercising not terrorism but non-conformist to the will of the insiders, behavior.

Increasingly the proprietary self-interest of behavioral psychologists and government officials to fabricate for-pay criteria may encourage development of profiles of individuals to guide their intelligence paradigms of opposition force cadre.

Statistically supported analytical paradigms are for themselves phenomenal constructions displacing alternative possibilities. It is as determining as that of quantum measurements of the spin characteristics of entangled photons selecting one wave-packet from myriad that collapse like imaginary potential soufflés. Like a herd of baboons, governments and criminal organizations pursue their own self interest occasionally rising to the level of entirely amoral social psychosis-such as a ‘moral’ individual might regard the battle of the Somme, the killing fields of Rwanda or Cambodia, the 9-11 malicides and Nazi extermination camps or countess more incidents to have been. I do not intend here to mean that government security is always or even usually wrong in constructing opfor profiles, only that the meta-political and meta-economic ontology or circumstance of a given culture determines individual and collective behavior as well as free will. Honest government should not develop a lazy failure to develop competent policy as a norm that requires the destruction of individual human well being-even of the enemy. When The Lord said to love thy enemy, not only was it Godly, it was also the politically pragmatic thing for a confident government to do if it has that elementus regulus innovative capability of leading to the social good for all.

It is possible to regard individualism as an existential fact socially speaking through default. The reef of solipsism prevents experience of other minds directly-fortunately. Yet collective behavior, in which empathy for group consciousness is the fruition, is something of a human historical generality. Groups may define criteria by which they can determine who is likely to empathize with their group consciousness and who will pursue their own Ayn Rand kind of optimalized personal egoism.

For much of mass social behavior in a modern civilization a type B personality asserting ‘empathy’ for class goals in the absence of an ability to assert type A personal egoism is a good selection for an attitude likely to bring personal financial gain. Mass social behavior generally tends to be the more damaging form of what might cause what would be regarded as criminal damage to personal interests. That is wars, repressions, purging, exiles, confiscations and so forth tend to kill more individuals than individual crime. In the classic prisoner torture test, seven of ten ordinary people were willing to cause the pain of torture in an experiment when following orders. Seven of ten people are type B empathic asserters in many societies-they empathize most with power to advance their own self-interest.

Obviously predicting crime is a useful thing-as is predicting terrorism. However we know that crime may become epidemic in various historical periods of history far exceeding contemporary levels. The Green Gang in Shanghai, the Hell’s Kitchen crooks of early New York, some places in Nigeria or Juarez today may have crime rates beyond that of American levels-and we have the most people in the world in jails at high public cost.

It is desirable to control crime, and controlling crimes by governments and enfeofed wealthy social classes against individuals is desirable as well as preventing individuals from perpetrating crime. The difficulty is that as St. Augustine noted, human nature is totally depraved and corrupted by the criterion of existing. Some of the advantaged deceive themselves of that fact and fail to be aware that all human beings have fundamental social needs and given the opportunity to pursue their rational self-interest will do so.

Perhaps I should define the paradigm of original sin as a function of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Human beings need food energy to survive and their other drives are functions of physics. If human beings driven to cannibalism by starvation are usually moral people, it is probably an error to speculate that they perpetrated the crime of cannibalism because they had an evil will or wicked thoughts. Hunger drove them to overcome their moral empathy for others in preference of personal egoism.

Maybe some people fail to comprehend their self-interest because of some complex history, yet in a concatenated society of human corruption the wealthy are satiated sometimes by lack of privation that may continue only while the good times roll. We can discover the hard face of humanity even more so in times of poverty and adversity for an entire society. Often ruling classes become oppressors rather than liberators failing to understand the transcending nature of human nature.

Individuals pursuing their own self-interest are a fundamental way of life, while adaptive collective social behavior is phenomenal. The enemy at the gates today may tomorrow become a friend-Jesus Christ was above it all-yet look where it got him.

The N.S.A. may work on forming U.S. security yet politicians will blunder, neutralizing any technical advantage in learning where every terrorist keeps his stash of porno mags and anti-social pathological fixation on 20 virgins in extra-dimensions over the rainbow. The Mexican border will remain porous, the use of asphalt highways and fossil fuels continue along with other technologies to raise global temperature and decay the ecosystem of Earth.

Network broadcasts of raving intended to make reading the English language seem highly skilled will condition youth to a neo-Alzheimer’s kind of imitative aphasia of speech-well, we didn’t start the fire go the lyrics pianist Billy Joel sang years ago. What can be done to fix the problem of A personality apes, B personality empathize in number follow along apes and others collectivizing the world through corporations to totalize their wealth and power is hard to say. Government could develop and ecological-economic utopian full employment plan at least one would think.

So I will return to finish off the interesting book on the N.S.A. It is informative enough on how our government of well-intentioned, occasionally selfless public servants seeks to make the world a better, safer place-a politically correct place.

Empathizing with others is a good way to draw individuals into collective behavior from security to vengeance, plunder or revolution. The egoistic and self-concerned alternatively may pursue excellence and individualism and become the object of wrath of the collective masses-who can say?

Individuals of nearly psychopathic personal egoism may rise to lead corporations, communes and nations on occasion. They sometimes lead the empathizers amongst us along political channels not actually in the best interests of the masses.

One might compare Tojo or Adolph Hitler’s political leadership to that of ordinary criminals and not and find the individual criminals more democidal.

Apparently human beings should find some moderate course between personal egotism and collective values as their light in the darkness of a human nature without natural virtue. Jesus Christ is a good role model. Yet even today the social lions amongst us would tend to be raging lions seeking to devour the opportunities of the Son of God.

Mankind as individuals in number of more than 6 billion together occupies existential niches of similar challenges. The dilemma is in placing the personal ego amidst a synthetic collective of business and government organizations of individuals and pursuit of an ideal world of self-actualization. Neither course is easy-Nietzche of course choose the latter in his book ‘The Spake Zarathustra’.

We find disaster when individuals assert their ego at the top of political and business organizations in such a way as Nazis-yet human organizations generally require legions of empathizers to follow the leader to do much damage. Following Jesus Christ so far as one can adapts an individual and collective or transcending relationship with God as the collective other.

This is not a small thing. Yet it is readily possible to form a malfunctioning ecclesiastical organization as might any other human organization be a worldly expression of human nature, original sin and bad economic and ecological planning. One may take a divinely inspired idea and process it through human organization back into the mud or clay from which the Potter formed human life.

Not all human organizations are extreme of course. They all do exist as wheels within wheels of organizations existing upon this planet with members all incarnate with original sin. Sometimes these wheels and individuals are balanced and in harmony with others. They often may be on an economically unsustainable foundation and destined to run out of fuel flinging the riders into chaos as their social inertia continues.

On a finite planetary surface with finite resources the education of the population about collective, objective natural resource challenges obviously has difficulty in making its way through to all of the individuals. The wheels of the machine that spin along as Wall Street corporations of Chinese Communist elements may not have enough of a complete idea of how to apportion opportunity objectively amidst the collective concatenation of humanity in a way that conserves individual self-interest most efficiently. We find the conflict of existential social psychosis running up against personal egotism, or even led by it.

As economic challenges for a true, healthy global economy must begin with a rectification of national economy and individual security concatenated, the mass communications of wrong-headed public collective power become even more stark.

Maybe the N.S.A. should record S.E.T.I. data too for future analysis since they might have got everything else.

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